Vanished (Beautiful Mess #4)

Taking a breath, he addressed the assembled mourners. “On the day I came back to run my father’s security firm, Leroy Martin had a few words of wisdom for me. He said, ‘The best day in a man’s life is the day he finally makes his life his own. No more excuses. No more apologies. No more acting like the world is out to get him. That’s the day he finally becomes a man and proves his worth.’” He paused, remembering that day like it were yesterday. He could almost hear Martin speaking those words to him.

“He got up from behind my father’s desk and walked over to me. He shook my hand, then said, ‘I’m proud of you, Alex. Now it’s time to prove your worth.’”

His eyes roamed the chapel, everyone dressed in dark colors and wearing heavy coats. This wasn’t how he wanted to spend Christmas Eve. He should have been at home with his family baking cookies, watching Christmas movies, not saying goodbye to the person who had molded him into the man he was today.

“That was the last time he called me Alex…until recently. He’d always followed protocol, never straying, no matter what. It didn’t matter that he was the person who taught me how to swim or showed me how to tie a tie. At that moment, I was no longer that little boy in his eyes. But I still looked up to him. I still needed his guidance, his advice, and sometimes his approval. And up until he took his last breath, I still did.

“He devoted his entire life to his country, then to the company, sacrificing everything so many people took for granted — friends, family, a normal nine-to-five job. Martin was a permanent fixture in my house growing up. I remember wondering why he always spent time with us when he should have been with his own family.” Alexander looked down briefly, then returned his eyes to the faces in the crowd. “But now I know he was with his family. Blood makes you related, but loyalty makes a family, and Martin was as loyal as they come. I stand here and look around the room, able to see his influence in the face of every single one of you. He was a man of few words, but when he spoke, you damn well better listen because those words had impact. So I want to share with you some of Martin’s last words.”

Alexander clutched the podium, drawing strength from the sturdy wood. “He said, ‘Don’t make the same mistake I’ve made, that your father made. Family first. Always.’” He paused, allowing those words to sink in. “It’s so easy to get caught up in the business of making a living that we forget to actually live. Our lives revolve around our work, and I know I’m not the only one who’s guilty of this. When was the last time anyone here sat down to a dinner with their family, without their cell phones, and actually talked? And I mean really talked. Not just about work or things that needed to get done around the house, but talked about your hopes, your dreams, your fears. Because that’s where the beauty of life truly lies. It’s hidden in the little things. In the Saturday morning pancake ritual.” He glanced at Melanie, seeing tears falling down her cheeks.

“It’s in the family dinner at your ma’s house where she makes enough lasagna to feed a small army.” He met his mother’s eyes, wishing he had the words to tell her how sorry he was that she was back here, having to say goodbye to the man she loved again.

“And it’s in those quiet moments you spend with your wife.” He looked at Olivia, a warmth radiating through him, despite the chilly temperatures. “It’s in falling in love all over again each and every morning you wake up and can stare into her eyes. It’s in the way sharing a simple cup of coffee in bed makes your day complete. It’s in the way you feel like the luckiest man alive because you get to fall asleep next to the woman of your dreams every single night.”

He returned his attention to the rapt crowd, men and women alike dabbing at the tears falling freely down their cheeks. “Don’t take any of that for granted,” he said in a soft voice, fighting back his own tears. “For too long, I took my family for granted. Never again.” Clearing his throat, he continued. “From this moment forward, I will be fulfilling the promise I made to Martin. I will be putting family first. Effective immediately, I will be stepping down as President of Burnham and Associates Security Firm.”

A gasp echoed from the crowd. Then he looked to Tyler, who simply nodded in agreement. “My brother, Tyler, has agreed to take over temporarily while we vet a replacement. He doesn’t want the job permanently. Unlike me, he’s always put family first. I will be keeping my place on the Board of Directors, but will no longer be involved in the day-to-day operation of the company.” He drew in a deep breath and looked at the portrait of Martin in a black suit sitting in front of an American flag. “Family first, Uncle Leroy. Always. Semper Fi.”

A Marine appeared next to the casket and played Taps on his bugle, six more Marines approaching, folding the flag with meticulous precision. Outside the chapel, the boom of rifles echoed, sending chills through Alexander.

As the sound of the bugle diminished, one of the members of the Honor Guard approached his mother with the flag, slipping the traditional three rifle casings inside, and handed it to her. The Marine stepped back and saluted her.

As she stared down at the flag in her hands, sobs consumed her. Over the past few days, Alexander had wavered on whether stepping down from the company was the right decision. Now he knew it was. He didn’t want his family to have to sit through another 21-gun salute any time soon.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

December 24

6:00 PM

THE LIGHTS OF THE Christmas tree twinkled as Olivia sat on the couch, her arms wrapped around Melanie. The smell of fresh baked cookies emanated from the kitchen, the fire in the hearth warming her. From the outside, it was the picture-perfect Christmas Eve. Inside, it was anything but. A somber feeling invaded their home. Last year, this day had been filled with movies, eating, and celebrating with friends and family. This year, it was marked with uncertainty.

“Have you heard anything yet?” she murmured to Alexander as Melanie slept, cradled in her embrace. Her strong, independent girl had transformed into a child frightened of the smallest noise. It was understandable and something they knew would take time to overcome. One of the best psychiatrists in the country had been to their house every day to work with her. Olivia wasn’t going to pretend what her daughter had endured wouldn’t affect her. She knew it would. She also knew it was okay to need help to overcome it. Melanie was a beautiful, spirited girl. She would get through this and be stronger because of her experience. For now, Olivia was enjoying the snuggles again.

T.K. Leigh's books