Legend of Witchtrot Road

Legend of Witchtrot Road - By E.J. Stevens

Chapter 1

I heard the harsh, grinding creak of a ship’s hul straining against stormy seas just as I felt the vertiginous tilt and rol of the waves beneath me. I considered letting the motion lul me back to sleep, but one thought kept creeping in to ruin my slumber. I wasn’t on a boat.

With a jolt I tried to leap upright, but up was down and down was up, causing a searing pain to shoot through my shoulder as I dangled from the car safety belt. I needed to get a look around, but turning my head didn’t seem like an easy option. My neck was stiff, like the time I fel asleep with wet hair, and my head was pounding a rhythm that matched the vampire bats gnawing in my stomach. Come on Yuki, you can do this.

Reaching up to grab the safety belt, I steadied myself and drew in a deep shuddering breath. It did nothing to calm my racing heartbeat, but the pain in my head momentarily lessened. Forcing my eyes to stay open, I turned them to my right and flinched. A ghostly pale face stared back at me and it took a moment for my sluggish brain to realize that the spectral form was only my reflection. I examined the sickly face suspended in the darkness and knew one thing for sure. I looked like hel .

For a moment I closed my eyes and gathered another steadying breath, remembering to breathe in the way I’d been taught during the numerous yoga classes that Cal had dragged me to over the years. Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery of why I was hanging upside down from a car safety belt, I pul ed my eyes to the left. A golden amorphous shape hung glowing beside me and I jumped when it moaned.

“Emma?” I asked. My voice was dry and raspy and started a series of painful coughs that nearly made me pass out again.

Emma didn’t answer me, but with a rush of memory I knew that it was my friend beside me. Emma’s blond hair cascaded past her face to dangle above the glowing instrument panel. Pale skin, golden hair, and white blouse sleeve were marred only by a dark stream that trickled from her scalp along her arm to drip slowly, tap tap tap, off her fingers onto the windshield.

How did this happen? It had to be the curse. I clenched my fist in frustration as my eyes fil ed with tears.

We had known better. Emma with her research and me with my psychic gift to sense the dead; we knew the risks of messing with the curse, but that hadn’t stopped us. Our curiosity had won out over common sense and now we were paying the price. Son of a dung beetle. I just hoped we survived long enough to benefit from the lesson learned. Never mess with a curse and never, ever travel on Witchtrot Road after dark.


We never would have ventured onto Witchtrot Road if it hadn’t been for Dylan Jacobs. Dylan was a sophomore at Wakefield High, and though I didn’t know him very wel , I felt sad at the loss of someone so young. I also found his ghost difficult to ignore.

The announcement came a week earlier in homeroom.

The screeching of desks on linoleum tile and the buzz of giggling and whispers stil ed as the principal stated that a Wakefield High student had died in a tragic motorcycle accident. For a moment I wondered at the grisly details.

Maine winters were real y not conducive to motorcycling.

Had he slid on icy roads? Did he drive his bike off a bridge, plummeting into the frigid waters below?

With a shudder, I tried to shake off my morbid thoughts. I may have a major bridge phobia, but it didn’t mean every traffic accident had to include one.

“…counselors available…,” the school principal’s voice droned on over the intercom.

“Too bad they don’t offer counseling for smel ing the dead,” I muttered.

Students were already getting restless, shuffling feet and papers, as the announcement ended. I didn’t think anyone heard me, but a hand settled on my shoulder as Cal leaned in close.

“Do you smel him already?” Cal asked. “Is Dylan here?”

Of course Cal would hear my muttering with his super sensitive wolf hearing. It was easy to forget he was more than just my gorgeous boyfriend. Cal had recently discovered that he was descended from the Old Blood. He carried the spirit of a great silver wolf and could shift into wolf form. But even among his pack, Cal was special.

More special than being a studly werewolf? Yes, even among the werewolves Cal was different. He was the pack alpha, and with that role came the weight of responsibility.

After our recent troubles with a psycho, werewolf hating murderer, Cal was taking his role as pack alpha more and more seriously. There were changes that needed to be made to protect the pack. This was made especial y clear when a young member of the pack was kidnapped just before Hal oween. When we tried to find Sam, and warn others of potential danger, we discovered that prior pack alphas had been keeping member identities a secret. The practice stemmed from a combination of paranoia and greed and had made contacting pack members nearly impossible.

