Warlock of the Magus World (Chapter 301-Chapter 450)

“I am very honoured.” Leylin gave a slight nod and then immediately left the place, following Lucas, all the while not glancing at the ashen-faced marquis and Jenny.

In the secular world, Magi all had very headstrong personalities due to the power they all wielded

Before leaving, Lucas and Kermode looked at Marquis Argus in contempt, making the atmosphere awkward all around.

“What is going on?”

The rather stunned Baelin asked Jenny, having just come out of the daze caused by the recent happenings.

Although Baelin’s intuition told him to follow behind Leylin, looking at Jenny caused him to involuntarily remain beside her.

“It’s…it’s nothing… My family’s ancestor wants to meet Lord Leylin.”

Jenny was barely able to smile.


A sound of breaking glass was heard as the goblet in Marquis Argus’ hands shattered into pieces, crushed by him gripping it too tightly.


Leylin, following Lucas and Kermode, arrived at the back half the Argus Family’s mansion.

The further he went in, the tighter the security was, but with these two people leading the way, Leylin traveled unhindered, and reached the middle of the rear courtyard.

“Finally! Our ancestor, Lord Siegfried is in here. We ask for your forgiveness, as we are not allowed to accompany you in.”

Lucas and Kermode brought Leylin in front of a huge conical tower, and then bowed and left. Each and every movement of them was executed perfectly, showing the flawless deportment of the nobility.

Leylin failed to pay any attention to them, as he was distracted by the white tower in front of him.

“Stability runes, restriction runes and runes which can transmute mud into stone! This is some very good construction. Moreover, I can sense the aura of energy particles in the air. It looks as if within this building, there is a source of at least two elements’ energy particles.”

Leylin gently stroked the surface of the white tower with admiration in his eyes and sighed.

This white tower, the curves of which were similar to those of a cow’s horn, was built by a Magus.

Just the expenses of the solidification runes and the cost of building the pond of energy particles left Leylin in astonishment.

It is a construction worthy of a Magus that has lived for several hundreds of years. If I wanted to set up a tower like this, I would need to spend at least half of the resources that are currently in my pouch…

While thinking this, Leylin sighed.

A specialized and private laboratory held many advantages. Not only was it magically concealed, one could carry out covert experiments within it.

However, since Leylin had no fixed residence, there was no way that he could construct such a tower for himself.

Chapter 314 – Gaia’s Might

Gaia’s Might

“Haha… an outdated work such as this can also get a sigh of admiration from Magus Leylin? It is indeed my honour!”

At that moment, the door at the base of the white tower opened, revealing a linen-clothed old guy, who grinned at Leylin. It was evident that he had overheard Leylin’s deliberate sigh.

“This humble self is Siegfried Argus! I greet Lord Leylin.”

This old guy’s expression was respectful, and he slightly bent his waist to bow, as was per the Magus’ etiquette.

This etiquette was passed down from ancient times, and was something Leylin had only seen in ancient books. He remained unfazed and repeated the same bow as he said, “I, Leylin, greet Lord Siegfried!”

After the perfunctory greetings were done with, Leylin was able to size up this Lord Siegfreid.

Siegfried’s style of clothing was very casual, as if it could be torn apart with a single pull. It was more leisurely and comfortable compared to the splendid attire of the lords in the outer hall.

The current Siegfried was not someone that Leylin would associate as being the trump card of a great family. If it weren’t for his right-hand, Leylin would have assumed Lord Siegfried was just a peasant farmer.

That was right! His right-hand! This Siegfried’s right hand was a robotic limb that gave off an awesome, bright, metallic lustre; even the gears and the welded portions were clearly visible.

Ka-cha! Ka-cha!

Siegfried extended this right hand as he said, “I shall call you Leylin. I lost my right hand permanently while experimenting with a spell. I know that a flesh and muscle hand can be transplanted, but I find that a mechanical hand is much more useful.”

Bang! Then, his mechanical hand split open into finger-like parts, which were tools like tweezers, scissors, pliers, etc., and they were wildly swaying in mid air, looking like silver colored tassels.

“How is it? This ‘hand’ was created especially for me, using my specific measurements, by my old friend, an Earth Elf called Grandmaster Oak!”

“Very good.” Leylin nodded. This kind of a very precise machine limb is extremely rare even in the south coast and thus Leylin was also not stingy with his praises.

It was clear that this Siegfried was very happy with the admiration from a fellow Magus.

He then invited Leylin into his lab to look.

“Siegfried, did you build an energy particle pond in here?”

Due to Leylin’s graceful and cultured mannerisms, he soon became friends with Siegfried. They addressed each other directly by their first names.

This showed how well their relationship had progressed.

While Leylin casually walked around Siegfried’s lab, he came in front of what looked like a small pond and he asked this question.

This small pond was surrounded by stable, ferrous metals. On top of the pool was a strange and complex pattern and in the middle of the pool was a khaki-colored liquid.

A large number of energy waves could be felt fluctuating from the pool.

“Yes, I have built here an earth element energy particle pond. This task consumed all of the resources that I have accumulated for nearly a hundred years!”

Siegfried’s face appeared to experience a muscle spasm, but the next moment, it was replaced with an expression of pride.

“After building this energy particle pond, the concentration of earth element particles in this place has increased to 55% and the results of my cultivation have been more remarkable when compared to using just meditation techniques.”

The element particle pond’s ability was not restricted to the one mentioned prior. Magi could use the energy within this pond to replenish themselves in a crucial moment, and the element particles within could be used to attack enemies.

Thus, a Magus having such a pond would be stronger within his own territory when compared with his peers.

With his strength as a semi-converted elemental Magus, within this white tower, Siegfried’s attack power would be roughly equal to that of a 70-80% converted elemental Magus.

“Oh, that’s right, I haven’t properly introduced myself. I am a reputed instructor at the Earth Fire Association, and I cultivated using their high level meditation technique, the Gaia’s Might! It is divided into three layers: earth, magma, and organisms. I am currently still in the stage of earth. A high level mediatation technique’s progress is too slow…”

Having said this, he looked at Leylin with curiosity, very much interested in the background of this Magus.

“It seems that sharing one’s experiences with a high-level meditation technique is a tradition amongst the Magi of the Twilight Zone…” As this information flashed through Leylin’s mind, he smiled very modestly, “I come from a very small institute known as Goodlaw! This institute specializes in researching in ancient reptilian creatures. It is very focused in that field. I cultivate with a damaged high level meditation technique called the Sacred Flame! Currently, I am stagnated in the first level of that meditation technique…”

After that, he explained, in simple terms, the first level of the Sacred Flame and its difficulties. As expected, he concealed that mystical ability to predict forthcoming events.

“Hu… Leylin! This meditation technique of yours is quite badly damaged.” Stroking his beard, Siegfried’s eyes shone as he looked at Leylin. “How about you join our Earth Fire Association? Our high-level meditation techniques are more whole as compared to your Sacred Flame, and moreover, we could continue to share our experiences…”

“No thank you!” Leylin shook his head, “Changing meditation techniques is too dangerous. I advanced to a level 1 Magus by depending on my Sacred Flame technique. I can’t get rid of the impact it has on my spiritual force in such a short time. Moreover, I also want to pass on my Goodlaw School’s inheritance, as it was my teacher’s dying wish that I do so.”

Leylin’s tone remained firm and unwavering; it spoke of his resolve.