Marked By Power (Marked, #1)

“I’m afraid we have missed lunch while we waited for the headmasters to get here. What class do you have this afternoon?” he asks me.

“Divination,” I say.

“That’s on the top floor, come on,” he replies, nodding his head and walking down the corridor. I catch up and walk by his side. There are a few students rushing around, they don’t look our way as they hurry to their classes.

“Tell me what really happened in fire class today, Miss Crowe,” he asks me, his voice soft, but there’s an undertone of concern in it that I pick up on. He probably thinks I’m mad after seeing me punch a wall earlier.

“Why do you think anything happened other than me setting fire to a classroom?” I ask, and he smiles down at me as we get to the staircase.

“Just a hunch,” he says, but there’s a note of humour in his tone. I follow him up the first staircase, and then we go up the next.

“Miss Tinder didn’t explain how to stop my power. I imagined a ball of flames like she asked, and then dropped it, thinking it would go out. I then tried to use air to put it out, but that only made fire tornados–” I stop blabbering on when I trip up a step, and his arm catches me, pulling me close to his chest as he stops me from falling. Holy smokes, this teacher is way too attractive up close. I can see the deep-green of his eyes behind his glasses and the smooth, faultless skin. How is he this friggin attractive and my teacher, a teacher I can’t just kiss?

“Careful, Miss Crowe,” he says in a whisper, his arm still around my waist. The sound of a bell ringing startles him, making him step back and clear his throat. We carry on walking as he speaks, and we get to the next set of stairs.

“Never use air to put out fire. It only feeds it. Water would have been ideal,” he explains.

“I was going to call water when a guy walked through the flames and put them all out,” I say, thinking of the jackass. I’m going to get him back for pointing me the wrong way to the headmasters’ office and for being a general ass.

“This is your classroom, Miss Crowe,” Mr. Daniels says, and I turn back to look at him.

“Thank you,” I reply.

He runs a hand through his hair. “I’ll see you Sunday in the gym at six and not a minute later,” he instructs with a deadly serious face.

“In the afternoon?” I ask, concerned that he is going to say the morning. He only laughs.

“The morning, Mackenzie,” he says my name softer than the rest of his words, and he turns to walk away. My eyes drop to the amazing ass he has in his tight clothes, then up to the muscular chest and soft-brown hair.

Damn. This teacher is going to be the death of me.

Chapter 7


“You are ten minutes late, Miss Crowe,” The old-looking teacher says. He stands as I walk through the door of the room. Looking up, I notice that the ceiling of the dome-shaped room is completely open, the open sky is allowing the sun to be our light in here. I spot Kelly sitting alone at the back of the room, with an empty seat next to her, smiling at me.

“I’m sorry. I was with the headmasters,” I say, and the teacher nods. He must be in his sixties, with long, grey hair and a stern face covered in wrinkles.

“Please take a seat, and we will begin,” he replies. It feels like every pair of eyes in the room is watching me as I walk toward the back of the room and take the seat next to Kelly.

“Hey, fire starter, I’m glad to see you’re alright. I was getting worried. Have you done anything else I should know about?” Kelly whispers, and I smile at her.

“Does ogling the hot Mr. Daniels count?” I whisper, and she chuckles a little.

“Who is Mr. Daniels?” she asks. I go to whisper back, when I hear my name being called.

“Miss Crowe and Miss Curwood, you are first on my list. Please come to the middle of the room,” the teacher says.

I stand up with Kelly, and we walk back toward the teacher. He smiles and gestures for us to stand in front of him.

“Now, class, I’m Mr. Lindeman, and my specialty is Divination. Divination is one the hardest powers to master and nearly impossible for most. The strongest of our people can only see a year or a little more into the future, so please bear this in mind. The future is never completely certain, nor is it completely clear in vision form,” he explains. We all know this, but I’m hoping I can see a little of the future.

“Now, I want you to use your divination powers on each other. One at a time. Miss Crowe, why don’t you go first?” he asks gently.

“Sure,” I nod.

“Now, stand a foot away from each other and hold hands. Holding a connection to someone enables them to see whatever you see in the vision. When you are first learning to use your powers, recollection of the vision can be difficult. You will be partnered so if you are unable to remember what you saw, your partner should be able to fill you in,” he explains. I nod and hold both my hands out, Kelly slides her hands into mine and winks at me.

“Please call on your mark, Miss Crowe,” he says. I reach into my mind, calling on my mark and envisioning it in my head. The divination mark is a basic eye design, but the pupil of the eye is full of swirls. I picture the swirls moving, a constant motion, frequently changing direction. The minute I call it and close my eyes, the vision takes over.

“Kelly, the amount of powers you have means nothing to me. I’ve always just wanted you,” a male voice says as I open my eyes. I can’t see anything, and I recognise the voice, but I can’t place it. The room is black, and as I watch, two blurry figures come into view.

“I-I can’t do this. I’m sorry, but you’re with them, and they have her!” Kelly shouts. I feel a tugging sensation that causes me to close my eyes and when I open them, I’m back at the academy.

“What did you see?” The teacher asks, but Kelly softly shakes her head. She doesn’t need to say anymore.

“Myself, eating a big, bacon sandwich tomorrow morning,” I say, and he nods, like he expected that. I don’t know who Kelly was speaking to, but I have the feeling she does by the way she is blushing and looking away from me. Who could it have been?

“Very good job, now it’s your turn Miss Curwood,” the teacher says, gesturing at her to begin.

I watch as Kelly closes her eyes, and my eyes widen as she starts faintly glowing white. Actually glowing. I don’t get to look for long before I feel a pulling sensation, and I close my eyes.

Cece Rose & G. Bailey's books