Now Cal, with the help of our friends Emma and Simon, was creating a central database so the pack could be notified in the event of any emergency. We had al been spending a lot of time together at the cabin lately working on the project. Cal was determined to keep his pack safe.

Simon, who was also a werewolf and a major pain in my behind, was taking his new role as Cal’s second-in-command seriously as wel . We had al worked straight through the night, which was why I was nursing my second double-shot latte of the morning.

“No worries, the only thing I can smel is yummy caffeine goodness,” I answered with a smile.

Cal leaned in closer and nipped my ear once, sending shivers down my spine and heat to my face.

“You are a very bad boy Calvin Mil er,” I said huskily.

“Just keeping you awake,” Cal said with an impish grin.

He may have the face of an angel, but that didn’t mean he always acted like one. I was starting to wonder how much of Cal’s increasing wild streak was caused by his wolf spirit and how much was just teen rebel ion against massive responsibility. I was hoping it was the latter.

We al knew what a whopping dose of wild wolf could equate to. Simon was the poster child for “wolf crazy” and his wild side made him only one step away from a gigolo, but then again, maybe that was just Simon. I couldn’t picture Cal strutting around the room and flirting with anything that moved. No, Cal had always been a deep thinker who only acted after giving something a great deal of serious thought. He was calm and reserved. Wel , except for these recent displays of affection and thril seeking behavior. Who knows? Maybe it had something to do with me. It’s not like I was the most normal girlfriend in the world. Not by a long shot.

Chairs scraped back as the bel rang.

“Saved by the bel ,” Cal teased. Looking down at me through his shaggy, brown bangs with shining blue eyes, he winked.

“Brat,” I said, reaching up on tiptoe to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “See you at lunch.”

“Stay safe,” he said. “Text me if Dylan’s ghost starts bothering you.”

“Right, ‘cause you’l show him who’s boss,” I laughed.

“No, I’m just wondering what smel he’l have,” Cal said lightly.

It was meant as a joke. Cal always knew how to cheer me up, even when what I needed was just for him to say something sil y so I’d stop worrying. That’s the funny thing about soul mates and best friends. They always know the right thing to say.


I barely made it down the hal before I learned the answer to Cal’s question, but I had to wait until lunch to tel anyone. Sitting through al of my morning classes while smel ing motor oil had ruined my appetite, but I raced through the crowded hal to the cafeteria. I couldn’t wait to share the news with Emma and Cal.

When I first realized that the weird smel s that fol owed me around were the psychic smel impressions of dead people, I wasn’t too thril ed. Who wants the ability to smel the dead? I guess, in a bizarre twist of fate, I do. Smel ing the dead wouldn’t make me rich, or cool, or help me get into col ege, but it was a gift that I was beginning to appreciate.

I may not love being bombarded by smel impressions, especial y when they were unpleasant… not everyone came back smelling like roses, but I took my new responsibility seriously. It felt good to be helping spirits of the dead find peace. I could be their light in the darkness.

With the help of my friends, I had solved a few mysteries that helped spirits find their way into the light and I planned to lead many more. The image of glowing spirits of the dead returning to their families on the Day of the Dead was seared into my memory. It was the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen and I wanted to be a part of that, which was why I was so excited to smel the strong odor of motor oil.

Too bad it didn’t mix wel with the smel of greasy tater tots. Pul ing my purple and black skel y scarf from my bag, I wound it around my mouth and nose. I may look like a freak, wel …more so than usual, but the smel was now less nausea inducing so the scarf was there to stay. It may have lessened the food smel s, but the scarf didn’t do anything to dampen the multitude of conversations.

Stomping through the crowd in my new purple, vegan boots, a Christmas gift from Emma who “was sick of gagging at my dead cow footwear,” I caught pieces of conversation.

“…friend heard he hit pole number thirteen,” pseudo whispered a blond girl who was expertly tossing her silky hair to show off her tanned, bare shoulder. In January.

“…probably suicide,” a dark haired guy said as he stuffed his mouth with tater tots. “They say he wasn’t wearing a helmet.”

“I bet it was the curse,” gushed a redheaded girl.

I stopped so fast that my boots squeaked against the floor. At second glance, I recognized the red haired girl from the library. She was a bit overly cheerful, I think her face might break if she ever stopped smiling, but I needed to know more about this supposed curse.

