Invision (Chronicles of Nick #7)

Yet they were ethereally beautiful. Angelic. And as cold as the Arctic Circle because of a curse Zeus had placed on them aeons ago. All emotions, other than pain, which was a physical response, were banned from them. The only time they could experience any emotion whatsoever was inside human dreams. Because of that, some of them would become addicted to that experience like major drug addicts.

And as bad as that was for the Dream-Hunter, it was far worse on the human or preter they stalked. As with a drug, the Dream-Hunter would crave a deeper high and need to stimulate the dreamer to have more vivid, more horrific, and longer-lasting dreams to the point they’d drive their victims mad and ultimately kill them. Those addicts were deemed Skoti and their brethren who hadn’t been turned into dream-demons were charged with policing them, or else they could all be rounded up again and punished by the gods.

Just as they’d been centuries ago.

“Why didn’t you tell me my brother was a Dream-Hunter?”

“Because he’s not just a Dream-Hunter, Nick. He’s a Kallitechnis.”

He scowled at her. “A what?”

“Madoc can move through anyone’s dreams. He can even time travel through them. He is the leader of their council and has full access and control of their Hall of Mirrors. Now do you fully understand the dangers of allowing him to possess your powers? So long as you live, he can’t do that. But if anything happens to you, he will be given them because the balance must be maintained. If a Sephiroth lives, so must a Malachai. Their life forces are joined together.”

Caleb nodded. “His emotionless curse is what kept him from becoming a Malachai originally. Because he couldn’t feel hatred or jealousy, he couldn’t take Adarian’s powers. But as Kody said, that curse is finally weakening. If you were to die, the powers-that-be would shatter his and he’d emerge full-blown, pissed-off, and ready to rain down his vengeance on us all.”

Xev hung his arm around Nick’s shoulders. “For the record, son, we don’t want that to happen.” He ruffled Nick’s hair. “C’mon, let’s take you home. It’s been a long, hard day for us all. But yours has really sucked.… Get a good night’s sleep and things will look better in the morning.”

“All right.”

Caleb let out an elongated breath. “Thinking I should have bought a bigger house.”

Nick scoffed at his whining. “You’ve got eight bedrooms. What the heck, man?”

He swept his gaze around the others. “Thinking I need a bigger house.”

Nick rolled his eyes.

Caleb paused next to Xev. “Where are you staying?”

As Xev hesitated, Nick didn’t miss the shock and longing in his hazel gaze. “Is that an invitation?”

Caleb stiffened. “I’m not apologizing about my past behavior toward you. But I’m starting to understand and see things a little differently. So it’s an invitation for dialogue.”

Xev softened his features. “I appreciate it. Deeply. But for now, Mr. Fuzzy Boots will remain with He Who Can’t Stay Out of Trouble. I don’t want to leave either Nick or Cherise unguarded.”

“Probably the best call.”

Zavid moved to stand next to Xev. “Do you think your mom would object to a stray dog in her home?”

“Probably, but let’s try, anyway. I can be pretty dang charming when I try. Just check the red eyes or she’s going to be bathing you in holy water.”

Nick grinned at Caleb. “You’re down to only three guests. Better?”

“Only so long as none of them snores.”

Xev let out an evil laugh. “They don’t snore. But remember … lock up the alcohol.”

“Och, now on with you!” Aeron groaned. “You’re a mite cruel bastard. No need in all that, mate.”

Laughing, Nick listened to them grumbling as they vanished to go to Caleb’s.

Zavid changed into his wolf form and shrank it a bit to walk with them back to his house on Bourbon Street.

While they walked, he held Kody’s hand until they reached the stoop of his condo building. “You coming up?”

“Better not make your mother angry. I’ll surrender you to her custody and see you tomorrow at school.”

“Yeah, I’m not looking forward to that.”

“Ah, c’mon. Another day. Another survival.”

Xev and Zavid wandered into the building to give them privacy while Nick kissed Kody goodnight. Honestly, he hated to let her go. There was always a part of him that was terrified that he wouldn’t see her again.

And as he pulled away and nuzzled her cheek, he had the distinct impression that someone was watching him. All the hair on the back of his neck and arms stood up.

Scowling, he turned his head to find Nathan slowing down on the sidewalk as he neared the stoop. His arms were full of bags from the deli on the corner.

“Oh, hey, Nick, right?”


“You live here, too?”

Too? Nick wasn’t sure about that as his stomach tightened in anger. “Maybe.”

Nathan looked as confused as Nick felt. “Um, okay. Well, we just moved into the first floor. 1-C. My mom sent me out to grab sandwiches for everyone since we have yet to find all our kitchen stuff. Or buy any real groceries.”