Fleeting Moments

I see that they believe that’s how they feel, and they do, they truly do. They just don’t realize their minds have been twisted to believe that.

“You should join in—talk to some of them. They might be able to help. Most of them have come from a difficult place, just like yourself.”

I go to deny instantly, but realize talking to these women is exactly what I came here for, so I nod and stand, feeling nervous.

I edge towards the group of dancing women, and they twirl happily around me, their hair flowing. I rub my bad arm and one of them comes over, stopping in front of me, smiling down. She’s like light. Honestly, she’s one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, all blond hair and blue eyes, pale skin and a flowy white dress. She looks like an angel.

“Welcome.” She smiles. “I’m Faith. What’s your name?”

“Lucy,” I mumble.

“Come, Lucy. Don’t be afraid. Embrace the dance.”

“Ah, okay.”

She takes my good hand and pulls me into the crowd, twirling me around. I do my best to seem as if I’m fitting in, but I’ve never felt so uncomfortable in my life.

After about ten minutes, I excuse myself and sit down again, away from Josh this time. I glance at the men who have young women sitting beside them, some girls looking no older than thirteen. My heart twists, but I keep my face expressionless.

“Hi there.”

I look to my left to see a young girl, maybe seventeen, sitting beside me. She’s got raven hair and blue eyes. She’s gorgeous.

“Hi.” I smile.

“My name is Sarrifina. What’s yours?”


“Welcome, Lucy. I know you’re new.”

I nod.

“Don’t be alarmed. It can seem daunting, but you’ll settle in and learn to love it, too.”

“Do you really love it here?” I ask, genuinely curious so my question doesn’t sound at all suspicious.

“I really do. Josh saved me from an abusive marriage. This life brings me peace.”

How could she have found peace? “So you’re, ah, not married to anyone here?”

She throws her head back and her pretty laugh rings out. “Nobody is married to anyone here. We’re all free to love whomever we want. Love is no crime; it is no sin.”

“Right,” I mumble.

“Are you married, Lucy?”

“No, my husband, ah . . . left me.”

Her face softens. “Then you’re in the right place. God will guide you through. Master Josh will place your hand in his and take you right through the golden gates.”


I keep my countenance light as I process her words. “I was wondering where Hayley is tonight? I’ve met her before and would like to say hello.”

Her face falls. “Hayley is being punished for her sins.”

I blink. “Sins?”


“Is she . . . okay?”

She looks away. “We don’t question punishment.”

I notice from the corner of my eye two men stand and take two young girls with them, disappearing into the tents at the far end of the grounds. I stand and smile down at Sarrifina. “I’m going to use the bathroom. Where might I find one?”

She waves a hand around. “The world is your bathroom.”

Of course it is.

The sooner I get out of here, the better.


I spend a few more hours being distracted by Josh. He must be suspicious, or at least a little wary because he’s kept me by his side, striking up conversation. I’ve had to play along because I don’t want to raise alarm. Finally, he’s taken by a group of males and I manage to slip away. I don’t know if the older men are even with the young girls anymore, but I’m determined to find out.

I slip behind the tents into the dark and take the recorder from out of my panties where it’s been securely tucked. I turn it on and place it in my palm, ready to hit the record button, then I move towards the tents down the back. For a long time, I don’t hear anything, and my heart sinks. What if everyone is way off base, and there’s nothing awful going on here?

Someone comes out of a tent, and I hide behind a tree for cover.


I hold my breath and press myself as close to the trunk as I can, staying as still as possible. A flashlight shines through and goes right past me, then I hear the sounds of footsteps disappearing. I exhale and keep moving towards the tents that seem oddly placed so far away from the main campsite. That could mean exactly what I think it means. Still, I can’t be sure until I get closer.

Bella Jewel's books