“Hey, um, can I sit here for a sec?” I asked.

I smiled, but realized belatedly that my scarf covered most of my face. Fortunately for me, librarian girl didn’t seem to notice.

“Sure!” she said, smiling. “You’re Yuki, right? Did you have any luck with your Hal oween report?” Oh right. Librarian girl had helped me find research materials that ultimately led to my discovery of Nera’s amulet and the capture of the werewolf kil er. I winced, feeling a sudden pang of guilt. Since she had helped to save my life and the lives of the pack, I real y should know her name.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I’m terrible with names, but your assistance at the library total y saved me. Thanks.”

“Yay!” she squealed. “Always glad to help! My name’s Katie.”

“Katie, um, maybe you could help me again,” I said.

“Have you heard anything about a curse?”

“Oh my God, you mean the curse that kil ed Dylan?” Katie asked, eyes wide.

“Yeah, I heard something about it, but I don’t know the details,” I said.

I wasn’t sure if it was the mention of Dylan’s name, or a clue that I was on the right track, but the smel of motor oil became stronger.

“He drove on Witchtrot Road, AT NIGHT, and they say he was covered in toads when the paramedics arrived,” Katie said.

She said the last like it should mean something, so I nodded my head. I was actual y glad for a chance to look away. Her eyes were now open so wide that it was making mine burn just looking at them.

“So this Witchtrot Road is cursed?” I asked. “By toads?”

Toads? Okay that was weird, even for me.

“No, sil y!” Katie laughed. “You are such a joker.

Witchtrot Road is HAUNTED and the ghost curses everyone who travels the road at night.”

“And the toads?” I asked.

“Wel , they say that when the ghost was alive, there were toads around his house and this was used as evidence that he was a witch,” she said.

“A witch?” I asked.

I was getting a bad feeling about this. I had stolen a magic amulet from a witch in Salem this past Hal oween, and though it had al owed me to survive the spirits unleashed on Samhain I stil felt guilty about it…and a little scared. I may not fol ow every rule, but not messing with witches seemed like a smart guideline to fol ow.

“Yeah, he was accused of being a witch and so they came and took him from his home here in Wakefield and marched him back to Salem to stand trial,” Katie said.

“Salem?” I asked.

Could this get any worse? I didn’t want any more connections to Salem or witches.

“You know, the Salem Witch Trials?” Katie asked. For a moment she looked at me like I was crazy, but when I nodded that I knew what the Salem Witch Trials were, she continued on. “When they came to take this guy away he offered to show them a shortcut through the woods. During the night a storm came out of nowhere and the thunder and lightning scared the horses of the constables. They claimed the man cal ed upon the devil to create the unnatural storm, and used it as further evidence of witchcraft. The road where this happened is now cal ed Witchtrot Road.”

“What happened when they reached Salem?” I asked.

“He was found guilty and hanged,” Katie said. “His ghost has haunted Witchtrot Road and cursed travelers ever since.”


My head was pounding with a smel impression induced headache and I had missed my lunch break with Emma and Cal. On my way to class, I texted each of them apologizing for missing lunch and promised to make it up to them after school. Looks like I’ll be treating for burritos at Mr. Green Genes again.

“Hey, Witch!” Jay Freeman yel ed.

I knew he meant me. “Witch” was the nasty nickname that the J-team, Jay Freeman and Jared Zempter, had given me freshman year after they blamed me for Jared fal ing on his face in gym class. They claimed I had put a spel on him and that I cast this hex using my evil eye pendant. That’s what an al black wardrobe and some cool bling wil get you from the J-team. They don’t like anyone who’s a nonconformist, though neither of them could spel the word. Unfortunately, being bright wasn’t a prerequisite for cruelty. Jay and Jared went out of their way to make certain students’ lives miserable. I was one of the unlucky ones.

Ugh. This was real y not helping my headache, which was starting to feel like demons were trying to claw their way out of my head…through my eyes.

“What now?” I asked, rol ing my eyes and immediately wishing that I hadn’t. I had to dig my fingernails into my palm to keep from whimpering. Never show any signs of weakness in front of the J-Team. Not if you want to survive high school.

“What now?” Jay asked sarcastical y. “What do you think, Freakazoid? Students are dying, that’s what’s what.”

