Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)


I ordered another shot, made it a double, and knocked it back. I placed the empty glass on the bar and from the corner of my eye I watched as she took her date’s hand and begged him to leave.

Thatta’ girl.

Get the fuck out of here.

“This one’s on the house,” the bartender offered, sliding me a refill.

“Thanks,” I muttered.

“The bill is on the table,” someone said from behind me, causing me to glance over my shoulder and look at the kid holding Lacey’s hand.

Treat her good.

She didn’t look at me, keeping her back towards me as she followed him out the door and disappeared like I asked her too.

She should only know I’d spend the rest of the night thinking about her, that she’d never fucking disappear because she haunted me. All of her, the way her hands trembled as she undressed herself, the way I guided her hands to my body and the way I took hers. The tears she cried that night and the words I wounded her with.

That was just the first night where lines were crossed but, there were a shitload more incidents when I wreaked havoc on Lacey. But that night? That was the night I claimed her. In my dark world of self-destruction and mayhem, I selfishly took Lacey, branding her mine and I continue to brand her and mark her with my actions and my words.

Don’t think for one second that the few words I said to her tonight wasn’t a mark, purposely branded to her, scarring her, ruining her for any other man. Others piss on their territory, I destroy mine. For every track mark on my arms she has a matching one on her heart.

Lacey was mine.

She didn’t know it but any man who ever loves her will. She won’t be able to give them all of her because I’ve taken most of her and I’ll never give it back.

I can’t have her but no one else can either.

I’m a selfish motherfucker.

A greedy son-of-a-bitch.

I’m a junkie and when drugs no longer do it for me I’ll get high on pain and suffering.

My own.


And all the faceless men that will one day try to take her from me.

I finished my drink, paid my tab and walked over to the nomads hanging around the pool table, a new group of brothers that patched into our charter of the Satan’s Knights. My eyes zeroed in on Stryker’s as his peered back at me questioningly, trying to figure me out. The poor bastard has no idea what he signed up for. None of them did. I said my goodbyes and made my way out of the bar, letting the cool breeze blow over me as I walked towards the parking lot.

I could feel the high starting to work me over as I strode to my bike and thought the drugs were finally kicking in but it wasn’t the manufactured shit that called to me.

It was her.

Her voice.

Her cries.

I closed my eyes as they consumed me, pulling me away from my surroundings and into a world where only she existed.

“Get off of me! Please! Someone help!”

So real.

I opened my eyes.

“Fucking bitch. Get the fuck back here!”

So fucking real.

My eyes drifted across the lot to where the sounds were coming from and the sobering image of my Lacey struggling to crawl out of a car, screaming into the dark parking lot for someone to help her.

Fuck no.

Hell motherfucking no.

I felt my fists clench at my sides, my breath quickens and my heart rockets against my chest cavity as my boots pounded the tar of the parking lot. I reached the driver’s side of the car, yanked opened the door and reached for the cocksucker leaning over the console, pulling Lacey’s hair. His fucking pants were around his ankles and his dick was hard when I pulled him off her and slammed him against the side of the car.

“What the fuck?” he sneered.

“Motherfucker, you know what no means? Huh?” I shouted as my fist collided with his jaw. The adrenaline soaring in my veins as I pummeled his face with my fist.

“No, stop!” He cried. “Please, I’m sorry! Help!”

“You didn’t stop when she said no, did you?” I grabbed him by his ears and threw him onto the ground, wedging my boot between his legs, crushing his balls.

“Blackie!” Lacey shouted.

“Now, I won’t stop. I’ll ignore your cries just like you ignored hers. C’mon motherfucker, cry for me. Cry like the bitch you are,” I demanded, grabbing his hair and slamming his skull against the pavement.

“CRY!” I shouted, lifting him by the ears and slamming his head against the ground again.


Blood poured from his mouth, his nose and the back of his head as his eyes stared back at me wide with terror. I tugged his face close to mine, his blood dripping onto my hands as I leaned close and looked into his eyes that were half closed.

“Open your fucking eyes. Look at me!” I ordered.

“Blackie, the cops are coming! Please stop!” Lacey cried from somewhere behind me.

“Blackie man, you need to get the fuck out of here. Let’s go,” Stryker called.

Janine Infante Bosco's books