Good Boy (WAGs #1)

“Almost nine.”

That gets her attention. “Crap!” She flies off the bed with a burst of speed that my coach would be proud of. “I have to go!”

“Me too.” I move a bit slower, staggering to my feet. “What do you have going on today? I'm not sure I’ll have time to drop you at the dorms this morning. Practice starts at ten.”

“Don’t worry. I’m fine taking the subway,” she says as she ducks into the master bath. “I have a meeting with my program director at eleven.” Her voice grows muffled as she turns on the faucet. “…come back.”

“What was that?” I bulldoze my way into the bathroom, flip open the toilet lid, and grip Snake Riley in one hand.

“Blake!” she sputters in dismay. “Why are you peeing in front of me!”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s…it’s…” She gives up and turns back to the sink. “Do you have a spare toothbrush?”

“Second drawer.” I finish my business and flush, then walk over to stand next to Jess. His and hers sinks, baby. I laughed at the real estate lady when she raved about that particular feature, but now I’m digging it.

Jess and I brush our teeth side by side. I make silly faces at her in the mirror, and she laughs so hard she spits out a mouthful of toothpaste and it drips down onto her bare tits.

“Gross,” she says with a sigh, then bends over to wash her chest.

I admire the view of those perky puppies swaying over the sink. Then I admire her round ass. And her firm thighs. And her cute feet and bright red toenails. I could get used to this. Waking up next to Jess every morning, doing this whole domestic routine together.

I force myself to quit leering at her. My dick is already semi-hard and getting harder, and we don’t have time for a quickie. “What were you saying before?” I prompt. “About your meeting?”

She rinses her mouth before shutting off the tap. “My final grades come back today,” she confesses, and there’s a deep furrow between her brows. “The director meets with all the first-year students one on one to discuss their first trimester’s grades and performance.”

“You still worried about the pharmacy exam?” I ask sympathetically.

“Pharmacology,” she corrects. “And yes.”

“Don’t. I bet you aced it.”

“I wish I could be as confident as you.”

A smile touches my lips. “That’s your problem, J-Babe. You’re lacking in confidence.” I shift closer and capture her delicate chin with one hand. “Look at that hottie in the mirror,” I order.

Her head tilts toward me. “Blake.”

“Nope, just look.” I force her chin to the side so she has no choice but to look straight on. “See that sexy mama peering back at you? What’s her name?”

“Jess Canning.” Her dry voice tells me she’s humoring me.

“Yup, it’s Jess Canning.” I sweep my thumb over her jaw. “And who’s Jess Canning?”

A groove appears in Mirror-Jess’s forehead. “What do you mean?”

“Who is she, baby?”

“I…” She sounds even more confused.

“You need a hint? Okey-dokey. Repeat after me, okay? I’m Jess Canning.”

“No,” she grumbles.

Mirror-Blake arches his brow.

“Oh, fine. I’m Jess Canning.” But she’s rolling her eyes as she says it.

“I’m going to be the best goddamn nurse on the goddamn planet.”

She hesitates, so I pinch her chin.

“I’m going to be the best goddamn nurse on the goddamn planet.”

“I am strong and confident. Nothing keeps me down. I can achieve whatever I set my mind to. I’m the brightest crayon in the box. The sharpest skate on the ice. I eat weaklings for breakfast and spit ’em out. I am woman, hear me roar—”

Jess doubles over in laughter. It’s the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard. “I’m not saying all that,” she says between giggles.

I fix her with a serious look. “Fine. Just the first part then.”

The amusement in her big brown eyes falters, but then it’s replaced with a gleam of determination. Pride wells up in my chest as Jess crosses her arms and glares at her own reflection.

“I am strong and confident. Nothing keeps me down. I can achieve whatever I set my mind to.”

“That’s my girl.” I smack her perfect ass. “Now get dressed before I bend you over this counter and fuck your brains out. We’ve both got somewhere to be.”

Her eyes meet mine in the mirror, twinkling playfully. “Bend me over and I promise I’ll go boom in two minutes, tops.”

A groan rises in my throat. My cock rises just as fast.

Then it’s on like beer pong, and another surface of the apartment is properly christened.