Junkyard Dog

The thick head of his cock slides easily into my mouth, coating my tongue with discharge. I suck once, twice, and finally a third time before sliding my tongue down the tender underbelly to his heavy balls. Hayes makes a pained noise when I suck gently at the flesh. My hand continues to pump the length of him while I make him squirm by teasing his balls with my tongue.

By the time my lips return to the head of his cock, the slit leaks thick cum. I lick it off and glance up at Hayes. He feels vulnerable, exposed, but unafraid. My man trusts me. The rest of the world might come crashing down on him, but I never will. I’ll always be at his side.

I feel Hayes’s balls ready to explode. Stroking his cock with both hands, I suck steadily at the head, enticing it to let go. My earlier fears are gone, and I only want to hear Hayes’s groans as he finds release.

The first spray of cum against my throat startles me for only a moment before I swallow the hot liquid. Sucking more from him, I close my eyes and enjoy the wild moans of a man completely under my control. He’s lost in pleasure as I drink down what feels like gallons of pent-up need.

Hayes’s body is spent long before his cock softens under my touch. My tongue circles the head, licking it clean. I stare up at a blissful Hayes watching me. He doesn’t look even a little bit arrogant. No, I’d say his expression is more grateful than anything else.

I finally relent and gently rest his relaxed cock against his thigh. Crawling up to Hayes, I lick my lips.

“Want to taste what I accomplished?”

Hayes grips the back of my head, and his sudden touch startles me. His kiss is hot and desperate. He’s a man afraid he’ll lose something important if he lets go. I wrap my arms around his neck and straddle him. He needs to know I’m not going anywhere.

“I love you,” I whisper when his lips leave mine.

“You survived,” he said, attempting to joke, but his expression remains too panicked to sell the humor.

“I think your dick and I have come to a mutual understanding. That means you won’t go through the rest of your life without blowjobs.”

Hayes understands how I mean to keep him. Even after the proposal, he worried I’ll change my mind. Trusting people never came easily to either of us. I doubt it ever will, but we’re not people. We’re Angus and Candy, and I’ve trusted him from the beginning. I couldn’t always deal with his bullshit, but I always knew where the bullshit was coming from.

Hayes isn’t a mystery to me. I hope I’m not one to him. If I am, he’ll have a lifetime to figure me out.


White Horse doesn’t change while I’m on vacation. As Moot puts it when I return, “the world didn’t end without Asshole Hayes telling it what to do.” I’m relieved to know I can relax without the place going to shit. With a woman and kids in my life, I suspect I’ll relax a lot more often.

On the flight from Orlando to Nashville, Chipper sits next to me again. He explains how Candy said we’ll live half of the time at my house and the other half at the rental place. At first, I’m unimpressed with this plan. I believe in tearing off the Band-Aid fast rather than prolonging the pain.

Candy calmly reminds me how Nightmare won’t be thrilled with sharing the house with two loud kids and a skittish cat. Splitting our time will allow the dog to adjust. I realize what she's saying, and she has a good point. If the dog has trouble with change, so will the kids, and they’re slightly more important than my beloved pooch.

Also on the flight back, Chipper gives me a long explanation about how public school sucks and he needs more individual attention to “unlock his potential.” Candy wasn’t wrong about her kids being sneaky. They’ve clearly done their research on how to sell homeschooling. I don’t disagree with them, though. They’re weird kids, and public school will try to make them normal. I know since I was weird too. Despite the best efforts of my teachers, I remained weird yet turned out better than anyone else I knew growing up.

Candy says she’ll think about starting homeschooling after the Christmas break. I know she worries about teaching them wrong. We both worry about how she’ll handle the office and schooling the kids. Plus we’ll barely have any time alone, and Candy is excited about practicing her new blowjob skills.

Donna at the Waffle House gives us a solution. Her sister was a homeschooler. Now Leslie’s kids are at college, and she’s looking for a job. Candy likes Leslie a hell of a lot more than she does Donna, and we find our nanny/teacher for the kids.

“We learn with the lady during the mornings,” Chipper explains to his grandparents on Skype. “We stay with Mom and Hayes in the afternoon.”

“At work, we’re learning life skills,” Cricket adds, really playing up the entire thing.