Stealth Magic 401 (Hellkitten Chronicles #4)

She turned and cuddled her kitten while following the bunny down the trail that only existed when she was moving to that pocket between worlds.

Blueberry led her to the rear patio where the garden was flourishing, and some small tables had been assembled so that Adrea could serve tea. The XIA team was sitting around and eating scones.

“Imara, are you done?”

She nodded. “For today. I will still have to come back to conduct interviews.”

“Aside from the one you dispersed.”

“Yeah, that. He was just an asshole.”

Benny blinked. “You destroyed a spectre?”

“Sure. It’s not tricky.” Imara sat in the empty seat that was waiting for her.

Adrea patted her on the shoulder. “Don’t be smug.”

Imara blinked. “It isn’t being smug. Anyone with magical skills can tear apart a spectre. Being a Death Keeper just means I can tear it up really, really small.”

Benny laughed. “Fair enough. So, you have been here before?”

Adrea snorted. “Every two days for the last six weeks. Hyl has been tutoring her for her class.”

Smith looked at her in genuine surprise. “Hyl has been tutoring you?”

“Yes.” She petted Mr. E with one hand while sipping her tea with the other.

Argyle was sitting in the shade, but he asked, “What is your class?”

“Stealth Magic. He taught me how to move and a few spells to assist in my final project, which—thankfully—was completed.”

Tremble arched his pale brows. “Did you pass?”

“I completed the exam. That is a pass.”

She checked her phone and smiled at the text from Argus.

Etta is doing well, Iofer is worshiping the very idea of you, and his team has pledged allegiance to you. Are you home?

She texted back. Ritual Space. Had to drop off the annoying item.

Benny smiled. “The boyfriend. I can tell by your expression.”

“Yeah. He was just checking in.”

Adrea rolled her eyes. “He checks in a lot. I swear, I was almost hoping for a crime spree just to stop her phone from going off.”

The XIA officers looked at each other in surprise.

Smith asked, “Crime spree?”

Adrea grinned. “Didn’t she tell you? She is dating Argus. He has been hanging around here with annoying frequency while she was training, though he did bring excellent ice cream every time, so that says something.”

Imara started to blush. “I like sugar after a lot of magic expenditure.”

Smith was still staring. “Argus? Our Argus?”

Imara grinned. “Technically, I have dibs on him, but that particular claiming is still six months or so away. I have to get my accreditation from the Mage Guild to be a commercial mage, but I inherited a building from a friend of mine, so my offices are set. No romantic entanglements until I have my professional life in place.”

Benny stared. “How old are you?”

“Twenty. I will still be twenty by the time I graduate.”

“How did you and Argus meet?”

Imara chuckled. “I told you. I met him in class. Ethics class. He had to take a course for work, and he helped me out with my shape shifting course.”

Benny was enthralled. “You can shape shift?”

“Yeah. I passed the class.”

Smith challenged, “What is your beast?”

“You are going to laugh.”

Smith held up a hand. “I promise to try not to.”

“Griffin vulture.”

Mr. E perked up at the cacophony of laughter that surrounded them. What is going on?

I said something funny. Are you okay?

He was very strong.

He is a celestial smear now.

Good. When can we go home?

I am hoping that we will be on our way shortly.

Adrea settled and smiled. “This quartet had their bonding ceremony here. It was just after I had taken over and a nice way to start my life in this place. You might want to consider it when you and Argus want to tie the knot.”

“There is no proposal in the air.”

Adrea snorted. “I would have to be blind to miss the bonding with you two; now, eat two scones with cream and jam, and I will let you go. Until then, no one is going to make a move for the door.”

Imara looked, and the other four were frozen in time. “I hate it when you do that.”

“There is no other way for you to gain the skills you did. You got six months’ worth of training in six weeks. I had to slow time here to achieve it. And it was fun. Mostly fun.” Adrea winked and waved at her to load up the scones. “I wasn’t kidding. Two scones with cream and jam. Go. And then, I will let them loose.”

Imara put some clotted cream on a plate for Mr. E and set up her two scones. One was blackberry and one strawberry, both had cream.

She chewed her way through them with deliberation, and when the final bite was in her mouth, the other four were released from time.

Mr. E was sitting on the table and enjoying his cream, and the others looked a little disconcerted at her jam-stained face.

Benny blinked. “Did we miss something?”

“Nope. Just Adrea throwing her weight around.”

Adrea crossed her arms. “Imara doesn’t eat properly, and she burns a lot of energy. She’s the seventh child of a seventh child twice over. She’s got so much luck, it is dizzying.”

“Love you, too, Addy.” After wiping her lips, she blew Adrea a kiss.

“I can give you a ride home, Imara.” Argus’s voice was behind her.

She turned her head, and he set his hand on her shoulder. “That would be great. Mr. E isn’t really comfortable.”

Argus looked over her shoulder at her familiar. “Aw, he looks exhausted.”

Smith cleared his throat. “Argus, when were you going to mention your lady friend here?”

Argus squeezed her shoulder. “When it was any of your business, Smith. Argyle, Tremble, Benny, nice to see you all.”

Smith winced. “Right. Got it. Imara is an incredible choice. She deserves better than you.”

“Yes, I am aware, but she keeps saying that she got lucky.”

“I did. Well, this has been fun, but I have to grab my kitten and go. We both need a bit of rest before I get to meet my family tonight.”

That got everyone except Adrea curious.

Imara held up her hand. “Too long to explain. If we ever meet again, I am sure I will be happy to fill you in.”

She got up and cuddled a sleepy Mr. E against her chest. “Lovely to meet you. Have to run. Have a great day, and thanks for the ride.”

Argus put his arm around her, and he supported her very tired self out to his vehicle.

“So, everybody else is off shift?”

“Yeah, lucky for you I don’t need much sleep. You look haggard but lovely.”

She laughed softly and buckled in with Mr. E on her lap. She poured a bit of energy into him, and he sat up, stretching.

“Thanks, Argus. I want nothing more than my own bed. I have to brace for my family party this evening.”

“Do you need me there?”

“No, but be braced for a call if the Mage Guild can’t manage it. I am pretty sure that there is going to be a riot by midnight.”

She slumped over and leaned against his shoulder.