See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1)

Chris bites his lips together like he’s fighting a grin. Glancing away from me, he wipes his puffy top lip with the back of his hand and mumbles, “Fine, I’ll keep my mouth shut. But just get out, okay?”

Something about his dejected expression keeps me from taking my stuff. I’ll get it later. Right now, I just want to leave him alone to deal with whatever demons are haunting him.

Deep, I know.

But I’ve seen that look before.

I don’t know why he’s really here. I’m wondering if that fluff story I heard about him transferring for a better education is true.

He’s seen something that’s scared him.

I can tell by the look in his eyes.

I know that look.

I still see it sometimes…in the mirror.


Pity Party in the Shower Stall


“Christiana!” Uncle Marco’s voice is loud and sharp.

I jump away from Robbie, my nostril’s flaring with shame. My moist lips glisten. I can still taste Robbie’s tongue.

My giggle has disappeared though. Dried up by one shout of my name.

“W-what are you doing here?” I want to sound strong and indignant, but my voice wobbles. It always wobbles around him. I hate that.

His eyes narrow, and my insides knot as he walks closer. His shoes are loud in the empty parking lot.

“You are supposed to be home by now.”

“You’re not my babysitter.” I pull my shoulders back.

His eyes snap away from my face, lingering over my cleavage. I lose courage, slumping my shoulders and trying to make the deep V in my top less slutty.

Robbie’s hand rests on my shoulder, capturing my long hair as he squeezes me against him. “Who is this guy?”

His bravado shrivels as my uncle draws near. There’s always been something about him that unnerves me. He’s not physically intimidating, but he gives off this vibe that makes you want to wet yourself. I shouldn’t feel that way around him. But I do.

He should be someone I can trust.

I hate that I can’t.

“Roberto Candella?” he asks.

Robbie’s fingers grip my shoulder, like I can somehow give him the strength to face off against this guy.

“We’re not doing anything wrong,” I snap.

“He’s got his hands on you.” His dark glare burns through my fight. “His tongue was in your mouth.”

The contempt and disgust is so blatantly obvious.

“It was a kiss…and it was delicious.” My last flare of defiance before he destroys everything.

Snatching my arm, he yanks me away from Robbie. “Get home,” he seethes. “Leave now and I won’t tell Daddy Dearest what a filthy slut you are.”

I pound his arm for release, throwing him a venomous glare.

“Stop! Don’t hurt her!” Robbie cries. “It’s okay, Ana.” His voice softens to sweet perfume, wafting towards me, taking the sting out of this ugly end to our evening. “You go home. We’ll catch up later.”

His sweet smile melts my heart. He’s always so kind.

My expression crumples with apology and he shakes his head and gives me a little wink.

“Start walking.” I’m shoved away by the devil, my heel catching on the concrete. I right myself against the trunk of Robbie’s car and glance back.

Robbie’s glaring at Uncle Marco, who seems unfazed.

He’s staring at me, his dark eyes telling me to hurry it up. “Move.”

I make a face, letting him know how much I hate him in this moment. Then I turn to Robbie, my voice soft and sweet. “I’ll see you later.”

He mouths a goodbye and winks at me again, pulling the keys from his jacket pocket.

I walk away, fuming at my uncle for being such a dick and already plotting the next time I’m going to see Robbie. I don’t care that my father doesn’t want me dating. Robbie’s sweeter than some of the other guys I’ve hooked up with. If Daddy only knew the things I’d gotten up to…

My cheeks flare red, wondering if Robbie and I will ever take things that far.

A gunshot echoes through the air.

I jolt to a stop, my first thought fear. I’m in a dark alley. Home is just around the corner. But where did the shot come from?

But then I know.

My eyes bulge wide and I sprint back down the alley. I skid to a stop against the fence and peek around the corner.

Another gunshot makes me flinch.

This one’s loud.


And I can see the gun it’s been fired from.

I bolt up with a gasp. My heart is thundering, images torturing me as I try to orient myself. I snatch my watch and make it glow—03:16 a.m.

All is dark.

All is still.

Just like the aftermath of Robbie’s death.

The air was sucked into oblivion that night. Horror froze time for a long, painful beat…until my brain sparked, stifling the scream that would give me away.

The devil tucked the gun into the back of his black pants then crouched down behind Robbie’s car.

Robbie’s foot twitched.

I convulsed, fighting a surge of bile.

And then I ran.

I still don’t understand why Robbie had to die. There was no reason to kill him. I blame myself a little. I shouldn’t have turned back for that kiss. But I blame the devil more, which is why I have to testify against him.

Jordan Ford's books