White Gold

As they neared the top, Dan slowed and waved his men to stay close behind him. He edged towards an open door which he guessed led to the control room of the ship. He raised his gun and peered around the door. His heart sank.


The man with the glasses stood facing him, holding Brogan in front of him as a shield and pushed a gun into the man’s throat.


‘Drop the gun,’ he said.


Dan’s mind raced. He looked at Brogan.


‘Are you okay?’


Brogan nodded, watching Dan carefully.


‘We’ve got your daughter. She’s safe,’ said Dan.


Brogan noticeably slumped. The sudden movement threw Charles off balance. He let go of the captain to get a better grip on the man and Dan saw his chance.


He fired. Once. Low.


Charles bellowed as the bullet smashed his ankle and embedded itself in the table behind him. He dropped his gun. He let go of Brogan, falling to the floor in agony. Dan rushed over and kicked his weapon out of the way. He bent down and placed his foot on the man’s throat.


‘You bastard. I should use the next five bullets on your other body parts.’


He called over to one of his team, who was kneeling on the floor beside Brogan.


‘Is he going to be alright?’


The man nodded. ‘We’ll get him to hospital. I would think he’s dehydrated and in shock. His daughter’s there, waiting for him.’




Dan turned his attention back to Charles. ‘It’s over. Where’s the bomb-maker?’


Charles laughed. Then Dan kicked his ankle and he cried out from the pain.


‘Where’s Terry?’ demanded Dan. ‘Where’s the car?’


‘It’s gone.’


Dan spun round. Brogan was easing himself up on an elbow, staring at Dan. ‘They got it off the ship just before you turned up. The guy in charge is driving it.’




Dan looked up. One of his men was pointing out the window. ‘I think you need to see this, sir!’


Dan rushed over. A car, headlights blazing across the wharf, revved its engine, spun round and accelerated towards the exit of the docks.


Dan raced down the stairs, meeting David on the deck. They watched over the side of the ship in disbelief as the black sedan charged at one of the policemen dressed as a dock worker. The man leapt into the freezing cold water of the dock, narrowly escaping being run over and began to swim back towards his colleagues.


David turned to Dan, then clicked his radio.


‘Helicopter!’ he yelled.






Chapter 47





Dan and David turned and ran along the deck towards the gangway on the stern. Dan looked up. From the steps he could see the car weaving its way through the dock complex. He heard a screech of tyres as it slammed through a barricade and turned towards the city.


David was already using the radio to speak to the helicopter pilot. ‘Two incoming. Get us up as fast as you can.’


Dan leapt into the seat next to Sarah and fastened his belt. He glanced at her. Her face was white. He leaned over and squeezed her hand. ‘Getting all of this noted down?’


She opened her mouth to say something, and then turned as David jumped in next to the pilot.


‘Go, go!’ he yelled. ‘Get after him!’


The helicopter lurched into the air, fast.


Dan watched out the window as the helicopter banked away from the river and began to follow the car as it took one of the main arterial roads into the city, travelling fast. He heard David talking on the radio, telling someone on the other end to get the police to stay away from the car.


Dan could feel the adrenaline pulsing through his veins. His nightmares forgotten, he began to try to work out how Terry could have designed the bomb and what he would see if he got the chance. He looked at his watch, and then leaned forward. He tapped David on the shoulder and shouted to be heard over the engine.


‘This isn’t going to work! You need to get me on the ground so I can follow him by road.’


David turned to the pilot. ‘Get us down there. Now!’


The pilot nodded. Dan looked down at the city below. He just had to get to the vehicle before Terry detonated it.


He felt the pressure in his ears change as the helicopter began to quickly descend. He looked out the window. The helicopter was hovering over a public car park, the pilot seeking out a clearing in between cars and street lighting.


Dan held his breath. The pilot couldn’t tell if there were power lines or telephone cables beneath them – they were just going to have to take a chance.


‘Hurry!’ shouted David. ‘Get this thing on the ground, or we’re going to lose the car!’


Dan winced as Sarah’s fingers dug nervously into his thigh. He lifted her hand off and held onto it, ignoring her nails biting into his flesh.


He glanced out the window again. To the right of the car park was a supermarket, its bright lights illuminating the silhouettes of startled shoppers staring up in amazement at the helicopter.


As the aircraft landed, Dan climbed out, slammed the door shut behind him and ducked instinctively from the down-draught of the rotors. He walked around the helicopter and opened the other passenger door.


‘Are you coming?’ he shouted at Sarah.


She raised her eyebrows in surprise, nodded, then unclipped her belt. Grabbing her bag, she climbed out of the helicopter. David already stood on the bitumen.


Dan turned to him. ‘Mind if we leave you?’


David pushed him in the back. ‘Get going – we’ll follow as closely as we can and see what we can do about making sure you don’t get pulled over on the way.’


‘But you won’t know what we’ll be driving!’ said Sarah.


David grinned as he climbed back into the helicopter. ‘I reckon I’d spot his erratic driving anywhere, don’t worry. We’ll find you.’


Dan watched the aircraft lift back into the air, then grabbed Sarah by the wrist and ran across the car park. He pulled her towards the lines of parked cars.


‘Come on, run!’ he urged. They raced to the entrance of the parking area. Dan swerved and changed direction as he spotted a shopper putting overloaded bags onto the back seat of a sports saloon. As he drew near, Dan pulled out the gun.


Amphlett, Rachel's books