See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1)

“A life for a life,” he whispers. “I always keep my promises.”

Stumbling back, I find my footing and edge away from the SUV.

“Get in the car,” he warns.

“Never.” My black voice is unrecognizable.

Stepping forward, Dad grabs for my arm but I push him off me. “Christiana! If you’re not with us, you’re against us.”

“Please, no,” Mom begs, shaking her head as tears fill her eyes.

I can’t do it.

What makes my life more valuable than Robbie’s?

I won’t be a part of this. I can’t turn my back on what’s right.

Spinning away from my family, I wrap Dad’s coat around my trembling body and start walking.

“Get back here!” Dad roars.

I ignore him, my shoulders set, my will unbreakable.

“Bring her back,” he orders. “Use whatever force you need to.”

“Lucca, please!” Mom screams.

The sound of pounding footsteps approach from behind.

I pick up my pace and start sprinting.


Save Her!


Kade screams into the dock. I slam into Riley as we veer around the corner and rocket down the hill. The gates are already open and we bump our way through, praying like crazy that Riley found the right place on the map.

The dock is lit, revealing a rusty warehouse with smashed-up windows…and the one person we’re looking for. She’s sprinting like crazy, a winter coat flying off her shoulders as she swerves towards us. Her face is bloody and bruised, the fear in her eyes stark and unnerving.

Kade slams on the brakes. The truck screeches to a halt just as Chris hits the hood.

“Help me!” she yells as her hands slap onto the metal.

Then she sees me.

Her face crests with relief, her body trembling as she trips around the car. Riley’s out the door in a second, making way for me to reach her when the bullets start flying.

“Shit!” Kade hits the seat, covering his head while the windshield smashes into a million pieces.

“Chris!” I crunch over the glass and slip out the door, leaping over Riley to reach her.

Riley grabs my arm and yanks me back. “You crazy?”

A bullet pings off the door we’re hiding behind.

“Let me go!” I growl, shaking him off me. “I’ve gotta get her!”

I’m not letting fear stop me this time. I’m not hiding from bullets so Chris can die in a different way to my mother.

I go to move but another bullet warns me away, this time followed by a wailing woman. “Stop shooting! Don’t kill her!”

I glance through the glass and spot a lady running across the space. She looks middle-aged, with long brown hair and mascara running down her pale cheeks.

“Ana!” she cries.

Ducking down, I spot Chris’s feet and ease around the door to reach her.

“Chris,” I whisper, holding out my hand. “Come on.”

She looks up at me, her eyes bright with fear. “I don’t want them to hurt you.”

“I’m not leaving without you.” I shake my head, flicking my fingers for her to take my hand.

A barrel-chested man runs past the crying woman and stops next to the towering guy aiming a gun at us.

The woman stops between them, slapping the gun wielder and cursing in a language I don’t understand. “He told you to catch her, not kill her!”

The big guy takes a step back, but doesn’t lower his gun.

Scrutinizing me with an angry glare, he then looks to Chris, his finger twitching on the trigger.

“Lower your gun!” the woman screams.

“Stop this,” the other man snaps. He’s looking at Chris, his cheeks quivering like he’s only just controlling his rage. “Come with me now and it will all go away. No one has to get hurt.”

Snatching my hand, Chris lets me help her up and then steps away from me. She rests her trembling fingers against the hood. Goose bumps are rippling over her bare arms. She’s shivering. From cold or fear, I’m not sure. I just need to get her out of here…someplace warm and safe.

“Chris, let’s go.”

She glances at me then back at the distressed woman. Black tears are still running down the lady’s face, her body jerking with quiet sobs.

The rumbling engine seems to cough as we all stand there in tense silence.

I check on Riley. He’s slipped back into the truck, his expression unreadable as he stares at the guy who’s obviously the boss.

Kade is gripping the wheel, ready to bolt.

“I’m not going with you, Dad.” Chris finally shakes her head.

My stomach shoots into my throat. Dad? Is she freaking kidding?

Her father looks like he’s running out of patience. His voice is a very controlled calm, the kind that gives you chills. “Do the right thing.”

Chris raises her chin. “I am.”

The man’s face crumples with pain as he pulls a gun from the back of his pants and aims it at Chris.

Jordan Ford's books