No Love Allowed (Dodge Cove Trilogy #1)

At that exact moment, a slowed-down version of Maroon 5’s “Love Somebody” came from the speakers. He helped Didi stand and led her to their little dance floor as he had done at the Summer Swing. Without any further prompting from him, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders while he hugged her at the waist. They swayed to the soulful tones of Adam Levine’s voice as he sang about wanting to love somebody.

“So if Europe is canceled . . .” She paused, uncertainty clear in her words.

He shrugged. “Well, since Dodge Cove is where you are . . . Loyola actually has several programs I can explore.”

“But what about your gap year?”

“I thought that was what I wanted. But I’d rather be with you.” He smiled. “We can always travel Europe together. Later, though. I start classes next week.”

“I don’t know what to say. . . .” She looked up at him with a mix of awe and pride in her expression. Her liking the idea gave him the reassurance he needed that he was doing the right thing. He wanted her to see that his decision, although largely influenced by her, wasn’t solely made just for her. He had done this for himself too.

“You don’t have to say anything.” He planted a kiss on her forehead. “Just know that I love you and will always be there for you regardless of how you feel right now. I’m willing to wait, Didi.”

“Didn’t I warn you or what?” she asked, grinning.


“That you would fall in love with me.”

He smirked. “Yeah. Yeah. You were right.”

“Good to know.” She didn’t even pause when she said, “Because I love you too.”

Just like everything about her, the confession had come out of the blue. To say he wasn’t expecting her to return his feelings with unwavering confidence was an understatement. Even so, never had three words in the English language meant so much. The music, the paintings, the dinner all ceased to exist. All that mattered was Didi and the way she looked up at him like he was her entire reason for being.

“I went after you that day,” she hurriedly added. “But when I got to the airport, your flight had already left.”

“You came after me?” he croaked out, his throat tightening.

“Yes.” She glided her hands to his lapels and closed her fingers around them. “I thought I was too late. That if I’d only realized you were telling the truth about your feelings for me sooner—”

He cut off the rest of her words with his lips. He didn’t need to hear the rest. What truly counted had already been said. It took her a second to respond, but when she did she bared all her feelings in the kiss. Her wonderment. Her longing. Her love for him. And he returned each and every one with the same passion, crushing her against him until they were both breathless.

Even though he was unwilling to break the kiss, he had to get the words out or his chest would burst. “You’re the first girl I’ve ever fallen in love with.”

She tangled her fingers in his hair. “You’re the first boy I’ve ever allowed myself to love.”

He kissed her again. How could he not after those words?

They resumed swaying as Adam Levine asked someone to stay with him tonight. Maybe there was something to Maroon 5 after all, he caught himself thinking while holding on to the woman he loved.

As the last lines of the song flowed between them, Caleb whispered into her ear, “Can you see the future now, D?”

She held his face in both her hands and searched. Arms around her waist, he stayed still, waiting patiently. When she found what she was looking for, her beautiful eyes brimmed—made brighter by the faint light illuminating the paintings. At the first fall, he cupped her chin and brushed the tear away with the pad of his thumb.

She leaned her cheek against his touch and said with a smile, “Yes.”


I ALWAYS BEGIN this section by acknowledging family. Without the love and support of my mother, I wouldn’t have had the courage to embark on this amazing journey. She has been there through the darkest of times and cheered me on. She is the pillar of strength and courage I strive to be every day. Our nightly walks together are saving graces.

This book came to be during one of the most exhilarating, yet equally painful moments of my life. I would like to thank the Swoon Reads community and all the readers for leaving encouraging comments and expressions of love for Caleb and Didi. Having your support means so much to me. What I know for sure is without your help this story wouldn’t have been chosen as part of the third list.

Speaking of lists, I would like to thank everyone seated around the table during that editorial meeting that changed my life forever. Thank you, Jean Feiwel, for that call. The fourth of November will now always hold a great significance in my life. That was the day I met two extraordinary people along with you.

Kate Evangelista's books