Deadly Silence (Blood Brothers #1)

Jory chuckled. “We may hear more furniture breaking soon.”

Matt shrugged. “It’s just furniture.”

Ryker sat back down and swirled his drink in its glass. “First, I have to tell you that Madison said she has genetic material she’s digging up to use in a new lab that’s almost ready.”

The men around him went still.

He winced. “Thought you should know.” They had to stop her.

“We have to take her down,” Matt breathed. “Fast.”

“Yeah,” Ryker said quietly. “Second, right now the kids are our top priority, and I know you agree with me.”

Matt’s brows drew down. “Sure. What’s your point?”

“Madison and Cobb are coming for us as soon as they regroup, and as soon as we catch the serial killer Heath is chasing, I think it’s time we went after them.” Ryker sat back, calculating the odds. “I’m tired of running. Our company, Lost Bastards Investigative Services, finds lost people, and I want to put all of our resources into finding Cobb and ending this once and for all.”

Shane leaned forward from an overstuffed chair, his elbows on his knees. “You can’t do that from Montana?”

“No.” He shook his head. “There’s a chance we’ll be discovered and they’ll track us. You know that. We can’t be located at your ultimate safe house at that time. It’s too dangerous for the kids.” He took a deep breath. “And your women, one of whom is pregnant.” Plus, Denver and Heath still needed to trace their pasts before settling in a safe place. “I’m not saying no forever, but for now, it’s too dangerous.”

“Where will you be?” Jory asked while the other two remained silent.

“Somewhere safely away from Montana.” Ryker finished his drink and stood.

Matt eyed him. “What’s your plan with Zara?”

Ryker took a deep breath. “I’ll let you know.” He turned and headed across the living room toward the master bedroom.

“Good luck, man,” Matt said. “She’s one hell of a woman, jumping into the helicopter to save Greg like she did. He told us the whole story while you were out cold.”

Ryker paused before opening the door. He turned around toward his new family. “I’m glad we found you guys.” Without waiting for a response, he turned and opened the door, shutting it quietly behind himself.

Zara sat cross-legged on the bed, her phone by her side. Her long hair cascaded over her shoulder, and her pretty eyes showed intelligence and a softness he wanted to drown in forever. “What a day, huh?”

He grinned. “That’s the understatement of the century.”

“Yeah.” She lifted her chin toward the phone. “Talked to Brock Hurst. He said he’s my lawyer now and that charges have been dropped against me. Also, he’s in love with a nurse.” She smiled.

“He just met the nurse.”

She shrugged. “Love happens quickly for some people. I told you he was a good guy.”

“Yeah, you did.” Ryker stalked across the room and set a knee on the bed. “I’m sorry you were taken.”

She plucked at a loose thread on the dark bedspread. Her long black hair sat atop her head with tendrils spilling down, looking so damn feminine his chest hurt. Fresh bruises were scattered across her smooth skin but did nothing to detract from her beauty. Sitting there, so soft, she looked nearly fragile. “I wasn’t exactly taken.”

He crossed his arms. “I should throttle you for jumping out of a window and into a helicopter.”

She grinned. “I had the phone, and I couldn’t let them take Greg like that.”

Ryker moved toward her. The woman was never going to take the safe route, but perhaps that worked for him. “My life is dangerous, and it’s going to become more so before I fix everything. I totally understand if you want to take a break and wait for me to do what I have to do.”

She lifted her face. “Which is?”

“Take down Cobb and Dr. Madison.” It was the only solution at this point. If he wanted a normal life, if any of his brothers were ever going to have safe lives, it was time to stop running and hiding. “I thought I could keep going forward, but it’s time to finish with the past.”

“That makes sense,” she murmured.

“But here’s the whole story: I love you, Zara. Every single inch of you. If you stay with me, it’s not gonna be easy, but I’ll keep you safe.” No matter what, he’d protect her, and he’d let all of his love show in the only way he knew how. “Either way, you and I end up together. That’s a vow.”


Zara studied the only man she’d ever love. Strong jaw, muscled body, tumultuous blue-green eyes that showed love. Real love. “If you think I jumped into a helicopter just to go sit quietly in a corner now, you’re crazy.” She smiled. “I love you, Ryker Jones. No matter what we have to do, I’m with you the entire time.”

He stretched over her, flattening her to the bed. “I’m not sure where we’re going next, but we have to leave Cisco.”