Dirty Deeds (An Office Romance #2)

“Get the hell out of my man’s office before I call Security and have you escorted the fuck out of here.” I barked at Scarlett even though Caroline was the one to scurry away first. I watched with caution as Caroline made her way to the door, astonishment and shock filling my veins as Ryan appeared in the doorway stopping her from leaving. Ryan looked between the three of us piecing the puzzle together faster than I expected. I wanted to tell him I was so fucking sorry for walking away from him, but instead decided to make these bitches pay for the pain they had caused me first.

“Scarlett here, was rifling through your desk when I came in. Caroline let her in, I’m assuming since she seemed to be the most concerned with you coming back into the office. I heard her talking to Scarlett before I came into your office.” I narrowed my eyes at Scarlett, as I spoke to Ryan wanting nothing more than to cross the room and slap the face off of her.

“That isn’t true at all. I was simply looking for the paperwork you said you would sign.” Scarlett shot me a dirty look, closing the drawer she had open slowly. Caroline held her hands up as if to say I’m innocent but the fear in her eyes proved just how guilty she was.

“I told you to fucking leave Scarlett. The deal is off. There is no paperwork to sign you, know that and Caroline you’re fucking fired. You knew your time here was limited, when I hired a new Assistant, yet here you are letting the trash, Scarlett, into my office.” Ryan’s lip lifted in a snarl and the beautiful man I knew him to be faded away. In his place stood a very pissed off business man on the verge of kicking someone’s ass.

“Oh please, Ryan.” Scarlett placed her hands on her hips, her eyes throwing daggers at everyone in the room. “I’ve heard enough shit. I want you all out. You’re done here Caroline, and as for you Scarlett, if you ever show your face in this place or anywhere near me or Chloe again, I will end you. Do you fucking understand me?” My body tingled as his voice rose my body reacting to his rage. “This is ludicrous Mr. Nelson.” Caroline squeaked.

“Security. I need security in here.” Ryan hollered out the door ignoring anything Caroline had to say. Heavy footfalls sounded across the office and a moment later two officers appeared in the doorway.

“Take them both out to their cars and make certain neither of them step foot back on this property. Your things will be delivered to your house, Caroline.” Ryan ordered and the officers stepped into action. The first out the door was Caroline, and she didn’t resist or complain, she simply let the officer guide her out.

“You both will pay for this. I will ruin you Ryan.” Scarlet seethed wrenching her arm out of the officers hold. "Is that a threat, Scarlett? Officers, did you hear that?" Ryan stepped up to the plate, his body language, and voice intimidating. Scarlett narrowed her evil green eyes at me, a rage that mirrored my own burned deep inside them.

“Watch your back, Bitch. Oh and I’d watch him too, he’s quite the whore.” She huffed, letting the officer lead her out of the room without any more fighting. I had never felt more relieved in my life. Ryan had helped me take out the garbage and now that I was alone with him once again everything started to fall back into place. Yeah there were things that needed to be said and fixed but being in his presence and knowing all too well that he knew what those ugly woman were up too seemed to be the only reassurance I needed.

Ryan closed the glass door giving us both the privacy we needed. Then he crossed the space that separated us, in a second his lips settling onto mine with so much need I could feel him branding himself into my skin.

Fire as hot as the sun filled my belly, I wanted this man, fuck no, I needed this man. I needed him so that I continue to breathe, he is my life force.

“I’ve missed you...but more than that I’m sorry. So fucking sorry.” He apologized profusely. Of course he was the first to say sorry even though he had done nothing wrong. It was me that had left, but more than that it was Scarlett and Caroline that had tried to rip us apart, and tried to end us.

“Don’t be sorry, just show me how much you love me. Right here. Right now.” I needed him inside me right now, and not a moment later. His lips tipped up in a smile one that promised very dirty, very bad things to be done.

“I’m going to prove my love to you. On the desk. Against the wall. On the sofa, and anywhere else that you’ll allow me to take you.” My heart swelled with love as he wrapped me up in his arms and carried me over to the sofa gently depositing me onto the soft fabric. I stared up at him with understanding and nothing but pure adoration. I could tell just from the look in his eyes that Sadie had been right all along.

He did love me and though the fear of the unknown scared the shit out of me I decided to tell him how I felt anyway. I whispered the three words I never had before and waited for a response.

“I love you.” My voice wobbled and I knew Ryan could tell that I was scared shitless.

“Good, because I love you. I’ve loved you all along, since the moment you walked into this office you owned me. Offering you a job was supposed to be a favor to Cameron but in reality it was a favor to me.”

J.L. Beck's books