Sweet Little Memories (Sweet #3)

She flipped her sunglasses up on top of her head and made her way toward me. Each step she drew closer I wanted to ask why she was here. Instead, I waited. I’d asked, begged, and done all I could to help her. It was far-fetched to think she was here for my help now.

When she was only a few feet away from me she stopped.

“I called Wills to tell him I had to change my plans and he started crying. Your father has given him a real beating because he asked to come visit you.” She paused and my hands clenched at my sides.

I’d hoped Wills would escape that. My plan was to get him away before my father thought he was old enough to hit. That day had come too soon.

“I won’t let him hurt Wills. He’s a kind child. I’m ready to help. He needs free of that bastard.”

Jumping on the first plane to New York to take Wills away was my first instinct. I knew I couldn’t do that yet. I had to wait until I had all the facts straight. Messing up by letting my emotions control me would give my father the upper hand.

“Come inside.” I turned and opened the door. Hilda followed me inside and we walked in silence up the stairs. I used every technique I’d learned over the years to calm myself. The rage boiling inside me was threatening to take over and right now I wanted to yell at the woman beside me. I was tempted to remind her that Wills wouldn’t ever have had to suffer at the hand of my father if she’d been the mother he deserved. But her selfish behavior and choices had led us here.

Opening the door to my apartment, I stepped back and waved my hand for her to enter.

“Wow, Winston this is something else. Gorgeous. Stunning.” Hilda was always impressed with material things.

“When did you talk to him?” I was not interested in talking about my apartment with her.

She turned and I could see the subtle change in her demeanor. It had all kinds of warning signs attached to it. She was imagining something that would never be again. I didn’t have the patience to deal with her stupidity.

“This morning around nine. I had gotten a call that woke me then changed my plans. It was important and I had to call Wills and let him know I would be there a day later than I had originally told him. He started crying so I thought he must be upset about something bad.”

“He was,” I stated.

She frowned. “Yes, he was. Anyway, he was crying. Upset. I calmed him down and we talked. He told me he wanted to come live with me.” She batted her lashes and I watched as she worked up fake emotion and tears. I wanted to believe that she loved Wills, but I was sure I couldn’t trust her. I also didn’t believe he asked her if he could live with her. He didn’t much like her.

“And if the results come back and he’s not mine, he’s my fathers. What then? Will you still fight for him?”

Her tears threatened to spill over. “Of course! He’s hurting him, Winston!”

I’d warned her he’d hurt him from the beginning. When I wanted to know if he was mine. When I was a kid and had no power. But she didn’t care then. “Why the sudden change of heart? This is something you’ve been warned about repeatedly.”

She wiped at the tears yet to roll down her face. “I didn’t believe you. Okay? I thought you were exaggerating or maybe you deserved what you got because you were a bad kid. I don’t know,” she trailed off. Sounding almost guilty for the words she was saying.

“I should have been the last person you thought would lie. I’ve never been dishonest with you. You can’t say the same thing to me.”

She opened her mouth to speak, took a step too closer and placed a hand on my chest. I reached for her hand to take it from my body and move her back.

At the same moment, the door to my apartment opened. I turned my head locked eyes with Beulah. I knew she would be here soon. Hilda showing up talking about Wills had distracted me and I’d forgotten momentarily.

“Who are you?” Hilda’s tone was sharp. Possessive. As if she had some right to be in my home and ask who walked in my door.

I moved her hand away and walked to Beulah. Her eyes wide, confused, and nervous. This wasn’t what she needed. Tonight, I had planned on talking to her about what had been bothering her.

“Who is she, Winston? We are dealing with family issues.” Hilda’s voice had gotten louder. I didn’t respond to her. Instead, I kept my eyes on Beulah’s. Reassuring her while the insane woman who was possibly the mother of my child ranted behind me.

“That’s Hilda.” I had dismissed Hilda for a second to stay focused on Beulah. She knew enough about Hilda to understand. At least I hoped she did.

“Is Wills okay?” she asked immediately. There was honest worry in her tone.

“He will be. But my father has hurt him. Scared him.”

“Oh God.” She covering her mouth. The pain shimmering in her eyes was real. It wasn’t fabricated or worked up. She was genuinely worried about Wills.

“Why does she know about our son?” Hilda asked sharply. Demanding attention. Hating that she was ignored.

I slipped my arm around Beulah’s waste. “Beulah meet Wills’ mother, Hilda. Hilda this is my girlfriend, Beulah. She lives here. With me.”

She hadn’t been expecting a girlfriend. That much was obvious. There was a certain annoyed gleam in her eyes that I read all too well. Women like Hilda wanted to be the most important. The most beautiful. Beulah was sixteen years younger and by far more beautiful inside and out. Hilda would hate that.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Beulah said. Her voice was sweet and perfect.

Hilda glared at her but only for a moment. She snapped out of her snit quickly and forced a smile. A smile that was all too vibrant. “Likewise. I am sure we’ll be fast friends.”

I doubted that.


“I DIDN’T KNOW SHE WAS coming here,” were the first words out of Stone’s mouth when we stepped into his bedroom.

“I’d figured that out,” I told him. It was obvious he’d been caught off guard, but there was hope in his eyes. Hilda showing up here was a good thing for Wills. They had to work together to help him.

Stone ran a hand through his hair messing up his thick locks. “I need her help. Wills needs her help. Honestly, I don’t want her here with us . . . staying in my place. Our place. She’s toxic.” He was worried about me and I knew that. I could tell within seconds of entering the apartment that he was on guard where Hilda was concerned. He was ready to swoop in and save me. I wasn’t that helpless. I knew I could deal with Hilda. Just because I was nice didn’t make me weak.

“We will be fine with her here. This is a good thing. A very good thing. Don’t worry about anything else. You have enough to be concerned with.”

He walked over to me and put both his hands on my waist. “I’m glad she’s here. I’m not happy with what finally pushed her here. My stomach is in twisted in knots over it. But I have a chance now. I also have this.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out an envelope. Frowning, I looked at the envelope and tried to puzzle out what was inside.