Yuletide Revelry: A Wicked Kingdoms Christmas Short

"Smelling salts. They help when someone is in shock."

I look around at the faces staring back at me. Dare, whose face is contorted in worry. Simone and Arela, who both look cautiously happy, and Amren, who wears his ever-present frown of contemplation.

"Two babies. A boy and a girl. You're sure?"

"We're sure, Ever. That would explain why your belly is so large this early on."

"I'm not that big." I grumble the words defensively. I'm the size of a house, but still, rude.

"You are beautiful as always, mo grá." Dare kisses my belly and I run a hand through his hair, the motion soothing my nerves. Dare always knows just what to say.

"Okay, so what does this mean, then?" Plans of safety and protection run through my head like a movie reel and I realize we've got a lot to adjust with another baby in the mix.

"This means I will not be leaving your side for the next three months." Dare stands, putting his hands on his hips.

I groan. "Don't even think it. We're just going to have to adjust some stuff for the long term."

"I will not be swayed here, Ever." Dare narrows his eyes at me.

"Oh, yes, you will. I don't want you to hover over me like a pesky pixie. We have to tell everyone."

"I don't think that is a wise idea," Amren chimes in.

"I don't literally mean everyone, Amren. I mean my crew and those protecting me. They have to know since they'll be involved with the plans. As for everyone else... they can find out on delivery day."


I clean the gunk off my stomach and stand up. Instantly Dare's hand rests at the small of my back, steadying me. Arela rushes forward and hugs me, her arms tight around my neck.

"I am so happy for you guys."

I run a hand down her back and squeeze. "Thank you. Once we get over the shock, I'm pretty sure we'll be thrilled." Arela steps back and bounces on her toes, her energy infectious. "Now we've just got to come up with some names!"

"I can help with that! I found a book! I'll go get it!" She darts off and I laugh.

"I suppose having a book to look through would help us." Dare nods. "Well, I'm hungry again, so now that we've discovered all this craziness, I'm getting a snack, then I think I need to take a nap." I'd never really been one for naps. Not until recently anyway. Now I'm like a newborn myself, napping and eating and crying randomly throughout the day.

We walk through the library, barely making it past a few rows of bookcases before Arela comes skidding to a halt in front of us, not one but three books in her hands. My lips twitch and I try not to laugh. She means so well, and I don't want to discourage her.

"I found two more." She can't stand still she's so excited. I watch as Brodie appears behind her at a much more leisurely pace.

"I tried to tell her to bring only the one..." He holds his hands out at his sides in a what-can-you-do gesture and I wink at him.

"That's okay. Multiples are good considering the circumstances." The word multiples hits me hard and I lean into Dare. "Man, that's going to take some getting used to."

Brodie gives Dare one of those manly chin juts and they shake hands. "Congrats, man. You too, Ever. Arela blurted it out as soon as she saw me."

I wish I could say I was surprised. "So long as she doesn't do that with everyone she sees, I'm cool with that."

"I won't. I promise." Arela darts forward and hugs me again before quickly letting go. "I have plans to make. I'll catch up with you later at dinner." She grabs Brodie's hand and pulls him with her. "Come on, I need your help."

Brodie waves over his shoulder as he allows his much larger frame to be pulled behind Arela. "Later."

"I still do not like them hanging out so much." Dare scowls as he leads me out of the library and we make the long trek back toward the main hall and food.

"Oh, relax. He protects her and makes her happy. Right now they are just best friends." I snort. "Besides, I think he's scared to try anything at the moment, between the threats he gets from me and then there's all of you guys."

"Good. If he likes his manly parts, he'll keep his hands off."

I roll my eyes. "I want a sandwich. And some pickles. And cookies. And pineapple."

Dare's face morphs into one of disgust at the combo before he can hide it. "Whatever you'd like, mo grá."

"I saw that."

"I can't help it. You want the strangest things all at once."

"Don't blame me. Blame them." I rub at my belly. "What are we going to do with two babies, Dare?"

"Probably not sleep for months. But you will be the best mother, mo grá. I know it."

"I'm not so much worried about mothering but protecting. And what about names? Picking out one is hard enough. But now two? What if we name them something awful and we don't know it?" We reach the hall, and instead of the normal buzz of talking, it's dead silent. I look up to find Kirin, Eryn, and Axel, along with Dagan and Dax, all standing there, their mouths hanging open.

"Something tells me we've got people who won't let us make that mistake, mo grá."

"Did we hear that right? Them? As in more than one?" Eryn steps forward, a cautious smile gracing her lips.

I sigh. "Yeah, twins. A boy and a girl."

Eryn shrieks in a very un-Eryn-like way and lunges at me. I brace myself for the assault, but she stops short, softly hugging me.

The guys all whoop and holler, slapping Dare on the back and lifting him up in man hugs. Axel side-hugs me and Kirin picks me up, spinning me around.

"I'm going to be an uncle twice over!"

"You're going to be dead if you don't put her down. Now." Dare's voice is deadly cold and his chest heaves.

Kirin plops me back down gently before taking three giant steps backwards and holding his hands up. "You know I would never hurt her."

I smack at Dare's chest. "Stop it. He was just excited. He didn't harm me or the babies. See, I'm fine." I cup his face in my hands and he allows me to turn his head toward me. He looks me over, running his hands over me and stopping with both hands on my stomach. The babies kick and whirl in response to his touch and he huffs out a breath, his expression calming.

"Sorry, Kirin. I'm a bit on edge after the news."

"No problem, man. I get it. We're all ready to kill anyone who tries to harm her or them." They nod at each other in understanding.

"Can we get some food now?" I break the tension with my ever-present need for food and everyone laughs.

"Yes, let's get you some food." Dare ushers me over to the table, fussing until I threaten him.

Eryn sits next to me, grabbing one of the books on the table. "Goblin Baby Names? Oh, this ought to be good." She cracks it open, the spine creaking. "Oh, this one is perfect."

"Which one?" I lean over and read the name she's pointed to. "Borvin? You've got to be joking."

"Of course not," Eryn deadpans. "It's a great goblin name, don't you think?"

"Yeah, if he wants to be made fun of for his whole life. No way."

Graceley Knox's books