His Little Red Lily

Three years later, the feelings she had toward the saloon owner were still firmly lodged in her tender heart. She wanted nothing more than to be with him daily, and working for him was the perfect way to do so. It had also been a dream of hers to entertain an audience, so she was stubborn in her determination to get a job at the saloon. If he would only hire her, both of her biggest desires would be fulfilled.

The following day, Lily strode back to town with a determined gait, but her confidence waned as she neared the saloon. She loitered outside for some time before she worked up the courage to venture in. Finally, after rehearsing her words one more time in her head, she lifted her chin, swung the double doors open, one with each hand, and walked in like she owned the place.

Jesse saw her entrance immediately. He left his post behind the bar and motioned for one of his employees to take his place as he walked to Lily. She felt very apprehensive, but she continued walking toward him.

After the few short steps it took them to reach each other, Lily spoke, her words tumbling out quickly. “Jesse, please let me do one song and dance for you. If you don’t like it, I’ll leave and never bother you again.”

He scowled at her. “You don’t listen too well, do you?”

Lily stared pleadingly into his eyes, still hopeful he might say yes.

“Come with me.” He turned and walked toward the back of the saloon.

Lily rushed to follow him, giving him reasons for why he should hire her along the way. “I’m hardworking, honest, and I can serve drinks just as soon as I learn the names for the beers and spirits.”

“Mm hmm,” he said, opening the door to his office. When they both were inside, he closed it firmly.

“So can I do a song and dance for you, Jesse?”

He glared at her before he grabbed an armless wooden chair from behind his desk, planted it in the middle of the room, and sat down, hauling her over his lap as he did. He tossed up her dress’s skirt and petticoat.

“You’ll be doing a song and dance all right. Over my knee.” He planted a flurry of swats on her drawer-clad bottom.

Lily was too stunned to react until he paused the spanking. She gathered some of her wits. “What are you doing, Jesse?” she cried, equal parts embarrassed and outraged. She tried to stand up, but he pinned her against his leg with his left forearm and pushed her forward so that her bottom was even higher in the air. She laid her palms flat on the floor to balance.

Jesse resumed the spanking, lecturing as he did. “I think it’s fairly obvious what I’m doing. You’re going to learn a lesson today, one you won’t soon forget.”

Lily’s mind raced, still not comprehending that this was really happening. She thought it was possible that Jesse would give her a few smacks on the way out the door again, but she didn’t guess that he would take her over his knee. She’d never been spanked before, not like this, but she’d often imagined what it might be like to know someone who cared enough to spank her. She’d even imagined being disciplined by Jesse ever since that day he noticed her by the blacksmith’s shop. Unfortunately, the reality of punishment was much more painful than any of her fantasies.

She heard his stern voice in the midst of her discomfort. “You’re the daughter of a respectable farmer, very far from poverty or a desperate situation. What in tarnation are you thinking, trying to be a saloon girl? The gals here have no options. Most would love to be in your shoes.”

Lily squirmed and tried to roll off his lap. “Ow, ow, ow!” she yelped at the three hard swats that followed her attempt to escape.

“That’s right. Ow. You stay still for your punishment, Lily, and you pay mind to how much this stings. You certainly didn’t pay mind to what I told you yesterday. Instead, you behaved like a stubborn little girl in need of a spanking. Isn’t that right?” Jesse brought his hand down on the lowest part of her bottom again and again.

“I’m not a little girl,” she squeaked, aware of the irony of making that statement while being spanked over a man’s knee. Lily squeezed her eyes shut and tried to suffer the licks without crying, but her tears soon started to flow.

“Women who work here sell their bodies to men, Lily,” he explained. “That’s why I asked yesterday whether you’ve had sex.”

Lily felt dismay, and her silent crying turned to a sob. “I just want to be a singer and dancer. I don’t want to sell my body.”

He paused. “I assumed not, which is why I’m not taking a strap to you. You are, however, going to suffer a darn good walloping to discourage you from seeking employment in a saloon in the future.” Jesse proceeded to bring his hand down with renewed vigor. “And also to discourage you from ignoring orders from someone trying to protect you.”

Amelia Smarts's books