A Will Eternal (Chapter 601-Chapter 800)

Bai Xiaochun’s face fell, and yet, he had also been prepared for something like this to happen. Eyes shining with cold light, he shouted, “You’re exactly who I've been waiting for!”

Even as the words left his mouth, he moved his hand, closing his fingers into a fist that forced the sea of fire to converge on his palm and take the shape of a twelve-colored flame.

As the sea of fire began to shine with dazzling light, it destabilized, and then suddenly erupted with an intense roaring sound.

Sensations of deadly crisis erupted within the direct bloodline clan elders and the clan chief. Before any of them could react, the sea of fire collapsed, causing deafening rumbling sounds to echo out!


Twelve-colored flame roiled out for hundreds of meters in all directions, enveloping everything in its path. The clan elders and the clan chief backed up with utmost urgency, but the hand of the deva patriarch didn’t, and within the blink of an eye, made contact with the flame.

The resulting boom rose into the highest heavens!

The air in the area collapsed, and the sea of fire vanished. The deva patriarch’s illusory hand survived, but was clearly in bad shape as it continued to close in around Bai Xiaochun.

However, Bai Xiaochun wasn’t afraid of a weakened deva-level divine ability. Suddenly, three ghost images appeared as his three clones stepped out and shot toward the hand.

Howling, they used all the power at their disposal to fight back!


As soon as his wood clone touched the hand, blood sprayed out of his mouth, and he transformed into a beam of green light that shot back into Bai Xiaochun. However, the hand had been slowed, and was even dimmer than before.


His water clone was next. He slammed into the hand, resulting in most of his body being destroyed. And yet, the hand stopped for a moment, and grew even dimmer!

Lastly was his fire clone. Instead of simply defending, he took the initiative to attack with all his power.


Blood sprayed out of the fire clone’s mouth as he fell back. However, the huge hand had been damaged three times in a row, and was now little more than an outline. By the time it hit Bai Xiaochun’s true self, all that happened was that he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

After wiping the blood off of his lips, he threw his head back and laughed uproariously.

“That’s all you can do, deva?!?!” As his words rang out... he began to fade away. Clearly, he was only moments away from piercing through the air and vanishing!

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610: Fleeing The Bai Clan

Not even the deva patriarch had been able to prevent Bai Xiaochun from escaping. The entire Bai Clan was dumbfounded, including the clan elders from the direct bloodline and the clan chief, all of whom were struck with disbelief that defied imagination.

They knew Bai Hao was strong, but he was still only in Core Formation. Despite the fact that their deva patriarch had not appeared in person, and had only sent out a divine ability, he was still a deva!!

Because everything had happened in the time it takes a spark to fly off of a piece of flint, none of them had seen Bai Xiaochun’s three clones fighting back against that divine ability.

As Bai Xiaochun faded away from view, the deva patriarch sat grim-faced in his secret chamber in the catacombs, his eyes shining with intense coldness. Then, he extended his right hand, causing his withered body to fill back in with flesh and blood until he looked like a normal person.

At the same time, his right hand seemed to distort with the power of spatial manipulation, causing rumbling sounds to fill the area as heaven and earth seemed to collapse. Then he looked up in Bai Xiaochun’s direction, clearly intent on trying to grab him a second time.

However, his face fell when he realized that he was grabbing down, not onto Bai Xiaochun, but onto thin air!

Even as he did that, the entire sky above the Bai Clan turned crimson, and fire began to rain down!

That fire was composed of twelve-colored flame!

As soon as the rain of fire began to fall, everyone in the clan began to cry out in alarm.

“A rain of fire!!”

“It was Bai Hao! He was the one who caused the rain of fire last time!!” The mere thought of a twelve-colored rain of fire caused all faces in the clan to fall. That type of fire was so hot it could melt stone and metal, and was already turning everything in the area into a virtual furnace.

Even worse, the grand spell formation had been damaged, and although it was already repairing itself, it was still weaker than the last time. Furthermore, the gaps in it were so large that the fire could obviously make it through them and land on the clan itself!!

If that fire landed on the clan... it would definitely damage it in a very significant way. Casualties would be severe. Even if the deva patriarch took a hand in defending the clan, he wouldn’t be able to save everyone....

The only chance was to stop the rain of fire before it got past the shield!

The deva patriarch had been presented with two choices: either prevent Bai Xiaochun from fleeing, or extinguish the heavenly fire. The deva could only confidently pick one option. If he tried to do both at the same time, it could easily lead to a catastrophic slip-up.

The deva chose to extinguish the heavenly fire. As soon as his hand latched down onto thin air, another huge hand appeared in the sky above the clan. As the rain of fire descended, he reached out to grab it!

It only took the blink of an eye for the hand to grow dramatically in size, until it was fully 300,000 meters across. Conveniently, in addition to covering the flaming clouds above the clan, it also contained Bai Xiaochun within the shadow of its power.

Clearly, the deva patriarch was still not giving up on trying to get to Bai Xiaochun.

However, Bai Xiaochun was not an ordinary Core Formation cultivator. He had reached Heaven-Dao Foundation Establishment, and also the Heaven-Dao Gold Core stage. He had three deva soul clones, and battle prowess that vastly surpassed the Core Formation level. He could even slaughter early Nascent Soul stage experts with ease!

In fact, he could also hold his own against the mid Nascent Soul stage, and if he used his clones, could crush someone in that level!

Thorough preparation can lead to shocking results, and that was exactly what Bai Xiaochun was doing as he made his way toward the Nascent Soul stage!

Just before the hand made contact with him, he vanished, teleported by the Undying Hex to a location outside of the Bai Clan!

As for the flames up above, the hand made contact with them, wiping them away, rain and clouds alike....

Down in the catacombs, the deva patriarch’s expression could not have been more unsightly. Turning to look in the direction Bai Xiaochun had fled, he lifted his foot in preparation to give chase. But then, he looked at the green flames of the seven candles, and gritted his teeth.

“My Seven Life-Locking Candles have reached a critical stage. I can’t just leave....” Taking a deep breath, he sat back down cross-legged and then issued orders to the clan.

“Use my divine will seal and these ships to track Bai Hao down! Get him back here within seven days!” The deva patriarch transmitted the orders with divine sense, causing his words to immediately ring out in the minds of the clan elders. All of the elders were shaken, and quickly clasped hands and bowed in the direction of the catacombs. At the same time, a seal formed from divine sense took shape in their minds.

Those sealing marks would help them determine Bai Xiaochun’s position. Bai Xiaochun had managed to flee, but had been struck by the deva patriarch, who had secretly branded him with a bit of divine will for the purposes of tracking him.