The Outskirts (The Outskirts Duet #1)

“Fuck, you’re perfect,” Finn murmured against my lips. “Do you trust me?” Finn asked, his eyes dark. His breath ragged.

“Yes,” I answered because it was true.

I trusted him with my body.

And with my heart.

Finn gently pushed me back up against the wall so that my back was flush against the house. He reached down and unbuttoned his jeans, pushing them down to reveal his massive erection straining against the stretchy material of his tight black boxers.

My eyes widened at the sight. My core clenched. I didn’t know what his plan was but I hoped whatever it was wouldn’t hurt, but I didn’t see how that would be possible.

Finn hiked my dress up to my waist and again fit himself between my legs, this time he lifted me so that the heat of my core was flush with his hardness with only the fabric of our undergarments separating us.

Finn’s eyes locked on mine. His breath was my breath. His need was my need as he began to rock against my sensitive nub, dragging himself against the heat of my folds. I felt him throb against the damp fabric separating us and I moaned, covering my mouth with my hand.

“They’re a little too busy to hear you, Say,” Finn chuckled. He looked me in the eyes as he lifted me up and dropped me down again and again until stars formed behind my eyelids and my vision blurred. I was awash in pleasure and my senses were on overload. All I could feel, smell, see, taste, was Finn.

My body ached. My heart was about to explode.

The way his body felt pressed against mine. The way he looked at me. If the world came crashing down around us we wouldn’t have noticed or cared because right then and there we were the only two people who mattered.

“Come, Say. You’re so fucking beautiful when you come for me.” The cords in his neck tightened and just as I was about to reach the edge he put his lips back over mine to swallow my cries of pleasure as I burst apart in his arms, clenching and contracting with only the tip of his manhood against me like it was inviting him inside my body. The thought sent an entirely new wave of pleasure over me and I shuddered, riding out every bit of what Finn had given me.

“That’s my girl,” Finn groaned. He tensed. His hardness throbbed and a flush of hot wetness exploded between us, soaking the already wet fabric separating us.

Finn held me against his chest and made no move to clean either of us up as we caught our breaths.

That is, until my curiosity got the better of me and I found myself needing to ask Finn something. “What would it feel like if I did that…”

“Come, I think the word you’re looking for is come,” Finn said, still breathless. He kissed the top of my head.

“Come,” I said. Finn sucked in a breath as I played with the word in my mouth. “What would it feel like if I were to come while you were inside of me?”

Finn closed his eyes and I felt his hardness twitch between us. “Don’t ask me things like that, Say.”

“Why not?” I asked, blinking rapidly.

“Because it sounds way too good coming out of your sweet mouth. And I’m teetering on the edge as it is.” He chuckled. “But I can tell you what it would feel like.”

“What?” I asked.

He pushed a stray hair from my eyes, tucking it behind my ear. He smiled down at me. “It would feel like heaven.”

The door creaked open.

Finn tucked himself back in his jeans, lowered me to the ground, and straightened my dress in record time. He sat down on one of the rocking chairs and pulled me down on top of him, draping me over his lap.

Miller appeared on the porch, running his hands through his hair and cursing to himself.

Finn looked completely unaffected by what had just happened between us while I knew I looked like I’d just had my world turned upside down and back again. Hair disheveled. Skin flushed.

I tried to act casual, crossing my legs at the ankles. I tried very hard not to think about the humming sensation still surging through my body.

“Hey,” Miller said when he spotted us, freezing for a moment and looking at us curiously. He pulled on his black t-shirt over his head. His belt hung loosely from his belt loops. He cleared his throat and raised his voice and I assume it was so he could alert Josh of our presence. “You guys been here long?”

“Nope. Just got here,” I said, pressing my lips together guiltily. I avoided eye contact with Miller and gazed out over at my house instead, knowing that the second our eyes met he would be able to see right through me.

“Yep, just got here, thought it would be nice to sit on the porch for a bit and listen to the…” A glowing light hanging in the corner chose that moment to make a loud popping noise. “Bug zapper,” Finn said with a laugh.

“Bug zapper?” Miller’s gaze darted from Finn to me and back again. “What’s really going on out here?”

“Nothing,” both Finn and I answered at the same time.

Miller held out his arms to his sides. “You fucking saw us, didn’t you?”

Thankfully Josh came storming outside just then and we didn’t have to answer. “I can’t wait anymore. I don’t have time for this shit, Miller.”

“Not again,” Miller grumbled. “What the fuck is going on, Josh? You’ve been a bigger bitch than usual lately.” He leaned in closer and lowered his voice, probably thinking we couldn’t hear him. He was wrong. “And this was the first time we’d fucked in like two whole days. I told you we just need to work out the time…”

Josh turned toward us slowly as she realized we were there. “Shit.” She cringed. “I need to go. Lovely dinner, Sawyer. See you later, Finn.”

Josh made a move to leave, but spun back around and narrowed her eyes at Miller. “And YOU. You’ve had nothing BUT time. Ten goddamn years to be exact. And all you’ve managed to do in over a decade is occasionally break my fucking heart. I’m done.”

“Josh, stop. Please,” Miller begged, reaching out for her again.

She shook him off. “No! Not this time. I tossed my heart away when I fell in love with you when we were kids. I’m not going to make that mistake again. I can’t wait for you to grow up anymore.”

Josh took off in her truck, spinning mud high into the air as she left.

Miller stood on the porch like he was in a daze, gaping after her.

It was the first time I’d seen him stand still. “I think I fucked up,” Miller said to no one in particular, staring off at the trees as if he were still looking at Josh’s truck which was long gone.

“It sure seems that way,” Finn said, shifting me so he could close his jeans and pulling down his shirt to cover the wetness. I stood up and adjusted my dress while Finn went over to Miller and clapped him on the shoulder. “What did you do?”

“It’s more like what didn’t I do.” Miller flashed me the saddest smile. “I can’t lose her.” His voice was broken and cracked.

“So, don’t,” Finn said. “Fight for her.”

“I will. I have to get her back.” Miller’s eyes widened with his epiphany. His shoulders squared, his spine straightened.