Fragile Innocence

He shrugs and pushes off the chair, rising to full height. “I needed an excuse to be alone with her after yesterday, so I told her I was coming to see you.” His confession has me shaking my head.

“Starting off with lies isn’t a good idea. Perhaps you should be honest with her. There’s no need for you to be fu*king with her head, especially if she’s so broken.” I admonish him as if he were a child, but I hate when he plays his games with women.

“It’s not her head I’m interested in right now.” He regards me and I wait for him to tell me he’s about to fu*k her and chuck her when he continues, “I want her secrets.”

“What?” Surprise is evident in my tone.

Without meeting my eyes, he’s still focused on the window that overlooks the city below. “I want to see what she holds in her heart, Bennett.”

“You think she’ll want that? To date you, or us?” My question is incredulous and the shock on my face must be evident.

“Yes.” He sounds confident that this woman who’s seemingly fragile is going to want to date two men. “She’s hiding something and I intend to find out what it is. Her trust is non-existent, so I need your help.” He glances at me then.

“You’re the one who handles the first two steps,” I tell him, but I know what he wants. We’ve done this before. Broken a girl down together and helped her heal.

His blue eyes pin me, meeting my green ones with earnest. “She’ll submit to us, allow us in. If she can trust both of us, there’s no telling what we can do. We both need this, Bennett. You know that as much as I do. This time, we need to play it differently.”

It takes a lot for Carter Hamilton to change the rules like this. It’s not in his nature to confess he’s not capable of doing something on his own. He’s every bit a dominant even when he can’t admit it. Or doesn’t want to admit it.

Ella is incredibly beautiful. I know I can easily sway her. She just needs to learn what we are to each other. But, since my best friend needs me, I’m game.

“Fine, I’ll do it.”

* * *

When Carter left, I didn’t see Ella at her desk and I knew she was in the meeting with Alejandro Hernandez. One of London’s poster boys, perfect, straight-laced, and the name on all women’s lips. I’ve known him for about six months, or should I say, known of him. He’s been topping the most eligible bachelor list alongside my best friend for a couple of months now.

“Bennett.” Ella’s sultry voice comes from the doorway.

When I lift my gaze to skim over her body, I find myself hardening for a taste. Carter’s right, I do want her, and I’ve seen her body respond to me. Her eyes are like windows into her mind and right now, it’s as if the sun is shining through them.

Dressed in office attire this woman could walk a fu*king runway, and I imagine her in nothing but some lace knickers and a bra to match and my desire skyrockets.

“How did the meeting with Mr. Hernandez go?” I question. Crooking my fingers, I call her to me. She’s submissive. Her body reeks of it, because at my order, her eyelids flutter and she obeys. Easily, without question, she just does it.

Carter must have noticed. That’s why he’s so adamant to own her. To claim her.

She sighs. “It went well, but…”

I watch as she settles herself in the seat Carter was in earlier.

“He’s being stubborn about signing the purchase agreement. He wants another week to think it over. I did, however, manage to talk him into doing it in three days, but that’s as far as he’d budge.” She’s incredible.

“I’m impressed, Ms. Carmel. That’s something I haven’t been able to do with that man. Tell me”—I lean forward, holding her hostage with one look—“what did you agree to do for him that got him to drop his week to three days?”

“He asked me to put in a good word with Lizzie.” She shrugs then drops her gaze to the floor.

So damn submissive, it’s beautiful.

“And does my receptionist know this?” Tipping my head to the side, I watch her cheeks flush and she nods. I realize she has a nervous tick when she runs her finger over her lips. At the moment, she’s got her thumb swiping back and forth on her plump lower lip and it’s hypnotic.

“I’ve spoken to her, she does like him, but she’s shy to talk to him.” She shrugs, sitting back.

I watch her blouse strain against her br**sts and I’m dying to feel how those amazing tits fit in my hands.

“Okay, I’ve got a proposal for you.” Lifting my mouth into a smirk, I watch her dark brows lift in question. “There’s a charity event tomorrow night. I’d like to take you. Not a date. It’s purely professional. There are people I need to introduce you to, and Carter will be there, so you’ll be able to spend time with him, see him in his element.”

She tips her head to the side and watches me, narrowing her gaze. This is what Hamilton and I agreed to. It’s her first test and I wonder if she’ll pass.

Shaking her head in confusion, she responds, “But I’ve been invited to dinner with Carter tomorrow night.” Her fingers lace through each other. There’s a slight tremble that travels through her.

Rising, I stalk to the other side of my desk. As soon as I near her, the soft scent of orange blossoms assaults my nose. Delicious and sweet.

“Yes, that will be after the dinner. You’ll join him before the event, and me at the event.” It already sounds like the perfect plan to get her into our bed.

“Okay, is this going to be formal?” she questions with a small smile and I nod.

“Yes, it’s black tie. Since it’s a business event I’m inviting you to, I’ll be paying for everything. Since this is quite sudden, with it being tomorrow night, I want you to leave early, take the company credit card, and purchase an outfit, dress, shoes, whatever accessories you’ll need.”

I wanted to take her for lunch, but this is even better. We’ll both play with her tomorrow night until she’s begging for more. I pull my wallet from my pocket and pull out the black credit card. No limit. Her eyes pop open wide as she regards the plastic.

“Thank you, Bennett. I appreciate that.”

When I hand her the card my fingertips brush against her fingers and a small shiver runs through her. It’s slight, but I see it. I’ve been with too many women not to know all those little tells. And this right here is Ella’s when she’s turned on. I know that because her pupils have dilated and her cheeks are flushed.

“I’ll see you later, Ella. I have a meeting downtown and I’ll head straight home after.” She nods and rises, holding on to the card.

“Take care, and”—she glances at me over her shoulder with those alluring pools—“thank you.” With that, she walks out with her hips swaying hypnotically and I’m hard for her.

I need to fu*k her.

I’m hungry and she’ll satiate that pang soon enough.


Dani René's books