Rush (Carolina Bad Boys, #5)

Happy Freakin’ Ending


“Thank you for inviting us, Max.” My mom smiled.

“I just wanted to give this back to you.” I slipped an envelope out of my pocket.

The white package bulged with cash.

“I never wanted it.” I passed it to my dad, who accepted the envelope after hesitating. “I’m sorry I brought shame on you.”

Patting the fat packet against his palm, my dad peered around, taking in the oddball gathering. “And I’m sorry we ever forced you out.”

“May I hug you, Maxie? It’s been so long. I almost didn’t recognize you.” My mom timidly approached, opening her arms.

I swooped her into my hug, remembering her Chanel scent, her swishy dresses, my dad’s old battered Panama hat she used to wear when she gardened.

Releasing her, I squinted at Dad.

His jaw was just as hard-edged as mine.

He didn’t have the tats, though, or the badass reputation.

He looked from me to Shy. “This is a good thing, you and Shiloh. She’s always been part of the family.”

“I’m not with her to make you happy.” I looped an arm around Shy’s waist. “I’m with her because I fell in love with her.”

He laughed, a harsh sound. “I didn’t expect you to make this easy—”

“Damn right I won’t!”

“Max, just . . . just listen for a second,” Shy urged.

“I think this money would do a lot more good if we donated it to the children’s cancer unit, don’t you?” Dad offered the envelope to Shy. “Could you take care of that? Put it in Max’s name?”

For the first time, my hardliner dad softened, just a bit, as he walked closer to me.

He laid his hands on my shoulders.

I didn’t flinch.

“I’ll tell you one thing, son.” His mustache twitched when he half-smiled. “Pride is a terrible thing. I should’ve learned that a long time ago. And family trumps all.”

I nodded, holding my hand out to him. He glanced at it briefly then pulled me against him, taking me in a hard hug that meant more than any of the rash words we’d ever exchanged before.

I’d reached out.

They’d come.

Maybe that was enough for now.

Separating from my dad, I showed them around the brewery. Whether it was beer or bourbon, they knew this business inside and out.

I wasn’t ready for Sunday dinner with them, but perhaps there was a chance for us.

A chance that seemed more likely when my mom tipped a beer in my direction with a wide wink, saying, “And no hard feelings about poaching your sister.”

“Speaking of your sister . . .” Shy nodded her head in Tail’s direction

Where the long-haired dude of Retribution MC, who gold-medaled at pussy, gave his trademark wanna fuck smirk to Maddy.

“Oh. Hell. No.” I started stomping across the floor.

Shy hauled back on my arm. “Just wait.”

I gritted my teeth.

Maddy laughed, a trilling sound I’d heard through years of her getting her own way.

Suddenly Shy and I were surrounded by dozens of Retribution men.

Their comments flew from loose-lips:

“That’s Handsome’s little sis.”

“Tail’s trying it on with her?”

“Not for nothing, but she is pretty damn hot.”

My fists balled. “I can hear you, assholes.”

Shy pursed her lips on a giggle.

“Enough with the drama already.” Tucker palmed a fat cigar and snipped off the end.

Frankie joined him, handing out his hard-to-find Cubans to everyone. “Soap opera. Love it.”

“I still think we’re more suited for porn.” Boomer tucked Rayce against him, his eyes glued to the goings-on.

“Ask Kinkaid about that. Bom chicca wah wah.” Brodie walked up just in time, wearing a baby pouch with little Roxy asleep inside.

“I was a stripper. Not a porn star, you fucks.”

“Whatever,” we gave our usual gruff-voiced comeback.

“Shhh.” Cole leaned forward. “Wait for it . . .”

“Wait for what?” I snarled. “Tail to make another midnight bedroom bunny out of my sister?”

Tucker puffed out a smoke ring and held up one finger.

“Nice try, Tail.” Maddy eased away from the big bruiser of a dude. She swished her hips—something I didn’t really need to see—and swept her long brown hair over her shoulder. “Let me guess. You’re called Tail because you get a lot of it?”

He stood still, big, muscled . . . and totally confused.

“I’m not that easy, sugar.” My sister catwalked down the center of the building, cutting a clear path away from Tail.

“And that’s a motherfuckin’ mic drop.”



“Thank fuck.” I breathed a sigh of relief.

Tail watched Maddy’s escape with a deep frown, like he couldn’t believe what just went down.


Turned down.

“I’m so proud of you, Handsome.” Shy rested her palm against my chest.

“What?” I scowled. “I can be a grown up, too.”

Rie Warren's books