Queen of Gods (Vampire Crown #1)

In a flash, I shoved his chest. Cruel and hard, right in his solar plexus.

The asshole didn’t even take a step back, but he did release my chin. To cross his arms and stare down the tip of his nose at me—that nose was my nose. Pert and straight, perfectly placed on his face. His brows rose slowly, speaking even more gradually, “Do you understand, Gwynnore?”

I took a step back from him, allowing the tips of my fangs to show. “Don’t touch me again.”

Lord Belshazzar sighed heavily and stepped between us, his eyes only for me. “Answer his question, candidate.”

I swallowed my pride and nodded. “Yes, I understand.”

Fuck, I wasn’t going to ask her.

It had been a knee-jerk reaction to look at her.

Cato turned and walked away, back to the dais.

He was good at that. Walking away.


Lord Belshazzar waited until the other lord had taken his seat before asking me once more, “Gwynnore, what say you? Do you accept the trials?”

I inhaled heavily and exhaled slowly. I tipped my face up to his. “I do, Lord Belshazzar.”

This time, he did glance up to the other overlords.

Lord Xenon nodded, his eyes on mine.

Lord Pippin nodded while evaluating his fingernails.

Lord Otto shook his head, his jaw tight.

Lord Cato nodded his head once. Yawned.

Lord Belshazzar’s regard returned to me. “The majority agrees. The Council is pleased with the outcome. You have passed your first Challenge.”

My gulp was audible. Damn throat was dry.

The eldest lord turned to the other women. “Ladies, thank you for coming. You may go now.” Quick and efficient. As the women trailed out the room, the lord’s attention returned to me. He stated factually, “We will be watching. I suggest you follow Lord Cato’s orders and refrain from tracking Anna down.”

All right. I was the Queen Novitiate now.

My civility crumbled in glee.

“Fuck you, bastards,” I growled and started marching toward the door. “I wasn’t going to ask her anything, and all you’re doing is pissing me off.”

Lord Xenon called, “I wondered when we would see your true side again.”

I turned around and pointed a sharp finger at him. “I did not appreciate you messing with my invite. I was trying, dammit. And you went and fucked that up.”

No expression, not even a little crack. “That was the point, candidate.”

Lord Otto smirked, adding, “How much can you handle before you break?”

I snorted and threw my arms wide. “I’m the best bitch you guys have ever had in here. The past three queen’s, while beautiful and elegant, didn’t do shit for our people. And you know it. So quit pushing, and I’ll do the same. But if you don’t…you get the fun Gwen!”

With that, I turned on my heel and slammed the door behind me.

Arrogant assholes.

“Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it?” Adelie pounced.

I shut my apartment’s door behind me gently…

A shit-eating grin spread across my features, and I screamed, “I got it! Oh, my God. I’m the Queen Novitiate!”

Adelie squealed right along with me, throwing her arms over my shoulders.

I picked her up and swung her around and around in circles laughing.

Then I dumped her straight on her butt onto the floor, ignoring her initial startled glance, and lowered my voice as low as I could, attempting to imitate the overlords. “Listen, wench, you barely scraped through. You better shape up or you’re out of here!”

She snickered and ducked her head in a mock bow, “Oh, my gracious and fabulous and sexy Lords, I shall endeavor to kiss your precious feet and wipe your fine asses like the lowly female that I am.”

My head tipped back as I laughed. Tears formed in the corner of my eyes. I held my stomach as it started to cramp, but I kept on chuckling.

Adelie jumped to her feet and lifted both hands into the air, her voice full of assurance and conviction. “I told you! I knew you had this. You’re going to be the best damn queen ever.”

I raised both of my hands too and high-fived her with gusto. “You bet your ass I am.”

Still grinning like a fool, she flopped down onto the study room’s ornate chair, her hands flying in the air with excitement. “So tell me all about it. Was it everything you thought it would be?”

My head tipped in thought. I took a moment to consider that as I sat on the rolling chair next to the desk. I tapped my foot and wiggled my shoulders. “Actually, it was. It was stimulating and interesting and full of political intrigue. Just like we always guessed it would be. Those fucking overlords are too slick for their own good.”

Her brows rose. “Too much ego?”

“Perhaps. But I believe some of it is well deserved. They are more of a challenge than I thought they’d be.”

A finger point in my direction. “Ah, so too much ego there.”

“Probably,” I conceded. “But they sure as hell know how to get under my skin.”

“And that…,” she threw her hands up into the air, “…is what it’s like to be the official candidate. It’s their job to get you riled up. They need to know what you’re made of.”

“They’re definitely seeing my bitchy side.” My lips twitched.

My friend side-eyed me, her lips thinning. “Do I even want to know?”

“I would say no,” I evaded. I tapped my fingers on my desk, staring at the black computer screen. I hesitated, and then mumbled, “These trials are going to really test me. I have this gut feeling it won’t be good.”

She hummed softly, her brown eyes capturing mine. “It won’t be easy to be queen. You need to be tested.”

“I know.” I nodded. “I’m just a little nervous.”

“Which means you care if you lose or not.”

“You know, when I’m queen, you can’t leave me. Not right away.”

She snickered. “What would I do? I’m old enough that I need some new experiences in my life. And being a queen’s personal assistant would definitely be one. I’m definitely not going back to my jewelry business.”

I blinked. “Wait. You’re doing what this time?”

“Jewelry.” She waved a bored hand into the air. “It helps me express my creative side.”

“You are an amazing artist, my friend.” I sighed and smiled in contentment, resting back in my chair to stare up at the ceiling, pretending I could see the night sky from here. “This is one of the best days of my life.”

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Adelie popped up from her chair. “Hold that thought. That’s not happy knocking.”

I tipped my head, watching as she opened the front door.

“This is for candidate Gwynnore.” An assistant held an envelope out. “She is to read it immediately.”

Adelie grabbed the envelope and merely slammed the door in his face.