“Yeah, I heard,” I said, staring him in the eye. It was a difficult thing to achieve, since Jay was like six feet tal and I was barely five-one, even with my awesome purple boots on, but I was determined not to back down from a thug like Jay. “In fact, the entire school heard when principal Anderson made the announcement this morning. What does it have to do with me?”

I was losing patience and having to hold my breath, since Jay had leant in threateningly and was now close enough that I could smel the tuna sandwich he had for lunch. So gross.

“Like you don’t know,” he snarled.

“Actual y, I have no idea,” I said. “We’re done here. I have to get to class”

I started walking toward class, but Jared, the other half of the J-team, blocked my path. I should have known that Jay wouldn’t have threatened me without back-up.

“You’re not going anywhere, Witch,” Jared said, grabbing the strap of my backpack.

This was bad. Really, really bad. While Jay and I had talked, the hal way had cleared of other students. Everyone else had gone to class.

Al except for Cal, who stepped confidently out of the shadows like a knight in shining armor.

“Yes, she is,” said Cal.

Cal looked calm and unthreatening with his hands hanging loosely at his sides, but I knew him wel enough to know that he was at his most dangerous. Well, for his human form anyway. Cal may have looked relaxed, but he was actual y coiled to spring in any direction with supernatural speed and strength.

Jay and Jared smirked, seeing only a new victim to torment. They didn’t know that Cal was in incredible shape and had the advantage of his werewolf abilities. He was also real y ticked off. Not good.

Jared pul ed me closer and Jay sneered, taking one step closer to Cal.

“Wel , wel , if it isn’t the witch-loving hippie,” Jay said.

“Let her go,” Cal growled.

He was staring at Jared, who stil held the strap of my backpack in his vice grip. Cal’s wolf must have shown in his eyes because Jared trembled behind me. Jay wasn’t as perceptive.

“Why should we do that?” Jay taunted. “What are you gonna do about it? Spray us with patchouli or chant some heathen prayer?”

Jay smirked and puffed out his chest. I saw the wild beast stalking him behind Cal’s eyes, but apparently Jay was clueless. He stil seemed to think that they were winning. I would have felt bad for him if he wasn’t such a jerk.

Cal may have had the upper hand, but I was worried about him nonetheless. He had gained an amazing amount of control over his wolf spirit in just a few short months, but that didn’t mean that he had mastered it completely. If Cal became too enraged, his wolf spirit could take over and he would transform. Cal could risk exposing his secret and jeopardizing the pack’s safety. All to protect me.

I wasn’t about to let that happen. I had been the one to accidental y cal Cal’s wolf spirit during the homecoming dance a few months ago and I stil hadn’t total y forgiven myself. Cal had begun to transform and it was only with the help of our friend Emma that we managed to escape the school grounds without anyone discovering his secret.

Unfortunately, not everyone made it through the experience unscathed. Cal had shifted completely into his wolf form while stil inside Emma’s car. When we tried to get him out of the car and into his parents’ cabin, he broke his foreleg, or rather his arm. That was when we learned about Emma’s mad healing skil s and Simon’s surprising loyalty to Cal. If it hadn’t been for Emma and Simon, I’m not sure if Cal and I would have survived that night.

We had al been spending a bit too much time together lately, but I never wished for Emma and Simon’s company as much as I did right at that moment. Cal may be able to save me from these bul ies, but I could never live with myself if he risked everything while doing so.

Looking directly at Cal, I cal ed out to him, but he was focused intently on Jared. In particular, he was glaring at the hand that stil gripped my backpack. I don’t think Jared even realized that he was stil holding onto it.

“Cal, it’s okay,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm and soothing. “Jared, let go of my bag. Or else.” Okay, I won’t get cool points for that last comment, but I couldn’t think of anything more profound to say. So sue me.

“Don’t do it, Jared,” Jay ordered. “This witch kil ed Dylan and she could be coming after us next.” Cal started to lunge forward, but I shook my head for him to stop. He froze about a foot away from Jay. That was close. Too close.

“Why would you guys think I had anything to do with Dylan’s death?” I asked. “And why would I come after you next?”

I could think of a few reasons for going after the J-team if I were inclined to violence, which I’m not, but I didn’t share that info. Not the right place, sure as heck not the right time.

“We al know that you’re an evil witch,” Jay scoffed.

