Cold Blooded Assassin Book 6: Red Horizon (Nick McCarty Assassin)

“John’s a great guy. That’s Lynn Montoya Dostiene between Harding and Clint. She’s the scariest woman on earth, Ben. Harding’s Monster Squad call her Cruella Deville. They just show videos of her past interrogations to prisoners and they puke and spill their guts. Uncle Johnny and Aunt Cala have been helping her direct and make films for a long time. She’s a famous director now.”

Quinn took a deep breath watching some of the deadliest killers in the world laughing at another killer, his Uncle Johnny, feeding the birds with them flocking around him in a cloud. “Yep. They’ve acquired a huge fortune but never quit doing what they do best.”

“We’re going to do the same thing, huh Kong?”

“With Sis prodding us, I doubt we’ll have a choice. Don’t rule out being a doctor or something else in the medical, engineering, or restaurant business. We do own a restaurant. Your grades are super. You’ll be able to do anything you want. We could use a good medic, although our luck has been holding.”

“Do you really think I could be a doctor?” Benny had come to a dead stop at the rock wall bordering Otter’s Point.

Quinn was surprised at Benny’s question. “Hell yeah. Dad and Mom would send you to Harvard if we can get you in with grades. Dad would probably donate an entire wing to some college to get you in. You excel in biology, chemistry, and all the math courses past analytical geometry and calculus. Keep it going, Ben. The sky’s the limit.”

“Could I still learn to fly our fleet like all of you?”

“Sure. Cala’s a great teacher. Sonny’s the one you want though for flying our jet. If he didn’t love what we do he’d be flying as a commercial pilot. Cala mostly loves the stealth copters we have.”

Benny laughed. “Fillets for Flipper, juice for Jaws.”

Quinn sighed. “Yeah, the Cleaner is a bit graphic when jettisoning our recalcitrant bad guys for the final time. Uh oh… Mom’s giving us the Trailer Trash Momma evil eye. We better get down there.”

“Want me to take the weapon pack?”

“No… I got it. Best give Sammy his freedom. He looks ready to shoot off like a rocket.”

“Shit!” Benny knelt down to take off the unnecessary leash. “Sorry, pal. Go play.”

Sammy streaked at the cringing party of family and friends, sliding to a stop before prancing into their midst for pets and hugs. Sonny, Jean, and Al joined them at the steps. Jean hugged Benny.

“Now that was entertainment. The streaming live scene of the attitude adjustment for that Bart prick was enjoyed immensely. Trashy wanted to buzz kill the beat down to make sure you didn’t get hurt. Dad said, ‘the boy has Kong and Sammy. Calm the hell down’. It was hell-a-funny with everyone watching down here.”

Benny embraced Al with affection. “I’m glad you came with your Dad, Alice. It’s good to see you.”

Al patted his face. “It’s nice to see nothing’s changed down here in Grove-Land. You bunch are more active than my whole FBI department. You’re a junior this year, right Benny?”

“Yep, and I’m in the star program to graduate a year early. Quinn says I could go on to pursue being a doctor.”

“Hell yeah,” Al replied. “Nick and Rachel would be in heaven to see you go through med school.”

“I’ll do it in conjunction with the Marine Corps though,” Benny stated. “I’m going to be a Marine like my brothers and sister.”

“Damn, kid… you don’t have to be a Marine,” Jean said. “The way we’ve been training you, the Marines would be a letdown in the skill department.”

“Sacrilege! Don’t let Mr. Harding’s friend Lucas hear you say that. I hope he visits soon. I want to tell him I’m going to serve my country in the Marines,” Benny stated. “The best surgeons in the world served in support positions where they handled the wounded. Quinn’s right though. I can be a doctor.”

“No doubt about that,” Sonny said. “C’mon. Mom will be over here yanking us along by our ears in another minute.”

Al put an arm around Benny’s shoulders while they stepped carefully in the sand. “That would be wonderful if you could get to be a doctor, Benny. I guess that Bart guy you clocked has been riding you hard, huh?”

“I was working undercover to set up the bust, but yeah, Bart led the pack at school taunting me,” Benny admitted. “I may have let a little too much feeling seep into the payback.”

“No such thing,” Jean stated as they moved amongst the adult group.

Quinn shook hands with John Harding, Clint and Lynn Dostiene, and then faced his Mom. “There was no danger, Ma.”

“Don’t you disrespect Momma, Kong!”

“Bart boy decided to stake out our bust, Ma. Sis sent me to shadow Ben. It turned out great. Ben didn’t have to let Sammy rip apart everyone in Bart’s crew. We’ll keep track of them, right Ben?”

Benny hugged Rachel. “Quinn’s right, Ma. We were fine. Sammy was perfect.”

Rachel’s lips tightened, but she nodded in agreement. “You all did just right. I’m glad we ended that fuckin’ Squiggy.”