VISIONARY X STARLIGHT (Earthala Series Book 1)

"Yes. I only found out recently, but I'm Scarlet Sinclair, future heir of Realm Three Feminara," I announced.

They took a moment to give me a good up and down look.

"Seems legit," Daniel whispered.

"Ya, she does have similarities to Queen Neptune," Elias whispered back.

"The orange hair runs in the family," Marcus whispered.

"You could sense her power too," Ryder noted.

"She's the granddaughter of Queen Neptune?" Kai inquired.

"How are you the future heir when you have a mom who hasn't taken the throne yet?" Makoto asked, looking confused.

I gave her a sad smile. "My mom was murdered," I said simply.

They froze, gawking at me.

"That's...not possible? It's against Starlight Law," Makoto argued.

Christian sighed.

"We know. We kinda just found this out recently, so we're trying to figure out who the culprit is and why it's been accepted by the gods," he explained.

Mako stared at me for a moment, closing her eyes.

I sensed the sudden shift of power in the air, causing all of us to stare at Makoto. "Mako?" I asked.

"This has happened before," Ryder admitted.

"What's happened before?" Elias asked.

"Watch," Ryder replied.

Mako's eyes opened; bright pink orbs meeting mine.

Holy shit; her eyes changed completely.

"Everything happens for a reason. You all may question why events are overlooked, while others receive the maximum punishment. Mother Galaxy works in mysterious ways and even us, the gods, cannot interfere. It's up to you to decide what path you want to take in this life, and those decisions will determine your final destination," she revealed.

I didn't understand why, but my body felt calm with her words.

She continued, "Nevertheless, the clock is already beginning to tick away. Your union is not by accident, nor will the following events that occur in your paths be by accident. Trust your instincts, don't lose sight of your ambitions, and never forget the people who love and cherish you. The gods will assist you when we can," she concluded.

We all exchanged glances, nodding in approval.

"Thank you?" I whispered, unsure who exactly we were currently talking to. I was unsure of Mako's spirits, but this didn't feel like a spirit. No, it felt like a higher being taking control and using Mako's body as a host.

She nodded before her eyes closed; Mako leaned forward. Ryder and Marcus stopped her from falling off the couch.

"Mako?" Marcus asked.

I noticed her slow breathing. "She fell asleep?" I questioned.

Ryder nodded. "Something similar happened recently when we went to visit my family. She went into the same trance," Ryder revealed.

"You think it was a god?" Kai asked.

Elias stared at Makoto before he answered. "I think that was Nightmare," he stated confidently.

Nightmare? The Starlight god of Destruction.

We turned to face him.

"How do you know?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"That's what my gut is telling me," he replied.

Nightmare...that's the god Risuki mentioned.

"I guess that's enough introductions for the morning," Daniel suggested.

Ethan nodded. "Um. So, do you want us to call you by your formal titles?" he asked.

Marcus shook his head. "Nah. Just call us by our names and act as we have been since we've met. It's easier on Mako. She doesn't like the use of formalities. Makes her feel awkward," he explained.

We all nodded. I rose, Jaxson slipped a hand around my waist. I smiled at his gesture to ensure I was okay to stand.

"Why don't we rest for the rest of the morning? When Makoto wakes up we can have some fun. I want her to enjoy this experience instead of dampening on the past," I emphasized, looking at Makoto who was sleeping against Ryder.

The guys nodded.


Everything happens for a reason...

Chapter Six

Day 2: 13:30 P.M.


"Stop giving me that look. I'm fine. Nothing you can do will make me stay home,” I fussed, crossing my arms.

I currently sat on top of Ryder's bed, who currently stood before me and attempted to get me to stay home instead of heading outside with Jaxson and Scarlet.

"Makoto, you look exhausted."

"I'm not."

"You can barely keep your eyes open," he pointed out.

"That's because they’re itchy."

"That's the worst excuse you've made," he replied.

I huffed, pulling my hood up. "...."

"Baby, don't give me the silent treatment."


"You’re seriously giving me the silent treatment?"


"Ugh. Fine. But you have to make sure you don't exhaust yourself. If you even wobble funny, we're coming back." He sighed, giving up. He pulled off his shirt, throwing it in the laundry bin in the corner of the room before making his way to the dresser.

I smiled in triumph. Hehehe, the silent treatment always gets him.

"He hates when you ignore him," Rose emphasized, sounding amused.

The guys and I rarely argued, but if I wasn't going to get my way, I'd learned how to win a few of them over. Ryder hated when I ignored him, which I'd discovered during our time at Anya's Celebration of Life. It was a time we really got a chance to learn even more about one another.

I knew he was only being harsh because he didn't want anything happening to me. He and Marcus had been having weird gut feelings and thought something bad was approaching.

But, Kai had been checking every day to see how the next week would turn out and everything was smooth. Leo's exam would go well, and we'd all be in Heila with no issues.

I knew they loved me dearly and that's why they were being cautious; but if they thought I was gonna sleep all day when I was in Earthala for the first time, they were dreaming.

"Ryder," I called out to him.

He looked over his shoulder, giving me a small smile.

"Come here," I whispered.

He walked towards the bed as I shuffled to the edge, rising to my feet to face him. I slipped my arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. He moaned; his hands relaxed on my hips.

"I get why you're worried. Don't think I don't appreciate it. I love when you and the others show concern. If this was any other occasion, I would listen. But, I don't want to lose so much time resting while I'm here. I've known nothing but solitude and darkness most cycles. To be able to be in a new place with people I love is something I never envisioned myself experiencing. Can you be a little more lenient just this time?" I whispered, looking into his Tyrian eyes.

He nodded, pressing his forehead against mine; his arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a warm embrace; his rose-like scent surrounded me.

Yumoyori Wilson's books