The Mistress Wager: A Risqué Regency Romance (The Six Pearls of Baron Ridlington Book 4)

“I seldom like it at all.” Max slowed the horses, and Kitty gazed over their ears at an elegant mansion. “This is yours?” She blinked. “It’s so close to town but…”

“Quite rural? Yes. I have discovered I prefer the sound of the country over the rancorous din of the city. Society would think that statement quite heinous, I know. But I’ve also discovered I don’t really care what anyone thinks…” He steered the carriage adroitly to the bottom of the front steps.

She closed her eyes for a moment, listening to the horses’ breaths, the slight rattle of their tack and the creak of the carriage springs as Max alighted. Then a bird woke up as the sky lightened, and his song was liquid joy to her ears. “Six months ago, Max, I would have thought you—well, not heinous, but perhaps a little insane. Now? I find myself in total agreement.”

His hand, warm as toast, covered hers on her knee and brought her out of her reverie. She looked down, just able to make out his features in the growing dawn light. His expression was serious, intense, as he surveyed her features as if cataloging them. She moved, allowing him to lift her to the ground.

“Welcome to my home, Kitty.” He nodded at the stable lad who had appeared to walk the horses away. “Let’s have breakfast. We have things to talk about, you and I.”

Kitty found she rather liked the sound of that, so she tucked her arm in his and allowed him to lead her up the steps and into Mowbray House.


Max was pleased to note nary a flicker of an eyebrow on the part of his faithful butler as he opened the door to his master and their guest. “Good morning, sir. Madam.”

“Hello, Deery. Breakfast ready?”

They passed over their coats and Max noticed Kitty blink when she heard his butler’s name. His lips quirked, but he let it pass.

“In the small drawing room, sir. The fire has been lit, so I believe you’ll find it comfortable.”

“Excellent.” He offered his arm to Kitty. “Shall we?”

“Indeed.” She smiled at Deery. “Thank you.”

“Miss,” he bowed, not a fold of his clothes out of place, or any movement that might indicate the strangeness of her visit or the unusual hour.

He certainly upheld the Seton-Mowbray tradition of unflappability.

He was also completely accurate, since the room into which Max led Kitty was quite snug in spite of the cold pre-dawn air outside.

She grinned at him. “Deery?”

He sighed. “Yes. Harcourt Milton Deery. And his name has been the source of more amusement than you can possibly imagine for as long as I can remember. The jests never end.”

“It could have been worse, I suppose.” She pursed her lips. “Sweetie? Or Precious?”

He shook his head. “Yes, those kinds of jests. And worse.”

“But he seems magnificently…butlerish…in spite of it…?”

“He is, and always has been, the best butler I’ve ever met. So regardless of his name, I shall not hear a word against him.”

“And you won’t. Not from me, anyway.” She glanced around her. “How lovely.” She smiled at the soft shades of yellow and green covering the walls and matched the carpet beneath her feet.

“My mother’s doing. This was one of her favorite rooms in the winter.”

“I can see why.” Kitty wandered to the arched windows and gazed out on the gardens, shadowed still as darkness lingered.

“Come, let’s eat before it gets cold.” Max walked to a small sideboard and lifted lids, sniffing and grabbing a rasher of bacon with a guilty grin.

“All right.” Kitty joined him and filled her plate, taking it to the table set not far from the fireplace. “You must enjoy rising each morning if this is how you break your fast.” She shook out a napkin and neatly placed it on her knees.

“Sometimes,” he answered, matching her movements.

They fell silent as food was consumed, the occasional snap and pop from the burning logs a counterpoint to the ring of cutlery on china.

Reaching for the small pot of homemade marmalade, Kitty broke the silence. “I recall your mentioning you had something you wished to discuss with me, sir.” She calmly buttered her toast and spread the golden stuff from edge to edge.

“So your memory is working…”

She shot him a curious glance as she bit into the toast.

“You forgot to call me Max,” he reminded her.

Mouth full, she merely rolled her eyes and chewed.

“However, I’ll forgive you this once.” He took a sip of tea. “Yes, Kitty. I do have a matter we must discuss.” He paused, gathering his thoughts. “It is a matter of family, and in the ordinary way of things, I would not even mention it.”

She dabbed her lips with her napkin. “In that case, I’m forced to ask why are you mentioning it? I know nothing of your family…Max. But if there’s anything I can do to help, well of course you need only to ask.”

He inclined his head. “A generous offer. But you mistake my point. It’s not my family, Kitty. It’s yours.”

She straightened in her chair and he couldn’t miss the lift of that determined chin. “Oh really?”

That was a dare if ever he heard one. Come on then, I dare you to say something terrible about my family. The words could have been written in fire across her forehead.

“Please understand I am speaking as someone who wishes only good things for your family. And for your sister in particular.”

One eyebrow lifted. “Max, forgive me if I appear slightly befuddled. You are not known as a man who wishes good things for anyone in particular. So why you should mention that in relation to my sister I have no idea.” She blinked. “By the way, which sister? I have two and one sister-in-law.”

He nodded. “You are correct. As a rule, I never interfere in anyone else’s business, and expect that philosophy to be returned by others not interfering in mine.”

“So what has changed?”

Max moved his empty plate to one side and placed both hands on the table, interlacing his fingers as he considered his next words. “I have come into possession of some information which directly relates to your sister Hecate.” He watched her closely.

Her expression didn’t change. “Well if it has to do with her unusual…her…her slightly out of the ordinary ability to—er—sense things, shall we say, then it’s not news at all. We all know that about her.”

Max blinked. “Oh? No, it’s not about that, but at some point I would like to hear more about it…”

She frowned and waved her hand, as if brushing his comment aside. “In that case, what is it that has brought us to this table today?”

“I…well, please understand that this information is direct from the source…”

“Oh for God’s sake, man. Spit it out before it chokes you to death, and I never find out what the hell you’re talking about.”

Biting his lip against a laugh at her blunt impatience, Max took a breath. “Dancey Miller-James plans on claiming your sister’s virginity and then leaving her to suffer the consequences of his actions.”

Chapter Three

Sahara Kelly's books