Blaze (Storm MC #2.5)

To my #STORMCHASERS - again, you ladies ROCK! You ladies (and Scott!) are my book family and I owe so much to you. The support and encouragement you ladies offer is out of this world and there are not enough words to properly thank you.

Melanie Sassymum - you blow me away, lady! You are one of the most selfless, kind, caring and giving people I have ever met. You do so much for authors all over the world and I am one of the luckiest because I get to call you friend too. You really do go above and beyond. I will never be able to thank you enough. Can’t wait to get on the dance floor with you chick, and celebrate our friendship!

Elle Raven - FARK!! I feel ya! I’m not sure if I’ve ever met someone and bonded instantly like I did with you. You are fucking crazy, awesome, hilarious and sweet heavens above, I can’t wait to hang out with you again! Thank you for all your support and your friendship.

Jani Kay - my soul sister - I don’t even know where to start... I feel like I’ve known you forever. And I can’t imagine a life without you in it now. Thank goodness for Skype and Facebook, huh?! Thank you for helping me find my way in this book world, and for all your faith in me and support of me. I am SO looking forward to the shit we’re going to get up to ;)

Louisa - love you, girl!!! Thank you for your belief in me and for making me kick ass covers! You give so much - one day I’ll get you back! And you can give me that stern look all you like; I won’t be paying any attention to it ;)

Nadine - thank you for still loving me after I shocked you. You are an amazing friend! I actually can’t believe that we’ve never met in person because it feels like we have. Thank you for all your support and love xx

Bloggers - you ladies are a special kind of awesome!! Thank you for sharing my books, news, teasers etc. I owe so very much to you all. xx

Lilliana Anderson, Lili St Germain, Rachel Brookes - you ladies are awesome!! Thank you so very much for sharing my stuff all the time and for offering me support like no other xx

Eliahn - k bae - LOVE YOU chick!! One day I will write a book for you to read, my darling.

Kathleen - When the fuck are you taking me out for that drink, woman?? OH wait, I’M taking you out! smacks head I owe you so very much. You love me unconditionally and I’d be lost without you, dude. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! And don’t be mad at me for not thanking you first! You know you’re my #1

To the rest of my family - thank you for listening to me rave on and on and on and on and on about books ;) I love you all xx