UnLoved Forever: Romantic Comedy - Romantic Suspense (Unlucky Series #3)

Her soft whisper seemed to soothe him. He darted a glance at her, and his hand unclenched marginally. Her fingers tingled as her blood fought to circulate again.

“Well, consider it over a steak, boy—I’m hungry!” The man made a grand, sweeping gesture to a limo down the road, that pulled forward in obedience to his wishes. A man in a suit and cap jumped out to open the back door. Under his close supervision, he handed Elaina into the back, bowing as Edwin and Marcus clambered in after. When had Marcus gotten to the house? She hadn’t even been paying attention.

The driver closed the door on the passenger side of the car and opened the other side, the side facing the street where Luke and Dani waited on the sidewalk, watching.

“Come on, boy!” his father called, though the fa?ade was cracking. His voice had a hint of growing impatience, of dissatisfaction that his wishes weren’t being seen to quickly. “I want to meet this girl of yours! Tell her embarrassing things about you a child. And as an adult. It’s the only joy old people have, embarrassing their children.”

Dani looked up at Luke, whose face was still unreadable. Wordlessly, he stepped off the curb. Thankfully, no cars were coming. Dani wasn’t sure he would have noticed if they were. Luke’s feet seemed to move on their own, or maybe he was walking in a fog, but Dani was sure he wasn’t there for a moment as he crossed the street and entered the car as ordered.

Dani was helped into the car last, the driver offering his hand to her as she folded into the vehicle. He smelled like shaving cream and air freshener. It wasn’t bad, but it was very strong.

The door closed again. The interior was every bit as spacious as Dani had expected it would be. Elaina sat in the corner and seemed to avoid her son’s eyes, for once silenced by this chain of events. Dani found she missed Elaina’s chatter... No, she missed Elaina being Elaina, and found herself disliking their suave and genial host all the more. She wasn’t alone in her dislike. Her own father tried not glare at the newcomer, and Marcus... Dani knew that look. Marcus was sizing up possible opponents. Whether that assessment was aimed at the father or his driver, it was impossible to say. Knowing him, he meant it for both. It had been easy, these past few days, to forget the fact that Marcus had put a bullet between Katie’s eyes without a moment’s hesitation. Now Dani was reminded that he was hired muscle, a confirmed killer with very little compunction when it came to killing on Edwin’s orders.

And Edwin was jealous.

Dani shot a glance at her father, wondering just how far he would take his petty jealousies and whether she would need to intervene. Her own training had left her more than capable of assessing the risks, as much as Marcus, even if she maybe didn’t have the years of experience that her father’s bodyguard had. But she had youth on her side, and she trusted that the situation couldn’t get too far out of control. Besides, she had Luke, right? And he was a highly-trained federal agent. If it came down to it, it would be them two against... well, whatever individual decided to press his agenda. Two against one, then. Good odds.

Except Luke was gone, lost in his own agenda. His expression ranged from comic to tragic, and Dani didn’t know which way to jump.

Yeah. Two against one.

She was screwed.

She sighed and reached for Luke’s hand, pressing his palm to let him know she was there. No matter what, she would not leave him again. He’d been abandoned before. She’d take on the world all by herself if that’s what it took to save him.

Not knowing what else to do in the meantime Dani found herself focusing on Elaina, who huddled across from her, trying to disappear into the upholstery. She seemed to be ashamed. Embarrassed? Mortified? Something. There was a feeling of resentment mixed in, too. The play of emotions across her face was unguarded, open, raising more questions than they answered.

Dani glanced again at Luke. Man, did they need to talk.

The only one who seemed to be enjoying himself was Luke’s father. He caught Dani’s eye and extended a hand to her. His handshake was strong. Firm. “Since no one is bothering to be civil,” he said, “allow me to introduce myself. I am William McConnell, at your service.”

Dani glanced down at his hand in hers. He wore a ring, gold, with a brilliant ruby set in the top. His watch was an expensive Swiss import that Benny had been drooling over but never got for himself. It had been too pricey for even him.

This, then, was the source of the artwork. This was the source of Elaina’s money. And since Luke had been FBI, that meant that his father had passed Luke’s background check. All this money was legit. As much as any large sum of money could be said to be obtained legitimately.

“And what is it you do, Mr. McConnell?” she asked as sweetly as she was able as she drew her hand back to cover the other still firmly in Luke’s grasp.

“Currently, I am a... special liaison,” he said with that charming smile. “Meaning I have a cushy government job that pays well and that no one truly understands... especially me.”

“Dad’s an ambassador,” Luke said suddenly, color returning to his face.

“Not for some time, my boy!” William contradicted jovially. “I haven’t done that for years now. I’ve gone on to other prospects.”

“Why now?”

Dani smiled. Her special agent was, in fact, pulling himself back together. It’s about time.

William cocked his head. “I thought I could offer my son a hand,” he enthused, beaming magnanimously, “and meet my new daughter.” His smile was now for Dani’s benefit alone. It was creepy, like staring down a crocodile. “And her family, of course!” He turned to Edwin and bestowed a smile there, too, despite the odd look her father was giving him.

“How much?” Luke asked.

“Luke!” Elaina’s head came up sharply, her eyebrows meeting her hairline, the picture of mortification.

“No, no... it’s quite all right.” William leaned over and patted her arm. Edwin positively bristled. “My boy has a right to be suspicious. As it happens,” he said, turning to Luke, his smile gone, “I do have an ulterior motive, one I am sure that you won’t mind in the least.”

“Oh?” Luke’s eyes were narrowing dangerously. “And what might that be?”

“That USB stick,” William said, his smile benign, like he’d asked for something simple. Like a drink of water. “I want it.”

Chapter Six

He wants the USB? How the hell... Luke sighed, and turned his head. Why should I be surprised?

The restaurant, like everything else in that area, was tastefully hidden among the greenery, set back away from the road. The parking lot was the only real indication it was a place of business at all.