Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 701-Chapter 833)

“You’ve done something you shouldn’t have!” the Dragon King of Ink Sea said.

The Dragon King of Ink Sea was in no hurry. His voice was like the clouds that loomed down from the sky, formidable and boundless. Within a range of several hundred kilometers, whether man or beast, they all heard the voice. If they possessed some intelligence, they all stared at the horizon blankly. An existence that was far too overwhelming, overwhelming beyond belief, had instead lost its ability to strike fear. However, the more powerful the daemons and cultivators were, the more they could feel the trembling from the depths of their souls.

“Since it’s already done, why do you still say ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’? Come!”

Li Qingshan spread his arms. His wings were glorious. He stood in high spirits as he said this.


The Dragon King of Ink Sea seemed to be rather intrigued by his courage, or perhaps better described as stubbornness. He sensed the influence of the ungraspable fate again and fell silent for a moment.

Without even waiting for the Dragon King of Ink Sea to respond, Li Qingshan flapped his wings and rushed into the horizon. The closer he was to the Dragon King of Ink Sea, the more he could sense the powerful pressure.

This battle was truly hopeless! It was certain death!

He smiled and swung his fist at the dragon head!

A few droplets of ink pierced through the air, but he no longer possessed the strength to dodge, so he did not dodge. His body ignited, first the glorious wings on his back, followed by his scarlet, fire-like hair. His blood filled with vigour turned into flames too, permeating his skin. Everything was set alit, turning into a ball of majestic fire.

Like a rising meteor that pierced through the sky, he rushed into the sea of clouds that blotted out the sun!

He shone! Followed by subsidence…


The Chan Monastery of Deva-Nāga, in the main hall.

Xiao An sat with the buddha in silence, striking a wooden fish.

Thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk…

The steady, unchanging sound of the wooden fish seemed like it could continue for a millennia. The buddha statues would remain unchanged even for ten millennia.

Thunk! The wooden fish broke!

Suddenly, Xiao An looked back. Her heart palpitated with fear, which appeared on her beautiful face. Ever since she entered the Chan Monastery of Deva-Nāga, she had been known for meditative silence. She would speak with no one. But right now, she cried out.



The firelight shone in the sea of clouds, dimming and extinguishing very quickly. The sky full of dark clouds gathered together and turned into a man in inky, navy robes. He stood with his hands behind his back as he sank into his thoughts for a moment.

Everything had returned to peace. He had already gotten his revenge, but he did not see a daemon core or any other items. An Asura Field obviously should have been here too.

There was nothing strange about this. He clearly knew he faced certain death, so he obviously did not want the opponent to benefit. He had probably cast them away on the way here!

If the soul nascence of a Soul Nascence cultivator had fled, then they still had a chance at repossession and rebirth, but a measly daemon core was useless. His body had been completely destroyed, and even his soul had been incinerated in the flames.

Northmoon is already dead!

The Dragon King of Ink Sea was absolutely convinced about this. He could still distinguish between his original body and his clone. He could clearly sense the severance of a sliver of fate. Although there were still parts he could not see through, just who could completely understand fate? Perhaps only the gods and buddhas in the Nine Heavens could do that! Perhaps they could not as well. There was no way he could know about this.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that according to his senses, Northmoon had slowed down over a region of volcanoes. It was very likely that he had left his daemon core and items there.

The Dragon King of Ink Sea returned to the volcanic cluster and leisurely searched around with his soul sense, entering deep into the magma. The further down he went, the stronger the interference from the underground magnetic field. In the end, he found nothing, so he stopped caring. He turned into a black dragon and vanished into the horizon.

A daemon core and an Asura Field would never make any difference to him.

Unbeknownst to the Dragon King of Ink Sea, as long as his soul sense ventured another five kilometers deeper, he would have found a daemon core. However, at this depth, the combined interference from the underground magnetic field and the magma was already great enough to prevent even a powerful Daemon King from using his soul sense easily. The Dragon King of Ink Sea would only find it if he ventured in there personally, but under the circumstances where his senses were suppressed to the limit, this was not an easy feat to achieve either.

As a result, the daemon core just floated in the magma and flames quietly. Nearby, the ownerless Asura Field produced a ring of blood-red light, protecting itself from the magma.

A short while ago, Li Qingshan was in the magma, stuck between a rock and a hard place and facing imminent death. He tried his best to search for the flash of inspiration in his head.

In the rolling flames, he instinctively channeled the Phoenix’s Scripture of Nirvā?a, absorbing the fire spiritual qi and letting it circulate through his body for a full cycle before gathering in the daemon core.

At this moment, the tenth innate ability he was simply unable to understand suddenly appeared before his eyes. It was actually in a state where he could understand and use it.

Li Qingshan’s mind shuddered. So this is the phoenix’s innate ability!

Legends had it that whenever a phoenix was close to the end of its life, it would throw itself into fire and be reduced to ashes, rebirthing in flames. People called this “nirvā?a”, symbolising unending life. The full name of the Phoenix Transformation was the Phoenix’s Scripture of Nirvā?a!

As a result, when he left the magma and continued fleeing, he had already left his daemon core and Asura Field in the magma. At the same time, he stored his Ocean pearl, demon heart, and Divine Talisman of Great Creation, as well as his Water God Seal and hundred treasures pouch, all in the Asura Field.

Under his control, the daemon core and Asura Field sank into the depths of the magma together.

The moment Li Qingshan burst into flames and disintegrated into ashes, the daemon core flashed with light that rapidly subsided.

Only now did it begin to shine again, producing rings of scarlet light, gathering the flames of the earth and slowly revolving.

The daemon core spun faster and faster, and the scarlet-red flames gradually solidified, turning into a fire-red embryo of a phoenix.

PS: And that’s the end to the ninth volume, “Phoenix’s Nirvā?a”. I’ve just reached two million characters as well. We’ll be setting off on a new journey very soon, so please look forward to it! When you look forward to it, don’t forget to cast some votes and so on!

Chapter 703: Rebirth in Chaos, a New Journey | Legend of the Great Sage

When the flames burnt out and the dark clouds of death enveloped them, everything returned to darkness.

Suddenly, there was a streak of light. A sliver of consciousness awakened, hazy and utterly confused.

Everything seemed to return to a long, long time ago, before Northmoon, before Li Qingshan, and even before Li Er. Back then, he still had no name, in the intersection between his past life and his current life. He curled up peacefully in his mother’s womb, waiting for the day he would be born.