A Will Eternal (Chapter 1201-Chapter 1314)

He was interested in seeing how these savages, these progenitors of humankind, would react to seeing a shadowy form inside of the fire.

The first savage to have noticed him in the fire was also the first to drop to his knees, crawl forward, and then begin to bow in fanatical worship.

Other savages followed, and soon, all of them were bowing zealously. At this point, Bai Xiaochun had gained the information he sought, and the figure in the flames began to fade away. When it vanished, the flames leapt higher, illuminating the sky, and casting terror into the hearts of the wild beasts in the surrounding mountains and valleys.

From that point on, that group of savages would always stare into the fire with respect. And when they went on hunts, they would collect small, valuable items, which they would toss into the fire. The savages would look on with shining eyes as such sacrifices were transformed into ash, and then… they would drop down in worship!

The first of the savages to have seen the image in the fire eventually took the sap of trees and plants and drew a picture on himself to represent fire. He quickly rose to a position of authority within that group of savages, a scene which Bai Xiaochun found to be particularly relevant.

All of a sudden, certain matters clicked in his mind.

“Wisdom and intelligence… begin with imagination!

“Imagination can turn a rock into a weapon!

“Imagination can turn fire into a way to drive away darkness!

“Imagination can make gods to worship, and form them into totems….

“When you take imagination and combine it with action, you have the first sprout of wisdom and intelligence!”

Bai Xiaochun looked at the savages one last time, then closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he was in another world, where he began to guide the imaginations of the countless groups of living beings that now existed.

Time passed. As Bai Xiaochun guided the living beings of the 1,080,000 worlds, their imaginations eventually led them to believe in the existence of heaven and earth. And eventually, Bai Xiaochun came to be a deity to them….

As the hosts of living beings developed, their Life Essence also grew. And because of the marks that were branded on their souls, Bai Xiaochun was always with them.

Different peoples had different deities that they would worship. Some people worshipped the sun. Others called their god the Creator. Others called him the Sky Deity…. Different names existed among different peoples. The Almighty. God the Father. The Stone Ancestor. The Wind Spirit. And many more.

The people in the various worlds continued to grow strong, and as certain groups reached the pinnacle of life, civilization came to be.

Civilization looked different on different worlds. Some places had cities and buildings, which were organized into countries. Others were clan-based. Others were completely unique. Some civilizations took to the skies, and lorded it over the lands. Others ruled from the land. Every conceivable type of civilization came to be, and flourished.

However, regardless of what type of living beings they were, or how their civilization advanced, they all reached a point where they wanted to be closer to their god. They wanted mystical power, and even the ability to become gods themselves.

And when that happened, it was time for Bai Xiaochun to yet again appear, to provide the final bit of guidance, and the final beginning.

And thus, the concept of cultivation became a host of seeds that floated out into the starry sky.

A few thousand years later, all of the peoples of all of the worlds had mystical powers…. A new cultivation world had come to be in the Eternal Spirit World. Previous Chapter Next Chapter

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1309: Seeing God

After providing the last bit of guidance, Bai Xiaochun didn’t pay any further attention to the living beings in the multitude of worlds in the starry sky. He sat down cross-legged in the place where the Eternal Immortal Domains had disappeared, which, over the years, had gradually become a landmass.

Bai Xiaochun closed his eyes, and as the years passed, and he remained completely motionless; he became a statue.

During the process in which life had sprang up from nothing and eventually reached a flourishing state, Bai Xiaochun never once felt the Essence of the Eternal, or the mysterious energy. After the Eternal Flower fell into the River of Time and Space, the Essence of the Eternal faded so much that… perhaps it had vanished completely.

“After the creation of life,” Bai Xiaochun murmured, “the next step… is enlightenment of Essence.” With that, he sent his divine sense out into the starry sky, and began to seek enlightenment from the natural laws that had risen up along with the countless living beings.

Years ago, his Dao had been that of lighting up the starry sky to become a sovereign. And he had accomplished that. In fact, he had gone beyond bringing light to the starry sky; he had also brought life back to it.

But now, he wasn't concerned about his cultivation base. He needed to understand the Essence of all of the multitude of worlds in the starry sky, and then use that understanding to make the Eternal!

“Wait for me, all of you…. It will be soon, very soon….” As time passed, he became a part of the starry sky itself as he sought the enlightenment he needed.

This time, it wasn’t 10,000 years that passed. Nor was it 1,000,000. It was longer than that…. Eventually, it reached the point of being incalculable. Among the 1,080,000 worlds in the starry sky, Bai Xiaochun was ancient history, whose existence would only be mentioned in the most ancient of records.

As generations came and went, people stopped believing in the old legends about the origin of cultivation. People began to believe that their cultivation came from their own power!

The seeds that Bai Xiaochun had scattered years ago were forgotten by the people of the starry sky. They created new techniques, divine abilities, and schools of magic…. The cultivation world thrived, and wars were fought.

Years and years passed. Countless talented individuals spent their lives studying the practice of cultivation, noting their errors and mistakes, and passing on information to further generations. Eventually, by building on the failures of past generations… a celestial arose, the first within the 1,080,000 worlds.

That celestial obtained the approval of the world in which he lived, and tried to do something completely grand and dramatic, something that no one before him had ever done. He tried to break out from the world in which he lived, to step into the starry sky! Sadly, despite spending his whole life in that attempt, and using up all the resources he had managed to accumulate, he failed.

But eventually, more celestials appeared among the various peoples of the various worlds!

The cultivation world in this starry sky had entered the age of celestials!

All celestials dreamed of leaving the worlds they came from and of stepping out into that starry sky. After all, they were convinced that the only way to become more than a celestial was to seek a path in what was beyond the heavens they knew.

Unfortunately, none of those celestials succeeded. No matter how spectacular they were, when they reached the limits of the heavens, they could do nothing more than take half a step into the starry sky.

More years passed. As more and more celestials appeared, eventually… one of them reached the Archaean Realm.

He was an old man, and when he achieved his breakthrough, the sound of his laughter filled his world. Everyone watched in envy and excitement as he floated up toward the limits of the sky.