Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

I flashed her my smile and watched her eyes widen.

Yep, absolutely had its perks. Brittany would be riding my dick in the locker room by the end of the day. I was sure of it.

I winked at her, leaning over the counter.

“Hiya beautiful,” I crooned.

“Riggs,” a voice warned.

Fucking Bianci.

Add cock blocker to Mr. Legit’s extracurricular activities.

“Lay off my employees,” he growled, pulling me by the back of my vest like I was a little kid. I blew a kiss to Brittany and mouthed “later” to her.

I reached behind me, peeled his fingers from my vest and stood tall.

“Why the hell did you do that for? That was an easy score man!”

“Look, you and I are stuck with one another for a while which means we need to set some rules in place,” he said, crossing his arms against his broad chest.

“Rules?” I scoffed. Neither of us did well with rules. This was a joke.

“Rule number one, keep your dick in your pants around my staff and my clients,” he said.

I covered my mouth with my hand and tried not to laugh in the guy’s face.

“I’m serious, Riggs,” he grunted.

“I’ll stay away from employees but clients are fair game,” I said, eyeing the tight ass walking out of the locker room. “No negotiating,” I declared as she bent over to tie her shoelace.


“Jack says you’re a loose cannon, that you fly off the handle,” he started.

“I am not,” I defended. “I don’t take shit from people is all,” I stated.

He smirked.


He shook his head, his smirk firmly in place.

“Don’t go there, bro,” I said. “Your mother is the exception, that bitch is certifiable.”

“That’s my mother you’re talking about,” he said, his smirk faltering.

“Well if it’s any consolation your sister is hot as fuck,” I offered. “Makes up for your mom being a crackerjack.”

His eyes narrowed, his jaw tightened as he advanced toward me making it obvious that Anthony had a soft spot where my kitten was concerned.

“Only gonna say it once,” he said gravely. “Rule number two, the only one you better pray you follow,” he added, backing me up against a wall. “Stay the fuck away from my sister,” he growled.

Whoa. I held up my hands in mock defeat.

“Relax, bro, she lives in the sticks for crying out loud,” I argued.

“She’s visiting,” he ground out.

My eyebrows raised and my cock perked up. Kitten was in town? Wonder if I can get the little kitten to purr.

“Stay. The. Fuck. Away. From. Lauren.” He warned.

“Or what?” I taunted. “You’ll sic your mommy on me?”

A vein bulged at his temple.

Okay enough poking the beast.

He’s going to blow.

“Don’t worry, she’s not my type, and to be honest she’s got the crazy streak you Bianci’s all seem to have. Thanks but I’ve had enough crazy to last a lifetime,” I patted his shoulder reassuringly. “Now, step aside big boy,” I clasped my hands together and rubbed them excitedly. “Time to help hot pants over there with her work-out.”

An hour later, two sets of digits and only one slap across the face, I was loving my new job. And Brittany? Well, she was dumb as a doorknob but she played drop the pencil a few times with me. I was about to drop it again, prepared for her to bend over and pick it up but I was distracted by the front door opening.

The pencil remained poised in the air as I locked eyes with Lauren.

The girl next door not the naughty school girl.

My kitten, not every man’s pussycat.

I dropped the pencil for Brittany to fetch and rose to my feet, walking around the counter before leaning my back casually against it and shoving my hands in my pocket.

“Well look who dropped in for a visit, “nurse feel good,”” I quipped.

Her eyes widened, and she slapped my chest.

“Shh!” She hissed, looking around the gym for her brother. Guess she was still busy living a lie after all these months.

“Don’t worry, kitten, your secrets safe with me,” I promised, taking her hand in mine.

“What are you doing here?” She asked, pulling her hand free and dropping her pocketbook onto the counter.

“I work here,” I said proudly.

“Of course you do,” she said sarcastically, huffing and blowing the fallen strands of hair from her eyes. I reached out and tucked the crazy hairs behind her ears.

“Stop it,” she hissed.

I traced my finger down the bridge of her nose before tapping the tip of it.

“Cute as a button, you are,” I teased.

She rolled her eyes and smacked my hand away. She was a feisty little feline.

“Where’s my brother?”

“Riggs, I found the pencil,” Brittany cheered behind me.

I kept my eyes on Lauren, taking in her wide eyes as she looked over my shoulder at the dope holding a pencil.

“That’s great sweetheart, but I dropped a pen this time,” I said.

Go away, Brittany.

Janine Infante Bosco's books