It's All Relative

Confused that he actually felt so strongly about him, he shook his head. Irritation at Nate flared to life. He was the one who had put them in this situation, but oddly enough, he was the one who had ultimately told Kai the truth. Nate hadn’t given him enough time…and he’d promised he would. “He told you, didn’t he?” Mason shook his head again, his voice incredulous. “I can’t believe he actually told you. After everything…I can’t believe he was so impatient, that he couldn’t give me just a few more weeks with you.”

His son’s entire demeanor changed. His brows bunched together, and his mouth dropped open. Mason couldn’t tell if he was angry or not. Surely he had to be, although, he looked more confused than anything. “He? Sir?”

Mason sighed, running a hand back through his hair. “After all he did to get you out here with me, just so I could tell you…then he goes behind my back and tells you anyway.” Looking up at the ceiling, he smirked. “I really shouldn’t be surprised. That’s just like Nate, he always was impatient.”

“Nate?” Kai’s irritated voice returned Mason’s attention to his son. His brows were definitely scrunched in anger…although, the confusion was still there, too. Mason really wasn’t sure what he had to be confused about at this point. Maybe he just couldn’t accept that almost everyone he knew had spent a good chunk of his life lying to him. Mason could see why that would be confusing.

Kai shook his head. “My dad, Nate? What are you talking about? What does my dad have to do…with anything? And what would he need you to tell me?”

All of the blood drained from Mason’s face. Oh…God. Did he misinterpret Kai’s reason for walking in here? Did he just make the one mistake that all scientists strive to never make? Had he just assumed a piece of knowledge without any proof to back it up? Had he just inadvertently clued Kai into the fact that a “job” was not the real reason he was here? Oh…no.

Shaking his head, Mason tried to redirect the conversation. “I’m sorry, what did you want to talk to me about, Kai?”

His son was no dummy and wasn’t deterred by such a flawed form of diversion. Like any well-trained researcher, once he saw a nugget of what he wanted, he followed that path until he got an answer. It was one of the things Mason respected about him. But now, it was sort of a pain in the ass. “What does my dad have to tell me, that you’re supposed to tell me first?”

Mason sighed and tiredly rubbed his eyes. He could try to convince Kai that it was nothing, that he was exhausted and talking gibberish, but he was certain the boy wouldn’t buy it. Plus…Mason needed this burden off his chest. He hoped Kai didn’t react by running away, but he couldn’t withhold the information in fear of the outcome. He hadn’t gotten as far as he had in life, by fearing outcomes.

Letting his hands fall to his lap, he said in as professional a voice as he could muster, “Just over twenty three years ago, your mother and I fell in love, and carried out an illicit affair behind Nate’s back.” Kai’s eyes widened as he listened, his face shading to a lighter tan than usual. Tightening his stomach in preparation, Mason continued, “While we were together, Leilani became pregnant.” His hands splayed out to indicate Kai. “You are the result of our union,” he whispered.

Kai shot up out of his chair. He tilted his head at Mason, his eyes still wide with fear…or maybe denial. “What are you saying?”

Mason slowly stood from his desk. Walking around it, he said, in a much calmer voice than he ever believed he could, “I’m saying…that I am your biological father, Kai.”

Kai started shaking his head and backing away from Mason. Mason wanted to sigh, but he understood. It was a lot to spring on someone, unprepared. Maybe all three should have sat down together with him. Maybe a united front would have been easier…for Kai.

“No…you’re demented.” He pointed a finger at Mason; it was shaking. “Nate Harper is my father!”

Mason took small steps towards him, palms beseeching. “Not by blood, Kai.” Kai backed up until he hit the door; he was still shaking his head. “I know this is hard to accept. I only recently found out myself. But it’s true, Kai. Genetically, I am your father.”

Pressed flat against the door, like it was the only thing holding him up, Kai whispered, “No…there’s been some mistake…”

Mason smiled as he put a hand on Kai’s shoulder; he flinched away from him. “I thought so too, at first. But Nathan had you tested when you were younger.” Mason shook his head, a sad smile on his lips. “I’m sorry, Kai, but you’re not his, and to the best of my knowledge, that leaves only me.”

Kai opened his mouth to protest, and then shut it. He shifted his gaze to stare at the floor. “When I was younger…” His eyes lifted back up to Mason and moisture was in them. “Is that why they got divorced? He found out the truth?”