Savor Me

“You know all my dirty secrets. Tell me yours.” I place a kiss on his cheek and squeeze him tight. I want him to tell me. I know the story, but I want to know if Mason trusts me enough to tell me.

“I know Hunter already told you,” he says, leaning down to kiss me on the forehead.

“I…I…” I stutter like I’ve been caught in a lie.

“It’s okay, Lace. Hunter has a big mouth, and he’s always trying to protect me. When did he tell you though? Judging by the way you looked at me that first night, I’m assuming it was before you even met me.”

“What?! No! He told me at the show. And what do you mean about the way I looked at you that first night?”

“You looked at me like you felt sorry for me. I figured you already knew.”

Oh shit! How do I even answer that? I have a feeling ‘No, Mason, I have this unexplainable draw to you’ won’t go over very well. And at the very least, it will make me look like a clinger. So I answer like a bitch instead.

“No, Mason. I wasn’t looking at you because I feel sorry for you. What Hunter told me sucks, but really? It isn’t even the saddest story I’ve heard this week.”

A look of relief passes through his eyes. I don’t even have time to recognize that look before his hand dives between my legs and wide smile creeps across his face.

“Remember when I told you I believed you about your sister’s douchebag fiancé?” Using his thumb, he finds exactly the right spot. “Well your words just returned the favor.” I still as I process his statement. Mason doesn’t want pity, and in one bitchy statement, I gave him that.


“Shhhh… Be quiet.” He peeks over my shoulder at a sleeping Hunter then back to my eyes. “Don’t wake him up.” It’s not a plea. It’s a demand. I offer him a quick nod. I want this with him, just him.

With one hand, Mason silently works me toward the edge. His eyes never leave mine except for the moments when he glances down to my lips. He never kisses me, but I have no doubt he wants to. And that is enough for me.

I come on a whisper. Kisses rain over my face as I sleepily snuggle in close to his side.

“Promise you won’t leave,” I say on a sigh.

“This won’t work out, but I promise I won’t leave you, Lace. Ever.” His words lull me into a comfortable and secure sleep. Those are rare at best.

AS THE WEEKS PASS, Hunter, Mason, and I fall into a routine. We see each other about five nights a week, but always together. With the exception of spending time with Hunter while Mason rides and my nightly talks with Mason after Hunter falls asleep, it's always the three of us. When we are in public, Mason keeps his distance while Hunter claims me for the whole town to see. He's always touching and kissing me. As far as everyone else is concerned, Hunter and I are dating, but I know better, so it doesn't bother me. It's not a relationship, and the fact that Mason is involved every step of the way guarantees that. It's the perfect arrangement.

"So here’s the deal. I don't want y'all fucking other women," I randomly announce one Friday night. I say randomly, but it’s really only random to them. I’ve given this a lot of thought. Thanks to a fantastic nightmare where I stood alone watching Hunter and Mason move on without me, I decided to broach the topic with them. Neither one of them has shown any interest in other women since we first hooked up, but I’d rather be safe than…alone.

"Okay," Hunter immediately agrees while Mason curls his lip in disgust and firmly answers, "No."

Hunter looks over at him. "What the hell do you mean, no?"

"I mean, hell-fucking-no. She isn't going to dictate who I can and can't sleep with."

"Are you planning to sleep with someone else? Before Lacey, you were in a hell of a dry spell. I'm sure she’ll still let you jerk off if that’s what you’re worried about." Hunter lets his true asshole fly for the first time since that first morning in the barn.

"Fuck you. I'm not getting into some fucked-up ménage with you two. I date women and occasionally fuck them with you. That doesn't mean I want a boyfriend."

"Whoa, I never said anything about being in a relationship—with each other or with me. I just mean that if we are going to do this on the regular, I think we should only do it with each other.”

"Fine. If Mason isn't down with that, he can leave. It can just be the two of us, sugar."

"For the love of God, stop calling me sugar, and no. It's both of you or nothing. Otherwise, it really is a relationship. I'm pretty sure we can all agree we are not interested in any sort of relationship. I'm greedy as hell, and I want both of you...for now.”

"Okay, I'm in," Hunter answers quickly again.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Mason snaps in his direction again.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Hunter yells back at him. "She's sexy as hell, she isn't begging me for a commitment, and if the way she sucks my dick wasn't enough of a reason for me to stay, her tight ass would be. So yes, I'm absolutely in."