We rode to the restaurant and the entire time I played it out in my mind. The shit I’d say. The shit I’d do. I would win this because I won everything. There was no battle I backed down from. My old man once told me I was too stupid to know when to give up. That was after taking a hell of a beating and then standing back up to face him again. I did that for years until I finally swung back. One punch and I put the old man on the ground. He never came near me again. Never talked to me again either. Ended up drinking too much whiskey one night and came face to face with a dump truck.

The virgin thing crept into my mind. What the hell would possess a woman to be staring down thirty and not have herself taken care of? Fuck that marriage thing or whatever, it was about basic needs in life. Shit, she had me intrigued before I could lay my eyes on her.

As me and Knox entered the restaurant, the young hostess took one look at us and she froze.

“Babe, we need a table,” I said. “In Belle’s section.”

“Uh, sure,” she said.

Yeah, me and Knox stuck out like sore thumbs. Not that it was some up class fucking place or anything. But to see two guys well over six feet, shoulders a mile wide, wearing leather cuts, death in our eyes, pain at our fingertips, it was like a death march coming. All eyes were upon us as we were led to our table.

We sat in a booth and I touched the hostess’s wrist. “Babe, we need two cold draft beers.”

“I’m not allowed to serve alcohol. I’m only twenty.”

I felt a rumble deep in my gut.


Twenty years old. The things I would do…

“Do you know who I am?” I asked.



“The motorcycle club. Reaper’s Bastards.”

“Do you think I’m a bad guy?”

She shrugged her shoulders.

I smiled. “I’m not a bad guy, unless I don’t get what I want. Right now I want a fucking beer. So does my VP. Are you going to tell me no again, babe?”

She looked ready to cry. Sometimes I wondered if I was too much of a monster. The hostess flickered this cute little smile at me and that’s why I was a monster. Most women loved it. Women could say they want some fucking white knight all they want… but the truth? When the door was shut, they wanted a monster. A beast.

And that’s what they got with me.

I winked at the hostess and she walked away.

It took her all of thirty seconds to come walking back with two beers. She was so damn nervous her hands were shaking and she spilled beer all over the table.

“Shit. Sorry.”

She let go of my beer and I grabbed her hand. “Easy, babe. Don’t be nervous. I don’t bite… at first.” I slowly pulled her hand to my mouth and I licked the tip of her pointer finger. “Ah, so damn sweet.”

She pulled her hand away and gasped.

With that, she walked away.

I looked at Knox. “Too far?”

“Jesus, brother, what is wrong with you? Prison turned you into… this?”

“No. I’m just figuring out my moves here.”

“Why can’t you let it go?” Knox asked. “We’re going to take out the guys that fucked us. Chief Richards? We’ll get his number eventually. Either he’ll retire or die trying to stop us. You know that.”

“I don’t wait,” I said. “Now where’s the fucking wait…”

I lost my words as I saw her turn the corner.

I knew it was Belle.

Holy fucking shit… black pants, white button down shirt, tucked in, top button open, tits pressing forward against the shirt. From my distance I could see hints of a white laced bra under the shirt. Blonde hair pulled back tight, a few strands of hair loose. And then her eyes.

Blue eyes.

“Fuck me,” I whispered.

“What is it?” Knox asked.

I didn’t tell Knox right then… but I’d seen Belle before…

This was going to be one fuck of a ride.

I waited patiently for her to come to me. My entire world was pushed four feet to the left with this development. Belle was beyond innocent. I remembered that night at the bar, her giggling laughing, bumping into me over and over, then the way we looked at each other and eye fucked each other.

Shit, I had planted the first seed that night with her.

I smiled as I watched her work table to table. Knox kicked at my legs, telling me not to be so fucking obvious, but what the fuck did I care? It wasn’t like I was going to throw her down on a table and fuck her in front of a full restaurant. Although, I would have done that. She had been waiting her entire life for me. But this wasn’t just about fucking her. This was so much more. I wanted to make her fall for me. I wanted to meet her father and have him know I was tearing his little girl apart. I wanted to drive him insane with him knowing the way his daughter lusted for me.

It was all perfect.

Belle turned and faced me, her eyes finally connecting with mine.

That’s when I had another vision. Another piece to my fucking plan.

Something intense.

Something that would send everyone over the fucking edge.

Something that would make my revenge permanent.

I was going to get Belle pregnant.

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Jaxson Kidman's books