Christmas Romance (The Best Christmas Romance of 2016): The Love List Christmas

“Thank you so much for what you did for me and my business today.” She took a seat on the sofa next to him.

“I was happy to do it. I have to admit it was kind of fun. Being with you is always fun. You’ve become this breath of fresh air in my life. I think we really need to talk. though. There are a few things—well, one really big thing—I’ve kept from you, and it might be a deal-breaker. Even more so than not showing up for our Thanksgiving dessert date.”

A heat came over Maisey’s chest and face, similar to the one that nearly caused her to faint earlier during the photo shoot, and she quickly lifted her coffee cup to her lips, and sipped the strong, sugary brew. She wasn’t sure she wanted to hear what he had to say. The words “deal-breaker” were never words any woman wanted to hear in a budding relationship. It had to be The Love List thing. The too coincidental meeting right after she chose his name from the basket at the wine shop.

“Okay, do you want to start with last night?” She hoped to put off the deal-breaker for a few more minutes. Still, maybe it wasn’t so bad. If The Love List thing brought them together, then it was okay—she hoped.

“You know I was at my former in-laws for Thanksgiving dinner.”

She nodded. “I do.”

He visibly inhaled. “Well, they crossed the line yesterday. I mean, I’ve put up with things I didn’t agree with because I know they are still in pain about the loss of their daughter. It’s something they’ll never get over…the loss of a child.”

“I can’t imagine there is anything worse than outliving your child.”

“When I got to their house, it wasn’t just them. They had found me a new wife.”

A bolt of shock ran through her. Did she hear him correctly? She was lucky she wasn’t swallowing coffee at the time, as she likely would have choked. “A new wife?”

“Maybe not a new wife. That’s a bit too strong. Still, that’s what it felt like. It was definitely a fix-up, though.”

“That upset you?” Maisey asked. She knew it was bad of her to hope so, but she liked the guy.

“Of course it upset me!” He blurted. “This wasn’t something they did out of love, it was control. For the longest time, I put up with the phone calls and surprise visits out of duty, but choosing my next mate more than crossed the line.”

“Was the woman that bad?”

“No, she was just in a similar situation as I was three years ago. Her husband died recently, and my in-laws thought that was enough for a perfect match. Not to mention that woman was some friend of a friend or something.” He paused, pressed his lips together, and then continued. “I know this makes me sound like a complete heel, Maisey, but I lost a spouse, I’ve dealt with it the best I can. I can’t deal at this time with another person going through the same thing.”

She skootched closer to him and took his hand into hers. “It doesn’t make you a heel, Sean. It makes you a human. A man with feelings and emotions, and I like that. Very much.”

“Thank you,” he said softly. “Anyway, after the woman left, I finally confronted them, especially my ex mother-in-law. Louise is her name. Before I could even get all the words out, she grabbed her chest and started gasping for air.”

“Oh my,” Maisey remarked. It reeked of a fake heart attack for pity, or to stop an unpleasant conversation in its tracks, but this she kept to herself. If it was true, Louise was a master manipulator.

“So, it progressed into the whole ambulance thing. Come with me, Sean. Then the “talk” from my former father-in-law about how fragile Louise was. The whole guilt trip. Hours and hours in the ER waiting room led to a doctor telling us she was perfectly healthy. I don’t want to say she faked it, but…at the very best, she is suffering from anxiety, which is totally normal for someone who has lost a loved one, and it is up to her to accept help from a professional. I know now that my being around is no longer healthy for them or me. They just need to accept that.”

“I’m sorry about all of that. I can only imagine your dilemma. Not wanting to cut them off and hurt them, but needing to go on with your life.”

“I’m so sorry I didn’t call, Maisey. Time got away from me, and then I just needed to process everything alone. It’s not an excuse, but I can assure you it won’t happen again. I make mistakes for sure, but I never make them twice.”

There was so much sincerity in his voice, in his expression, that she knew he was telling the truth. At that moment, a huge burden seemed to rise from her shoulders. “Okay, Sean. Let’s just put last night behind us, and concentrate on moving forward.”

The sudden look on his face told her that so much more was to come. The deal breaker.

She gave his hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance. “What is it, Sean? You look so sad. Please just tell me the truth. You’ll feel so much better, I promise.”

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