RICH BOY BRIT (A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance)

“Meet me downstairs in ten? I love it when you look so sexy.” He leaned over, kissed me, and left the room before I could say a word.

I stood in my room for a moment, holding my lips. He had kissed me like a lover would, like he truly cared. That threw me off for a second. I knew he cared about me as his sister, but I had assumed the sexual part of our relationship was just an add-on he would soon grow tired of.

I looked sexy in my hot mess? I smiled as I thought of the reaction I’d get out of him if I actually tried to look sexy for real. I took my time getting ready, and when I walked downstairs a few minutes later, the look in his eyes told me I had done a good job.

“Nice,” he said as his eyes moved from head to toe.

“Thanks,” I replied, pulling down my plaid orange and brown skirt, which was just a tad bit too short. Thankfully, I had put on a pair of brown tights under it so it didn’t look slutty. I had on a white top that hugged me tightly like a body glove. My hair was pulled up in a simple ponytail, and I wore riding boots.

“Where are Dad and Mom?” I asked, peeking behind him to see where they were. He pointed to the kitchen. I looked in the kitchen; his mom was cooking.

“We’re going out,” I announced to her, but before she could respond, a wave of nausea hit me when I smelled the food she was cooking. I barely heard her say, “have fun” as I rushed to the bathroom.

“You okay?” Tyler asked.

“Be right back,” I managed to say as I headed to the bathroom, which luckily was only a few steps away.

Once I closed the door, I bent over the sink, expecting the nausea to overwhelm me, but nothing happened. I rinsed my mouth out several times, making sure not to gag myself. Then I sat on the toilet for a few minutes, waiting for the feeling to subside. It did and I cleaned up and walked back to the living room, where Tyler was waiting.

“Are you okay?” he asked, a concerned look on his face.

“Yes. Mom’s cooking got me.” I smiled.

Tyler started laughing and I joined him. We always joked about how badly his mother cooked. Even she admitted to the fact that she didn’t like cooking and wasn’t much of a cook.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that,” I said as our laughter subsided.

“Oh, please, we all know Mom can’t cook to save her life. I shudder to remember how many times she’s made me sick from her cooking.”

“You and me both,” I said, smiling.

“You look good, though.” He tucked a strand of hair that must have escaped from my ponytail back. “Ready?”

“Should I change? Maybe this is too much for the bowling alley.”

He looked me up and down and smiled. “You look perfect. Ready?”

“Yes.” We bade goodbye to his our parents and left.

The drive to the bowling alley was short and fun. We talked about everything under the sun except the one thing we should have been talking about: our relationship. I was dying to know what his thoughts were about what was going on between us and how he felt, but we were having way too much fun talking to think about serious things. I decided to leave that conversation for later.


When she came down those stairs in a short skirt and tights that framed those legs I loved, Jenn looked so good I almost forgot Dad and Mom were there. We left the house, and it took all of my willpower not to jump her on the short drive to the bowling alley. I was proud of her and proud of how she looked, and I was ready to show her off, even though she technically wasn’t my girlfriend. We met up with three of my friends, Jason, Mike, and Chad, who had all brought a date, and soon we were bowling boys against girls.

“Your sister is hot, dammit. Those legs…” Jason murmured.

“Stay away from her, Jason,” I said, a little more harshly than I probably should have.

“Come on, man. I know she’s your sister and all, but she’s still hot.”

I nodded but didn’t speak. Of course I knew she was damn sexy, and I’ve had to live with that for a long time.

“Think she’ll go out with me?” Jason wondered.

“I doubt it,” I said as firmly as I could, one part of me panicking that Jenn might want to go out with Jason. He was cute, and my muscles were nothing compared to his. I knew girls liked men who looked like that, and I was no competition for him.

“What, is she seeing someone else?” he asked, grabbing a slice of pizza and biting into it.

“Don’t you have a date?”

“Just think she’s cute, that’s all. Don’t know how you get through the day living with someone that sexy.”

I wanted to tell him that I don’t and had been fucking her and he should leave us alone, but I simply smiled and kept eating my pizza.

“She a lesbian?” he whispered.

“Jason!” Maybe I should have let him think she was so he would leave her alone.

“Then please introduce us properly,” he begged.

I nodded, and just as if it was ordained, Jenn left the girls and started walking towards me, her hips swinging so seductively, her legs shapely and strong.