The Death of Dulgath (Riyria #3)

The doctor nodded—at Daniel! “Yes, everything’s fine now. Thank you, Officers.”

The police appeared blessedly oblivious. “This guy is some piece of work. He attacked Kai Ripsen, can you believe it? What’d he want with you, anyway?”

The doctor indicated the girl on the counter. “This is his daughter. Wanted me to save her, but she was already dead when he came in.”

The officer nodded. “You want me to send someone for her body?”

“No need. I’ll fill out the death certificate and call the coroner. You’ve already done more than enough. Thank you again. I’d hate to think what would have happened if you didn’t arrive when you did.”

The officer smiled. “All in a day’s work.” He turned to his partner: “I’ll take his arm; you get the rest.” He picked up the gun and Daniel’s severed arm. “Come by the station later, we’ll need you to sign a statement.” The officer waved goodbye with the arm. The other Tased Daniel a second time and stooped to lift him under the armpits, dragging him across the floor.

Daniel struggled to stay conscious. He wanted to see Estrella for as long as he could.

As he was dragged from the clinic, he watched the doctor take the syringe from his coat pocket and inject Methuselah into Estrella’s wrist.

Michael J. Sullivan's books