Wild Cards 17 - Death Draws Five



New York City: Jokertown Clinic


However this all worked out, Nighthawk decided that he had to try to save the boy, and perhaps the world. “Come with me,” he said to the bodyguard.


Jerry looked at Fortunato, who nodded, and then followed Nighthawk back into the suite’s living room.


“Blood,” Nighthawk said.


Jerry groaned. “Not this again?” he asked.


Nighthawk nodded, then turned to the joker/ace. “You’ve been to the Jokertown Clinic?” he asked.


“He’s been a patient there,” his handler confirmed.


Nighthawk took his leash. “Let’s go,” he said.


“Finn’s office,” Jerry said helpfully.


Blood turned to the nearest wall, and after a moment a black circle appeared in it. When they passed through Blood’s tunnel through space, nausea hit Nighthawk like the mother of all hangovers. Somehow he managed not to throw up as they walked out the hole in the wall in Finn’s office, right before the astonished doctor who was standing behind his desk trying to catch up on some paperwork.


“John Fortune?” Finn asked in an unbelieving voice.


Jerry shook his head. “Nope. Jerry Strauss.”


“This is John Nighthawk,” Jerry said. “I believe you know Blood.”


Finn nodded dazedly. “He’s been a patient.”


“Thank God for that,” Jerry said. “Otherwise he couldn’t find his way here so quickly. Listen, Dr. Finn, we’re on the clock. We need a dose of the Trump Virus. And we need it fast.”


Finn nodded. “Of course,” he said.