A Will Eternal (Chapter 201-Chapter 400)

“I, Bai Xiaochun…. Song Que is in charge here, aunt! The position of blood master belongs to me. And I’m in charge of you too, Xuemei!”

The words being spoken by the rabbit caused all of Middle Peak to be rocked with astonishment. The Foundation Establishment Dharma protectors and elders looked on with odd expressions, and soon, everyone went completely quiet….

Only the voice of the rabbit could be heard, echoing about.

Bai Xiaochun also looked shocked, and suddenly he worried that he had pushed the rabbit too far.

Master God-Diviner was there in the crowd, and to him, it felt like a cold chill was running up his spine. Suddenly, he also wanted to exterminate the rabbit.

“Shut up!! That’s complete nonsense!!”

As soon as Master God-Diviner lunged forward, Bai Xiaochun looked over at him with a strange expression, surprised at the information that the rabbit had just revealed. Did Master God-Diviner really fancy the masked shrew Xuemei?

“That’s right,” he cried, “this rabbit is full of crap!”

Master God-Diviner wasn’t the only one to leap into action. Everyone who the rabbit mentioned began to tremble, and then flew out to kill it.

Even Song Que came speeding out from the blood waterfall, howling at the top of his lungs, looking like a blood-colored god as he unleashed deadly power.

“Shut up!!” When Song Que thought about the fact that everyone on Middle Peak had heard what the rabbit just said, he was filled with the desire to rip the thing to pieces.

The rabbit actually took advantage of the frenzy to vanish. Even after searching for it for some time, Bai Xiaochun couldn’t find it. Although he was feeling much better than before, he made sure that his expression turned grimmer and grimmer.

“That rabbit is an abomination!” he said loudly. “I can’t believe it never finished that sentence!” Relieved, he was just about to head back to his immortal’s cave when he suddenly got a very uneasy feeling. That was when he realized that all of the Foundation Establishment cultivators who had been chasing the rabbit were now staring at him.

Song Que’s eyes brimmed with murderous intentions. Although he hated the mysterious rabbit, the person he hated more was the one who had obviously forced the rabbit into unleashing a torrent of dialogue: Nightcrypt!

Master God-Diviner had a similar look on his face. Many of the other cultivators present had either been injured or had their immortal’s caves destroyed by Bai Xiaochun’s sword qi. As of this moment, their desire to kill Nightcrypt was raging out of control.

“Nightcrypt, you destroyed my immortal’s cave! It’s about time we settle accounts.”

“You escaped last time, but now, you’re gonna die!”


New grievances piled onto old ones. The surrounding Foundation Establishment cultivators unleashed the power of their cultivation bases and prepared to eradicate Bai Xiaochun.

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203: You Really Think I'm Scared Of You People?!

There weren’t even a hundred Foundation Establishment cultivators surrounding him, only a few dozen. Furthermore, most of them were in early Foundation Establishment, although a handful were in mid Foundation Establishment.

Thankfully, the mid Foundation Establishment cultivators only had grim looks on their faces, and didn’t actually attack. They had a different status than the early Foundation Establishment crowd, and for them to join everyone else in trying to attack Bai Xiaochun would be too much of a loss of face.

Even without them, though, there were still dozens of Foundation Establishment Dharma protectors and elders, who were powerful enough to shake heaven and earth. Furthermore, in the Blood Stream Sect, there was no such thing as debate and discussion; there was only the law of the jungle!

Provoke me, and die!

It was completely different from the Spirit Stream Sect. Here, the only thing that mattered was strength!

Bai Xiaochun’s actions had enraged the people from Middle Peak, and now they were attacking him with deadly force that far surpassed anything from the Qi Condensation stage. Divine abilities burst out, blood qi surged, and blood swords unique to Middle Peak all appeared. In the blink of an eye, more than ten blasts of sword qi descended directly toward Bai Xiaochun.

Bai Xiaochun was just calming down from the incident with the rabbit, but now, he began to shiver uncontrollably. It was as if every part of his body were screaming at him that he was in deadly peril.

Booms echoed out, shaking everything in the area. The dozens of Foundation Establishment cultivators all attacked at once, making it very difficult for Bai Xiaochun to dodge. In the blink of an eye, more than ten blasts of sword qi slammed into him.

“Let me explain....” he said, staggering backward. Because of the blood qi he had absorbed, his Undying Gold Skin emanated blood-colored light. In combination with the Undying Heavenly King, he was stronger than ever, and his defenses were even more ridiculously strong than before.

The Foundation Establishment cultivators gaped in shock, and many eyes went wide.

“This Nightcrypt has been secretly cultivating a body refinement technique!”

“No wonder he was able to survive the Fallen Sword Abyss. It was all thanks to that body refinement technique!”

“His fleshly body defenses are so strong! Even our combined attack couldn’t shake him!”

Their expressions turned very serious, and yet, they showed no signs that they would cease attacking Bai Xiaochun. The stronger he seemed, the more they wanted to kill him to stave off any problems from cropping up in the future.

Cold gleams flickered in their eyes as they once again unleashed a combined attack.

More than ten beams of sword qi slammed into Bai Xiaochun. No matter how he tried to evade or dodge, the dozens of Foundation Establishment cultivators stayed hot on his tail, unleashing constant attacks.

Booms rang out. Some people even went and destroyed his immortal's cave.

“Run if you want, Nightcrypt, you won’t escape this time!”

Rumbling sounds filled the air as divine abilities and magical techniques slammed down. By this point, Bai Xiaochun was in a sorry state, having been repeatedly hit by numerous blasts of sword qi.

Even with his Undying Live Forever Technique, blood still sprayed out of his mouth, until finally, he looked up, eyes bloodshot, expression vicious and even murderous.

What people saw was Nightcrypt, awe-inspiring, bloodthirsty, merciless, and completely enraged.

As of this moment, his blood qi was bursting, and his killing intent surging.

“Enough running!” he said, wiping the blood from his mouth. “You buffoons have tried to kill me three times already. Things have gone too far!! Do you really think I’m scared of you people?!” His hair was in disarray, and his clothing ripped nearly to shreds. From the moment he had arrived in the Blood Stream Sect, he had been on edge and nervous, and now, all of that anxiety had reached a bursting point.

He was tired of being wound so tight. These people wanted to kill him, and weren’t holding anything back. Their intentions were clear. Murder. The intense sensation of deadly crisis caused Bai Xiaochun to throw his head back and roar at the top of his lungs. Then he took a step forward, appearing directly in front of a young man in the early Foundation Establishment stage.

Bai Xiaochun’s expression was vicious as he unleashed the Mountain Shaking Bash. Blood sprayed out of the Foundation Establishment cultivator’s mouth, along with a miserable shriek as he was sent tumbling backward like a kite with its string cut.