The Rule of Thoughts (The Mortality Doctrine #2)

“Don’t worry, I already got them.” Michael followed Gerard through a heavily reinforced door that stood ajar. “They were in a separate wing. They’re already in the car, waiting with my wife. You’ll be with them in two minutes. Now pick up the pace.”

Gerard broke into a jog, and Michael followed suit. Sarah’s parents, alive and well. Michael and his friends, being freed. Slowly it was all starting to hit him. He felt a surge of elation that he could barely suppress.

They went through another security door and entered the lobby of the prison—the place was completely empty, not a cop or anyone else in sight.

“How?” Michael asked, running to keep up with Gerard as they headed for the sunshine that waited outside.

Gerard stopped, then turned to face Michael, his breathing heavy. “A group of people rescued me and my wife. Then arranged all this.” He held his hands up, looking around. “They said something about being Tangents—that they used to be Tangents—which I just don’t get. But you think I cared? We’re safe and back with our daughter.”

He started to turn away, but Michael grabbed him by the shoulder, suddenly filled with alarm. “Tangents?” he asked. “You’re sure they said that?”

Gerard nodded. “Yeah, led by some woman. Said her name was Helga.” He grabbed Michael and pulled him through the door, into the open air and the blazing sun. Michael followed Sarah’s dad, running after him toward a car waiting on the street, its engines rumbling, a spark of hope burning in his chest.

Thank you, readers. Every day it hits me a little more just how fantastic you are, all of you. Thank you, dude or lady who invented the Internet, for making that possible.

Thank you, educators, librarians, booksellers, and everyone else who pushes these books on poor, unsuspecting folks looking for a new read.

Thank you, Krista Marino, my patient, thorough, brilliant editor.

Thank you, Michael Bourret, Best Agent Ever.

Thank you, Lauren Abramo, Best International Agent Ever.

Thank you, Random House, for throwing so much incredible support my way. And for making me feel part of the family.

Thank you, Lynette, for sticking by my side. You are Everything.

Thank you, Wesley, Bryson, Kayla, and Dallin, for making Daddyhood such awesomeness.

Thank you, Mom, for raising me right and encouraging my creativity.

And this may be a strange place to do it, but …

Thank you, Twentieth Century Fox, Gotham Group, Wes Ball, Wyck Godfrey, T. S. Nowlin, and all the cast and crew for what you’ve done with the Maze Runner movie. Not only have you captured my vision perfectly, you’ve brought me many new readers, and for that I’m supremely grateful.

And again, even though twice isn’t nearly enough: Thank you, readers. Thank you very much.

James Dashner was born and raised in Georgia but lives and writes in the Rocky Mountains. He is the author of the New York Times bestselling Maze Runner series: The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, The Death Cure, and The Kill Order. The Rule of Thoughts is the second book in the Mortality Doctrine series. Look for the first book, The Eye of Minds, available from Delacorte Press. To learn more about James and his books, visit, follow @jamesdashner on Twitter, and find him on Instagram at dashnerjames.