Rides a Dread Legion (Demonwar Saga Book 1)

Caleb and Marie were somewhere in that number. Over sixty bodies had been recovered and four were missing, devoured in the heat of the fire. The community at Sorcerer’s Isle had been reduced by nearly two thirds. Of the teachers, only a dozen were left, and of the students, not even twice that number.


The entire population of the island was stunned from the events of the day before, and all duties and tasks had been carried out quietly, as if most were too numb to speak. Pug and Magnus had spent the entire night sitting with Miranda while she was prepared for this morning’s funeral. Pug had let no one else carry her to the top of the hill and had placed her gently on top of the piled wood, himself.


Magnus’s face had been set in a fixed expression all night, and he and his father barely said a word.


Creegan spoke: ‘Our time on this world is short. Even for those like Miranda who lived longer than most. Some will count her life a full one, replete with achievements enough for a dozen others, yet we feel her time with us was too short.’


He fell silent for a moment then said, ‘It is not the usual duty of my Order to conduct services like this for an outsider, but Miranda was not an outsider to me. Our work together made her my sister.’ He looked at Pug and Magnus. ‘Everyone here shares in your loss, even if we can only claim a small portion of the grief you feel, Pug, Magnus. We know a great injury has been done to you, and we mourn with you. We know that it seems as if something profoundly unfair has happened.


‘We in the service of Dala believe in achieving balance, seeking the equitable outcome. The universe doesn’t always permit such insight, and the ways of the gods are manifold and difficult to comprehend. Miranda served others and put herself at risk many times; she endured hardship and privation for the sake of others. There is no higher calling in life than service such as hers and I believe she is standing before Lims-Kragma at this moment and offered a better place on the Wheel of Life. I believe our Goddess, Dala, is standing at her side singing her praises to her sister.’


He took a breath, as if fighting back emotion. ‘Caleb stands on her other side, I’m certain, with Marie, his wife, and so many others who served here at the island. They are all to be praised and they will be missed, for they were our brothers and sisters in struggle. Good men and women all, may the Goddess bless them, each and every one.’ He turned and looked up at the top of the hill, and signalled. A torchbearer began the blaze, moving around the edges of the pyre to set the kindling at the bottom alight. Quickly the flames spread and the bodies atop the wood were consumed.


Magnus spoke quietly, ‘There’s been too much fire, Father.’


Pug could only nod.


Without another word, Creegan came to stand before Pug. He took his hands, held them for a moment, nodded once, and then moved down the hill towards the remains of the villa. Others followed suit and when it was over, the remaining community of Sorcerer’s Island waited some distance away while the father and son said their goodbyes.


Time passed, then finally in a whisper, Pug said, ‘We have work to do.’


‘What first, Father?’ said Magnus. ‘I need to keep busy for a while.’


‘You will,’ said Pug, turning towards those waiting below. ‘Your mother and I discussed many things, including what to do should such a terrible day visit us.


‘We move to the castle, and we shall stay there for a while. Let those responsible for this think us in tatters and hiding. We shall send messages to all our agents around this world and the struggle shall continue.


‘We will find Belasco, Dahun, and whoever else is involved, and we will uncover who is truly behind this madness. We will also find the demon gate, and we shall close it down.’


He continued down the hill, determination in his step, and his son followed, swallowing his grief for his mother and brother. If his father could endure such a loss and press on with the work that needed to be done, Magnus was determined that he could as well. If only the pain would fade, even just a little.

Raymond E. Feist's books