“Plus, you’re a freak who hates footbal players and everyone knows that Dylan was on the team with us the past four years. So you used the curse and your witch powers to kil Dylan and you’re planning on coming for the rest of the team next. Wel , we’re not going to let that happen. Are we, Jared?”

“Uh, Jay, maybe she didn’t do it,” Jared said. He was trembling and his eyes hadn’t left Cal’s face.

“Of course she did it!” Jay yel ed. “If you don’t get that witch out of our school now, you’l regret it.” I wasn’t sure if he was talking to Jared or Cal, until Jared started dragging me toward the fire exit. Oh no. I may not like high school, in fact I loathed the place, but I was not being tossed out the back door like a bag of trash.

No bul ies were going to force me to leave school. Ever.

“Help!” I yel ed at the top of my lungs.

Taking advantage of the Yuki-scream-startle-factor, I jumped up, hitting him under the chin with the top of my head, and stomped down on the top of Jared’s foot. The pain that shot through my head was nearly enough to blind me, but it could wait in line. I was already battling a major migraine and I wasn’t going to faint like a wimp. Not today.

I was way too mad for that to happen.

As soon as I screamed, Cal shot into action. With a blur of movement he crouched low and foot swept Jay, who landed in a heap. Jared was reaching for his injured foot as Cal lunged for him, forcing Jared to put his arms up to protect his face. At the very last second, Cal spun to the left and came up behind Jared with an arm around his neck.

“Cal off your friend,” Cal ordered calmly. “Tel him to walk away, now, or I’m pressing send. I’ve already dialed the principal’s office. Attacking a student, a girl, is a serious offense. Are you wil ing to risk possible expulsion and getting tossed off every sports team?” I don’t think Jay and Jared cared much about a possible suspension or expulsion, but getting kicked off the team? Oh yeah, that got their attention.

“Okay, man, we’re going,” Jared said. “Right, Jay?”

“Right,” Jay muttered.

Jay was on his hands and knees and had to reach for the trash can to raise himself up. Jared ran to his side as soon as Cal released his arm from around his neck. With one frightened look back at Cal, perhaps wondering if he’d cal the principal anyway, Jared put his arm around Jay’s shoulders and led him down the hal .

Cal gently put his arms around me and pul ed me to him. Sliding his fingers down my cheek, he lifted my chin and stared into my eyes.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“You’re amazing,” I said, gazing with wonder into his concern-fil ed, crystal blue eyes. “You moved so fast that I could barely see you and yet you were so control ed that you didn’t even leave a mark.”

“That was the idea,” Cal said, his lips breaking into a lopsided grin. “No cuts or bruises means no evidence, and no evidence means…”

“No crime,” I said, smiling. “Like I said, you are amazing.”

“Anything for my Dung Beetle Princess,” he said. “You sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, nothing hurt except my pride,” I said. I didn’t mention the bruised lump starting form at the top of my head. “I can’t believe that they thought I kil ed Dylan and have it in for the footbal team.”

“You don’t have it in for the footbal team?” Cal teased.

“Wel , I can’t stand most of them, especial y the team’s star players Jay and Jared, but it’s not like I’d go so far as to kil them al ,” I said. “Though their recent behavior is starting to sway me to the dark side.”

I reached up to touch my head and winced. Ouch.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Cal asked. His eyes and fingers traced my face and I’m sure he saw my pained expression as I touched my head. “I can walk you to the nurse’s office.”

“Actual y, I’l take you up on that gal ant offer,” I said. “I started to get a serious migraine just before the, um, attack. I could use some aspirin.”

“Dylan’s ghost?” Cal asked, raising one eyebrow questioningly.

“I think so,” I said. “I’m like ninety-nine percent sure, but I’d like to ask around and get to know more about him.” We were walking hand in hand down the hal and were nearly at the nurse’s office.

“Yuki?” Cal asked. “Promise me you won’t go asking any of the footbal players about him? At least not until after school when I can go with you.”

I was impatient to get to the bottom of the mystery of Dylan’s murder, but Cal was right. It wasn’t safe to go sniffing around the footbal team. Ewww… that conjured up a nasty image, complete with sweaty gym socks.

“Sure,” I said. “Meet me by my locker after school?”

“Wild werewolves couldn’t keep me away,” Cal said, leaning down for a kiss.

E.J. Stevens's books