The Impossibility of Us

Victoria Marini, I can’t imagine doing this publication thing without you. Your guidance, expertise, and humor are invaluable. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything.

Arvin Ahmadi, Rania, and Silanur, thank you for imparting your knowledge of Islam on this story, and me. Your thoughtful feedback and generously shared personal experiences have made Mati, Rasoul, and Hala stronger and more complex characters. Khalid Ahmad, thank you so much for your assistance with the Pashto translations in this book. Any inaccuracies in story or text are mine alone.

Alison Miller, Temre Beltz, Riley Edgewood, and Elodie Nowodazkij, you are far and away the best critique partners a girl could ask for. Your combined intelligence, compassion, and generosity are awe-inspiring. I am a better writer thanks to the four of you. Additional thanks to Rachel Simon, Jaime Morrow, and Lola Sharp for the beta reads. Your early enthusiasm was exactly the encouragement I needed.

Tracey Neithercott, Karole Cozzo, Mandie Baxter, Liz Parker, Christina June, Jessica Love, Christa Desir, Sara Biren, and Erin Bowman, thank you for the reassurances, the much needed moments of commiseration, and the celebrations. How lucky I am to have you all in my life. And to the many 2017 Debuts who’ve become wonderful friends, thank you for sharing this journey with me.

Mom and Dad, thank you for your boundless support and infinite love, and for hand-selling my books to your friends. Mike and Zach, while you might not be fans of young adult romance, I know you’re fans of me and really, isn’t that all that matters? ?

Bev and Phil, thank you for making me feel like part of the family from day one. Andy, Danielle, Grant, Reid, Caroline, Sam, Kacie, Grandpa, Michele, Gabe, Teddy, and Thomas, your continued cheerleading means the world to me.

Claire, you inspire me every day. I look forward to putting this book in your hands; I hope you love it as much as the Judy Blume novels you’re constantly devouring. Lizzie, you are a source of endless smiles, and I’m eternally grateful for your presence in our lives. Girls, you bring me indescribable joy. Love you forever.

Matt, this book wouldn’t exist without you. Thank you for the nudge, and for your help with the story’s mentions of the military and Afghanistan. Your genuine excitement over my successes, both big and small, make me feel unstoppable, and very loved. You are an amazing friend, father, and husband, and you are still my happily ever after.

Katy Upperman's books