Highlander's Touch: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 3)

Lifting the eldest pup up, he’d touched his nose to the pup’s nose and got a sloppy lick across his chin in thanks. “This one shall be named Beast, ’cause he’s a beast of a licker.”

“That’s a good, strong name for a dog.” Jiggling, she’d lifted her own pup with its white-tipped tail flicking from side to side, higher. “I’m calling this one Buster.” She’d grinned at him, so damn adoringly, her smile near melting his heart.

“Beast and Buster.” He’d wanted to kiss her cheek right back, and had barely restrained.

“They’ll be our dogs.”

“Aye, always ours.”

“Coll?” Kyla squeezed his shoulder and stirred him from his memories. “Do you still wish to speak this night? If you need to catch up with Beast and Buster some more, then we can speak to you in the morn.”

“Nay, my apologies. I just got lost in my thoughts.” With one last hearty rub down each of the dog’s backs, he rose to his feet then strode down the side passageway toward his solar. He pushed open his door and a maid scrambled to her feet from in front of the blazing fire.

The lass stuffed one loose lock of her brown hair back under her frilly cap and wiped her hands against her aproned skirts. “Your fire is lit, my laird.” She bobbed her head. “Would ye care for a tray and a tankard of ale?”

“Aye, a tray sounds fine, but make it whiskey instead of ale.” He and his men had ridden hard this day to make it back to Carron by midnight. His hunger and thirst beat at him.

“As you wish.” The maid bustled out.

Moonlight slanted through his window overlooking the inner courtyard and filtered over the top of his chunky wooden desk and the pile of seneschal’s accounts gracing one side. He pulled out his desk chair and sat while Duncan eased into one of the two corner padded chairs and Ronan took the other before tugging Kyla onto his lap. His new cousin and now brother-by-marriage, stroked one hand over the slight rise of Kyla’s belly. Well, well, it appeared she was with child, which no one had yet mentioned to him.

“Congratulations,” he murmured, motioning to her bump.

“We thought no’ to include this news in the missive Duncan sent you. I wanted to tell you myself of the babe.” With her flushed cheeks, Kyla was so adorable.

“I’m glad you waited to inform me.” He tapped the desktop, rapping away.

“You look more worried than glad right now.”

Elbows to his knees, Duncan eyed him from his seat. “Spill whatever it is you’ve no’ yet told us.”

“You’re aware I was with the Chief of MacRae when I received your missive, yet what I have no’ told you yet is that after learning of Kyla’s marriage, I entered into a discussion about forming a possible marriage of alliance with John MacRae.” He leaned back, breathed deep. “I’m to wed his daughter, Elizabeth. She and her father are due to arrive here afore the end of the week, at which time we’ll speak vows.”

“Is there a reason for your sudden rush to wed, other than to secure our alliance?” Duncan scrubbed a hand along his jaw, looking far more worried than he should. “I didnae expect this news from you on your return.”

“I understand ’tis sudden.” Although he’d had good reason for wishing to wed quickly. The shimmering image of his fiery empath flared to vibrant life within his mind, as it always did when his thoughts turned to her. With her mass of red curls tumbling to her waist and her blue eyes, so soulful and beautiful, focused only on him, he drowned in the exquisite beauty of his Fiona, the woman who’d forever remain beyond his reach.

“Coll?” Kyla frowned at him. “Where did you just go again?”

“Old memories is all.” He smiled at her, tried to ease a little of her worry by doing so. He might no longer be honor-bound to wed Kyla, but now he was honor-bound to wed Elizabeth, the contract he’d entered into almost as binding as any marriage contract could be. It had been the only way to ensure he didn’t ride hell bent for Rhue and steal Fiona away from Matthew. Dishonor her or the gentle giant of a man she’d wed, he’d never do. Flicking his gaze between Kyla and Duncan, he muttered, “Neither of you can tell me it isnae a wise move to wed Elizabeth. Forging a stronger alliance with clan MacRae is imperative.”

Duncan shuffled forward an inch, his sword hilt bobbing in its baldric. “The MacRae’s eldest son now possesses a large parcel of land near us, and of course wed a fae-blooded Matheson lass a few years past. A marriage of alliance isnae entirely necessary considering the familial fae-blooded ties we now hold with them. You can change your mind if you wish. John MacRae would understand.”

“Nay, I’ve already signed an agreement and even spoken binding betrothal vows before her clan. All that remains left is for the formal ceremony with a clergyman.”

“What’s Elizabeth like?” Kyla leaned her head against Ronan’s shoulder.

“She’s been well trained to manage a keep.”

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