Highlander's Touch: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 3)

Highlander's Touch: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 3)

Joanne Wadsworth

The Fae Village – The Legend

In the ninth century, the faerie king’s youngest son visited a village along the shores of Loch Alsh and fell in love with the chief’s daughter. The two wed and together created a half-blooded line born with the skills of the fae, a loyal line known as clan Matheson, a line guarded by the immortal fae princess, Cherub.

Fiona MacKenzie

The Chief of MacKenzie’s stronghold, Loch Alsh, Scotland, December 1209.

Fiona walked alongside the shoreline toward a great cloud of dust pluming from her clan’s warriors where they trained on the flat expanse of dirt near the stables. She searched amongst the hundred or so half-naked warriors wielding claymores as they fought in a battle of strength against one another. In the center of the training men, Coll, their chief’s eldest son, swung his mighty two-handed sword and his opponent lunged forward and met his attack. Steel ricocheted loud against steel and Coll’s biceps bulged as he held his position then heaved forward.

Such immense strength. His golden skin, all hot and sweaty, gleamed under the midday sun and the tight bands of corded muscle across his belly rippled with potent power. His kilt rode low on his hips and with each swing of his blade, the tartan whooshed above his knees and gave a mouthwatering glimpse of his toned thighs. Oh my. Her knees weakened and butterflies fluttered senselessly about in her belly, just as they always did when she caught sight of him in training.

“Did ye see that?” Next to the well, a serving maid nudged the arm of another maid beside her, the two wenches ogling Coll so very openly.

“Och, he’s a brawny one.” The first maid giggled from behind her fingers. “He can flip my skirts whenever he so wishes.”

Ugh. No more could she listen to those two floozies, and best she move on herself. Around the training yard, she strolled with her herb basket swinging in her hand. She had supplies to collect for their healer and with the skies clear and the wind fresh, there wasn’t a more perfect day to venture out into the woods.

“This fight is done.” Coll slashed and sent his opponent’s sword flying.

Right at her.

Nay! She slammed to the ground, the gleaming blade whooshing over her head a mere hair’s breadth away. Heart heaving and her fingers digging into the dirt, she gulped air.

“Fiona!” Coll bounded toward her, skidded in on his knees, dust scattering across her skirts. He patted her down, from her head to her shoulders then along her arms. With his hands on her hips, his fingers pinching in tight, he shook her. “What the hell were you doing walking so close to the training yard? You could have been hurt.”

“I’m sorry.” Shaking, terribly, she grasped his shoulders and tried to find her legs but got nowhere. “Please, help me up.”

“I’ve got you.” He stood in one fluid move, caught her hands and aided her to her feet.

“I’m still in one piece, and that’s all that matters.” She swayed, his broad chest smattered with dark hair so immensely close. “You—I—” She yanked her gaze up to his. “I mean, I should have been watching my step. I didnae mean to get so close to the fighting.”

“Well, you did, and it’ll never happen again. Am I understood?”

“Of course, understood.”

“I mean it.” Dark shadows circled his eyes, made all the darker by the fierce worry in his brown eyes.

“Are you no’ getting enough rest again?”

“’Tis difficult to sleep under my father’s roof when he angers me so. His fighting with clan Matheson must cease, but since there is naught I can do to change his mind at present, I’ve decided to leave for Carron Castle on the morrow rather than remain here for another week.”

“You’re leaving already?”

“My visit was only meant to be a short one. Carron is where I now call home.”

“It’s been three months since your last stay. Is Duncan leaving as well?” Duncan, his twin, held his own stronghold not far from Coll’s along the shores of Loch Carron, and the two brothers were immensely tight. She searched the training yard and spied Duncan battling with his opponent. Although not identical, the two men were so close in looks that the odd man within their clan still mistook them. Never her. She’d always been able to tell the two apart.

“Aye, and Kyla too. She’ll stay with me at Carron, and I’ve no doubt enjoy the respite from my father’s heavy hand while she does. I intended on asking you to come as well. Kyla would enjoy your company.”