Third Base (The Boys of Summer Book 1)

“I wish I had the opportunity to ask your dad or grandfather for permission, but I think your grandpa would be okay with this question…” I roll over her legs and onto my knee. She moves so she’s facing me. I pull the ring out of my pocket that I picked up earlier. I put it in my pocket, hoping to move it to my nightstand so I could propose in the morning, but right now feels right and I don’t want to wait.

“Daisy, when I look at you I see my future. I see you as my wife, partner and cheerleader. I see you as the one who will keep me grounded and be the first to remind me that I’m being stupid. I want to be there when your career takes off and hold your hand when we find out we’re starting a family. I want you to be the first one I kiss when I finally win a batting title or the World Series. Most importantly, I just want to be with you. Daisy, will you marry me?” I hold the platinum band with a three-carat solitaire surrounded by diamonds between my fingers.

By the time I finish my speech, her mouth is covered and she’s crying and so am I. “Yes, Ethan, oh my god, yes!”

I take her hand and slip the ring on before pulling her into my arms. Our lips meet and our kiss deepens as I set her back onto the couch. I pull her shirt off and mine quickly follows, building a pile in the middle of the floor. With a flick of my thumb, her bra is off and my mouth waters at the thought of sucking on her breasts.

“You’re breathtaking,” I tell her as I stand and kick off my shoes and pants. She copies me, tossing the rest of her clothes onto the floor. My erection bounces against my stomach when I take off my boxers, causing her to laugh.

“I’ll show you,” I say, as I climb on top of her, centering myself, I look into her eyes. I see nothing but love and lust in her green orbs. I place my hands on the arm of the couch and push into her, watching her mouth drop open. She squirms underneath me, digging her nails into my back.

“Ethan,” she mewls, bringing her knees up over my hips. I have never felt so connected to someone as I do with her. Each thrust brings out a moan from her, spurring me on. As much as I want to go slow, that will have to wait for when we go to bed because Daisy is rocking her hips against mine, pushing me closer to the edge… an edge that I’m willing to fall over every time with her.

“Merry Christmas!” my mom yells as she enters the house. She runs right to Daisy and pulls her into her arms before she comes to give me a hug. I already know how I’m going to rate in this family now that my mom has met Daisy. Shea, though, loves her Unc and comes running into the house and into my arms, followed by Shana and Mike.

My plan was to pick them up, but they called us from their rental car saying they were here and to just unlock the door. I know my mom wanted a grand entrance that wasn’t awkward for Daisy. I step outside with Mike to help my dad with the luggage. We hug and he loads my arms full of suitcases.

“Are you moving in?”

He scoffs. “No, these are presents.”

I look at him questioningly. “What’s in my closet then?” I’ve been receiving Shea’s Santa presents for months now.

“These are for you, Daisy, Shana and Mike. Any excuse to shop… that woman will do it,” he says as he reaches for more.

As soon as I step in the house my mom is standing in front of me. “Ethan, she’s beautiful and lovely. I just love her.”

“I love her too, mom,” I say, kissing her on the cheek and winking at Daisy, who is blushing like crazy.

I carry all the bags to the extra bedroom where Mike and Shana will stay with Shea. My parents are going to sleep on the couch that pulls out into a bed. I never thought I’d host everyone at my place or I would’ve bought something bigger. Maybe that’s something Daisy and I need to look at once the holidays are over.

Before I know what’s happening, my mom has the eggnog open and has poured everyone a glass. She holds her glass high in the air and clears her throat. “I’m a blessed woman,” she starts with tears already in her eyes. “I have the best family and I’m so happy to bring this beautiful young woman into our lives.”

“Forever,” I add with a smirk.

Both mom’s and Shana’s mouth drop open and Daisy looks at me, smiling.

Heidi McLaughlin's books