Bring Me Flowers (Detectives Kane and Alton #2)

“Mr. Rogers, we have determined your whereabouts during the murders of Felicity Parker and Kate Bright.” As he slid three graphic crime scene photographs of the victims across the table, his expression turned to granite. “We have signed statements from witnesses who can place you in the area at the time of death of both these girls.”

“I didn’t do that. My God, do you think I am some kind of animal?” Rogers’ eyes bulged and a blue vein throbbed in his temple. “I know those two girls, they are my students. I’m a teacher at the high school, for God’s sake.” He pointed at Joanne’s image. “I’ve never seen her in my life.”

“The girls were savagely raped.” Kane’s hard gaze did not leave his face. “Then displayed to make them look like prostitutes. Animals might tear a person to shreds but I’ve never heard of one raping their victims first.”

“I couldn’t rape anyone.” Rogers’ cheeks pinked.

Jenna wanted to interject and ask about his potency; it seemed the perfect time but as she opened her mouth to speak, she caught Kane’s disapproving stare and leaned back to observe. He was using his skills to lead Rogers into confessing his virility.

“Really?” Kane’s large fists clenched on the table. “What is your opinion on prostitution, Mr. Rogers?”

“That question is totally irrelevant.” Jenkins’ dark eyes flashed in anger.

“Is it?” Kane moved his dark head slowly toward the lawyer then back to Rogers. “In my opinion, the killer has had dealings with prostitutes, perhaps suffered abuse as a child. Did you suffer abuse as a child, Mr. Rogers, is that why you killed these girls as revenge against your mother?”

“I want to answer the question.” Rogers’ face paled but he lifted his chin. “I don’t have an opinion on prostitutes. I wouldn’t go to one but how they live is their business.” He let out a long sigh. “As to my childhood. My mother is a compassionate, gentle, God-fearing woman.”

“So, nothing like your wife?”

“My wife?” Rogers scratched his head, making his hair stick up in all directions. “My wife could shred a man’s dignity with one lash of her tongue.”

“You mentioned you ‘couldn’t’ rape anyone and that’s normal, but most people would find a beautiful young woman attractive. Of course, the majority would not dream of touching an underage woman but to deny the victims were attractive has to be unusual.” Kane’s cold stare moved over Rogers’ face and Jenna could almost see the prisoner squirm in his seat. “Are you impotent?”

Jenna moved her attention toward Jenkins and waited for him to halt the interview but to her surprise, he was regarding his client with interest. Perhaps he had gleaned the notion if Rogers could prove he was impotent then he was innocent of murdering the girls.

“Why would you ask such a personal question?” Rogers’ cheeks glowed. “That is none of your business.”

“Ah, but it is a very relevant question.” Kane’s blue gaze narrowed. “Did you rape these young women?”

“Good Lord, no.” Rogers’ eyes filled with tears that ran down his cheeks. “I would never do such a thing.”

“Wouldn’t or couldn’t?”

“Both, okay?” Rogers wiped at his red-rimmed eyes. “I’ve been seeing specialists for years. Since moving here my records are with Doctors Littleman and Peters at Black Rock Falls General Hospital. I had an appointment two weeks ago. I had a skiing accident three years ago, damaged my lower back, and since then zip. My wife insisted there was nothing wrong with me and I was ignoring her and having sex with every woman in town.”

“If you will give permission for your doctors to verify the condition, we will be willing to drop the charges.” Kane leaned his wide shoulders back in the chair, making it creak alarmingly.

“I would advise you to comply and I can get you out of here this afternoon.” Samuel Jenkins gave his client a look of pity. “I’ll collect the information personally so nobody else need know.”

Jenna leaned forward. “I’m afraid the DA will need to be notified of the reason we are withdrawing the charges against Mr. Rogers.”

“Very well, draw up the papers and I’ll sign them.” Rogers dabbed at his tear-glossed cheeks with the end of his shirt.

“Just one more thing before I return you to your cell.” Kane leaned his muscular forearms on the table and stared at Rogers with near violent intensity. “Where is your wife?”

“I hope she is rotting in hell.” Rogers’ Adam’s apple bobbed. “After all I’ve been through she refused to believe I wasn’t seeing other women. Stupid me was faithful to her for four long ugly years, and trust me, I had plenty of offers. She threatened to leave me on a daily basis. Now she’s gone and I’m free of the witch.”

“That’s all I have for now. Sheriff, do you want to question the suspect?”

“No, I have nothing to add.” Jenna turned her attention to the lawyer. “Is there anything you would like to say?”


“Very well, the interview is terminated at three-ten” She turned off the recording device. “I have the paperwork ready for signature.” She removed documents from Kane’s manila folder and passed them to Mr. Jenkins. “If you’ll check these, ask Mr. Rogers to sign all copies, we can obtain the information without delay.”

“I will take the documents personally and return them as soon as possible. I have some sway and will go directly to the hospital.” Jenkins gathered up his copies with a flourish and stood. “If you’ll open the door, I’ll be on my way.” He patted Rogers on the shoulder. “I’ll have you out of here soon.”

Jenna looked up into Kane’s worried expression and chewed on her bottom lip. In a few hours, a potential murderer would be walking the streets of Black Rock Falls and there was not a damn thing she could do about it.


After spending an hour setting up his trap, the man stepped from the shower and grinned at his reflection. Law enforcement in Black Rock Falls was a joke. He examined his body, making sure he had not one hair on his flesh, and chuckled. Watching the deputies running around chasing their tails was amusing, and he could remain in Black Rock Falls undetected for a long time. Sheriff Alton was gullible and her trained dogs as useless as tits on a bull. He had stolen a large pair of used crime scene coveralls and booties from the garbage outside the sheriff’s department right under their noses. This time he would wear the coveralls inside out. Imagine the face on the M.E. when he discovers one of the deputy’s hairs or DNA on another dead girl. He would watch the sheriff arrest her deputies and laugh himself stupid.

He craved a higher risk and a more thrilling kill each time. Having a couple of hours to plan his next kill had been challenging but he was smart. In Evansville, he cut his timing so damn close, the sheriff walked straight past him on the way to investigate the screams.

Kate had been his best work so far. He enjoyed the fear in her eyes as he cut. He moaned at the memory, loving the way his reflection remained in her eyes. Her terror of seeing him as his true self. He hated muffling her screams but noise echoed in the tiled room and he wanted to spend a lot of time with her.

The cuts on her eyelids had been a stroke of genius. Oh yes, his amazing skills shone though again, so underestimated for so long. Kate’s big blue eyes had followed his every move and the way her lip trembled with each incision had been a delight. Oh, she tried to scream, but the sound had been like the moaning of a whore.

D.K. Hood's books