Spiralling Skywards: Fading (Contradictions, #2)

“Well then, that’s my job, too.” I kissed her neck again, simply because it was there and I could.

She bit down on the corner of her lip, and I could almost hear her thoughts churning through that pretty little head of hers. She had come a long way in the ten months since we first met. Both my chest and my balls tightened when I thought about how adventurous she was prepared to get in the bedroom. She was pretty uninhibited and happy to try almost anything I suggested. I still hadn’t managed to convince her to ask for what she wanted, but we were working on it.

No matter how much she let go between the sheets, she still had issues with bodily functions. She even got embarrassed throwing a packet of tampons in the shopping trolley, which was also something we were working on.

“You’re not still embarrassed to go to the toilet in front of me, are you?” I stepped back so I could see her face. She was blushing and staring down at my chest again.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and pulled her in close. “I plan on having my fingers, tongue, and dick inside every orifice of yours that might bring us pleasure over the next few weeks. I plan on fucking you till you can’t walk and until every person staying in our hotel knows my name and exactly how you sound when I make you come.” I again tilt her chin, giving her no choice but to look at me. “And if you can’t walk, your only option will be to let me carry you to the toilet, so get fucking used to it, because I don’t plan to leave your side.”

“Everyone’s gonna think we’re sneaking off for sex if they see us heading inside together.” Her blush, combined with the way she giggled as she spoke, reached parts of me I didn’t know I had.

My insides ached with how much I loved this girl.

“Perhaps, we just might be.” I wiggled my eyebrows and gave her my best smile, topping it off with a wink, coz I know for a fact that made her wet.

“I’m not having sex in a bathroom with you on our wedding day.”

“You didn’t mind having sex with me in there when we were here for your grandad’s birthday last month.”

“That wasn’t our wedding day, I want tonight, or whenever our first time is as husband and wife, to be special. I want it to—”

Shit, now she looked as if she were gonna cry.

“I know, and I’m only joking with you, bub. I’ll hold your dress while you wee and nothing else. I also promise that tonight, today, and every other time we fuck will always be special.”

“Thanks, you’re such a charmer.”

“What can I say, it’s the New South Austrian in me. We’re famous for it.”

“I love you a lottle,” she told me.

“I love you a lottle more.”

When we walked back into the marquee after our bathroom excursion, the DJ was just setting up. There was a live band playing later, but we decided on a DJ to start and end the night. Liam and I had a surprise up our sleeves for our first dance, and I was a little nervous, although not as nervous as he seemed to be. He was really twitchy.

“Are the leather jackets still under the table?” I asked.

“Yeah, I checked when we first came in and sat down.”

All the other tables were being moved to create a dance floor, but the top table was staying in place.

“You okay with doing this?” His palms were sweaty as he griped my hand.

“I’m good.” He gave a small nod and a tight smile whilst watching his parents approach.

Despite the preconceived notions I’d formed of Daniel Delaney and his inability to remain married, I really liked him.

I liked Liam’s mum, Lori, even more.

“How you doing, darlings? How fabulous has the day been so far?” Lori tucked a stray hair behind my ear as she spoke, and my heart warmed at the familiarity of her gesture.

Daniel reached out and shook Liam’s hand.

“Great day, son. I couldn’t be more proud of ya.” He pulled him in for a manly cuddle and a back slap.

Liam was a little taller than his dad and his hair a lot blonder. I’d never seen photos of Dan when he was younger, but I was pretty sure he was as hot as his son back in the day. In fact, even at fifty-five, he wasn’t bad-looking, which was probably no way for a bride to be thinking about her father-in-law on her wedding day—but still . . .

This fact didn’t go unnoticed by Nan, who had flirted mercilessly since his arrival.

“You look stunning, Sarah. Though, I’m sure you’ve been hearing that all day.” Dan kissed my cheek and then stepped back to stand beside Lori.

“Stop flirting with my wife, Dad.”

“I’m not flirting, she looks bloody gorgeous. Every bride needs to hear that on her wedding day.”

“Not from you she doesn’t. What’s the go between you two anyway? You’ve not kept your hands off each other all day.” Liam asked his parents. Lori rolled her eyes, but I could see the sparkle in them as she looked at Dan, who was standing with his hand protectively on the small of her back.

Lesley Jones's books