Back in the Game (Champion Valley #2)

He yanked open the door to Stella’s studio and was greeted by the soft strings of a violin. The gentle crescendo of the music matched the fluid motions of Stella as she glided across the floor. She moved like her bones were made of liquid, as though she were born to be in motion.

Brandon leaned against the door frame and watched her. There was something innocent and carefree about her dancing, knowing she was in her own world, not thinking or worrying about anything else. Watching her uninhibited, with all those guards lowered and defenses turned off, made the ache inside his chest grow. How could he have ever thought he couldn’t wait for her? Stella was worth all the time in the world and he’d wait forever if he had to.

Stella came down out of a jump, one where her legs had done the splits in the air and her head thrown back. When she landed, her gaze landed on his. He expected to see surprise. A demand that he get out because he was invading her privacy and personal time. Instead she stood there in the middle of the floor, breath coming fast and short, skin glowing from perspiration.

In a word, she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” he told her.

“Yes, you did,” she replied.

Her cheeks were flushed, matching the rash of heat across her chest that was covered in a fine sheen of sweat. Damn if he didn’t want to give her a good tug until she stumbled against him. Maybe she’d gasp in surprise. But she’d come willingly and let him touch his mouth to hers.

He took a step closer. “Actually, I didn’t.” He scanned her features, committing her beauty to memory and how her blue eyes always darkened when she was around him. “I like watching you. It gives me peace.”

She jabbed her hands on her hips and tilted her head. “What’s wrong?”

Nothing. Everything. “What do you mean?”

She took a step closer, giving him the opportunity to inhale her scent. It was fresh, despite the fact that she’d been dancing. She lifted her arm and touched the spot between his eyes. “Something’s happened.”

Her touch melted his insides and reminded him how much softer she was than him. How much more innocent and sweet. She calmed the turbulence he’d been carrying around since their last encounter. He’d been confused and pissed at himself for screwing up with her. But after laying eyes on her and feeling her gentle touch, his mind cleared.

“I wanted to apologize about yesterday,” he said.

She gnawed on her lower lip, tempting him to back her against the wall. “I was cranky too.”

“Trish wants Matt to come visit her,” he blurted out.

Her lips parted, which only furthered his need to kiss her, if only to force everything else to melt away. “And you should let him,” she replied. Funny how she knew what he was talking about.

“I know, it’s just…” He sighed. “I can’t watch him go through that again.” Brandon shook his head. “I don’t know what I’ll do if he ends up hurt again.”

“You can be there for him,” she said.

“It isn’t enough,” he said more to himself than to her. “I wish I could take it from him.”

She cupped his cheek. “Because you’re a good dad. Matt’s lucky to have you.” Her silky palm felt like a puff of fresh air over his heated skin. “And he’s a strong kid. He’ll survive because you’ve taught him well.”

Brandon’s brow pinched and he took a moment to absorb her petite fingers sliding into his hair. “You have an awful lot of faith in me.”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because you should know better,” he warned her.

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Maybe you should know better.”

“Better than what?”

“Than to be that dumb.”

“Come again?”

She sighed as though exasperated. “You don’t give Matt enough credit.”

“How do you figure that?”

“You try to protect him too much,” she pointed out.

“See, I figured that was kind of part of my job description as the parent,” he argued.

She sighed and spun away from him. “Can’t we ever just have a normal conversation?”

“Apparently not,” he agreed. “Maybe we should get the kissing thing out of the way now so we can go back to taking shots at each other.”

She spun back around to face him as her cheeks flamed red. “Will you stop joking around?”

He rubbed a hand along his rough jaw. “Actually, I was being serious.”

She groaned. “You’re impossible to talk to.”

Brandon gestured toward her. “Yeah, and you’re so Dr. Phil.”

Her brow pinched. “What?”

He turned to leave, more frustrated with himself than her. “Nothing. Forget it.” He should have known better than to try and be around Stella when his head was full of other junk. She clouded his thinking and within two seconds of laying eyes on her refreshing beauty he’d resorted to his old habits. Pushing her away. Making her feel like they weren’t compatible enough to have a simple conversation. She’d tried to comfort him, and he’d lashed out at her.

Just as he reached the door, her hand landed on his forearm. “Don’t leave mad.” He stopped but didn’t face her. “Besides, you forgot the obligatory kissing. An encounter between us can’t end unless we mingle with some heavy breathing and ass grabbing.”

He chuckled, despite the tumult flowing through his veins, courtesy of his ex-wife and a woman he wanted more than anything but didn’t deserve. “Maybe I’m trying to change things up a little. Predictability is boring.”

“Predictability isn’t boring,” she countered. “I thrive on being predictable.”

Well, that was a load of shit. He glanced at her over his shoulder. “Are you saying you want me to breathe heavily on you and grab your ass?”

She attempted a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. Yeah, she was as conflicted and confused as him. “Yes, but maybe in a less Ron-and-Hermione kind of way.”


One side of her mouth kicked up. “From Harry Potter?” she queried, obviously trying to jog his memory. “Completely awkward kissing scene between two people who have no chemistry?”

He turned fully to face her and tilted her face up to his. “You think we have no chemistry, Stella?”

She shook her head as the blush in her cheeks deepened. “No, that’s not what I meant—”

“So you think I breathe heavily and ass grab like an awkward, redheaded teenage wizard?” he questioned as he used one arm to tug her closer and the other slid back into her hair.

Her breath hitched. “So you do know what Harry Potter is.”

He nuzzled her nose and grinned in satisfaction when her breath shuddered. “Anyone who’s raised a kid knows who Harry Potter is.”

Her fingers dug into his forearms. “Matt doesn’t really strike me as a Harry Potter fan. I figured he would have spent all his free time throwing a football around and rolling in mud or something.”

“He went through an awkward phase,” Brandon answered. Then he leaned back slightly and lifted a brow at her. “And rolling in mud? That’s what you think boys spend their time doing?”

She lifted her shoulders and toyed with the buttons on his shirt. “I don’t know. I don’t exactly have a lot of experience with teenage boys.”

Erin Kern's books