Hitched (Hitched #1)

We have an awesome marketing and publicity team that we wish we could send chocolate and wine to on a daily basis. Anne Chaconas (Mistress BAM) of Badass Marketing is our spirit animal, and she can read our mind in ways that are terrifyingly accurate. Ally Bishop of BAM, and editor extraordinaire of Upgrade Your Story, helps make all our books the best they can be and puts up with our terrifying schedules and general insanity. She also comes to our rescue with emergency Skype calls when we just. CANNOT. Anymore. You're the best!

A huge thanks to our beta team. Cindyk, Nicole, Gemma, Amanda, Beth, Michelle, Tracy, Patti and Amy—you ladies are awesomeness in a bottle. We love you hard!

A special thanks to fellow author Alexia Purdy for her help in researching Las Vegas and answering all our random questions about daily life in a city we've only visited as tourists.

Finally, a huge thanks to the KK Naughty Club and all the bloggers who have read, reviewed and helped promote this book during launch! We adore you all in all your naughtiness.